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Exercises,The study of _ dose NOT form the core of linguistics. A. syntax B. pragmatics C. morphology D. sociolinguistics,D,If the study of meaning is conducted in the context of language use, a branch of linguistic study called _ comes into being. A. syntax B. semantics C. pragmatics D. morphology,C,Which of the following statements is not the concern of psycholinguistics? A. It aims to answer such questions as how the human mind works when we use language. B. It focuses on the way of processing the information we receive in the course of communication C. It pays more attention to the study of language acquisition in children D. It relates the social norms that determine the type of language to be used in a certain occasion.,D,Which of the following words is the entire arbitrary one? A. crash B. book C. newspaper D. beautiful,B,Which of the following items is not a design feature of human language? A. competence B. arbitrariness C. displacement D. productivity,A,The differences between traditional grammar and modern linguistics are all of the followings EXCEPT_. A. descriptive vs. prescriptive B. spoken vs. written C. non-Latin-based framework vs. Latin-based framework D. competence vs. performance,D,The term _ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages. A. synchronic B. diachronic C. comparative D. historical comparative,B,_ is regarded as the “father of modern linguistics”? A. Chomsky B. Saussure C. Halliday D. Whorf,B,Competence refers to _. A. knowledge of meaning of words and sentences B. the actual realization of the language users knowledge of the rules in utterances C. the ideal language users knowledge of the rules of his language D. what speakers can actually do with language,C,The subject area on the borders of linguistics and literature has become known as _. A. linguistic stylistics B. anthropological linguistics C. neurolinguistics D. mathematical linguistics,A,_ answers such questions as how we as infants acquire our first language. A. psycholinguistics B. applied linguistics C. sociolinguistics D. anthropological linguistics,A,Children can speak before they can read or write shows that _. A. language is basically vocal B. language is arbitrary C. language is used for communication D. language is productive,A,All human languages are organized on two levels: the sound level meaningless, the grammatical level meaningful. This means language has the design feature of _. A. creative B. changeable C. arbitrary D. duality,D,Langue & parole are a pair of important distinctions put forward by _. A. Saussure B. Chomsky C. Lyons D. Halliday,A,_ are two sub-branches of linguistics that study the units at the grammatical level. A. Morphology and semantics B. Morphology and syntax C. Semantics and syntax D. Morphology and phonology,B,
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