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,Unit 3 At a Music lesson,Oxford Primary English 5A,By Juliet,Lang Lang can play the piano.,Yang Liping can dance.,Phelps can swim.,They can skate.,He can ski.,She can play the violin.,She can play the zither.,Look and say 看一看,说一说 What can you do? 你/你们会做什么? I /We can 我/我们会,Communicate with your partners(和你的伙伴交流一下) (大胆地说,用英语去搜集你的同学的信息,相信自己,你是最棒的!) What can you do? I /We can ,Can you sing the song Two tigers?,Yes, we can.,OK. Lets sing it together(一起).,/ /e/,Shall we sing the following lyrics by using the melody of Two tigers?,(我们可以用两只老虎的旋律唱出下面的歌词吗?),What can you do? What can you do? I can sing. I can sing. What can you do? What can you do? I can dance. I can dance.,music room 音乐室,Music lesson 音乐课,have a Music lesson 上一节音乐课,/|e s n/,At a Music lesson 在(一节)音乐课上,Unit 3,Answer the question:,We can sing the song. 唱歌,What can we do at a Music lesson?,/D/,What can you sing? 你们会唱什么歌? We can sing我们会唱,Try to say 说一说,ABC song Two jackets Twotigers Colour song In the classroom How are you Hi, Nancy We can sing and dance,Lets sing first. 让我们先唱这首歌。,In the classroom Whats in the classroom, in the classroom? Theres a TV in the classroom, in the classroom. A TV in the classroom, in the classroom.,Sing the song 唱一唱, We can sing and dance ,learn the song,学习,/:/,/a:/跳舞,listen to the song,听这首歌,listen to me/him/the teacher /the radio,We can sing and dance,/I/,比一比、读一读,lesson 课,listen (to) 听,Listen to the song,We can sing and dance.,follow me,跟着我学,/D/,follow him/the tape /the teacher,We can sing and dance,dance,Lets begin. 让我们开始吧., Lets start.,Learn the new words 学学新单词,/I/ /I/,/a:/,We can sing and dance,dance,Talk about the pictures,Read and answer 读书上第22页课文前言,回答问题 Q1: What time is it now? Q2: Where are the students?,Read and answer 读一读,回答问题 It is two oclock in the afternoon. The students are in the music room. They are having a Music lesson.,Read and answer 读书上第22页课文前言,回答问题: Q1:What time is it now?,It is two oclock in the afternoon.,Read and answer 读书上第22页课文前言,回答问题 Q2: Where are the students?,They are in the music room.,Try to read 读一读 It is two oclock in the afternoon. The students are in the music room. They are having a Music lesson.,Can Ben sing the song In the classroom ? What can Ben do?,Listen to the whole text and try to answer the following questions(听课文录音,尝试回答下面的问题):,Answer the questions 回答问题,He can play the violin.,Can Ben sing the song In the classroom ?,No, he cant., What can Ben do?,They can sing_ and _. They cant sing_.,Try to say 根据课文内容说一说,In the classroom,Colour song,We can sing and dance,What can they sing?,Follow me,please。 请跟我学(读课文),It is two oclock in the afternoon. The students are in the music room. They are having a Music lesson. Mr Green: Boys and girls, can you sing the song We can sing and dance? All: No, we cant.,Follow me,please。 请跟我学(读课文),Mr Green: What can you sing? Gao Shan: We can sing In the classroom. Helen: We can sing Colour song.,Mr Green: Good. Lets sing In the classroom first.,Follow me,please。 请跟我学(读课文),Mr Green: What can you do? Ben: I can play the violin. Mr Green: OK. Lets start. Mr Green: Shall we learn the song We can sing and dance now? All: Yes.,Ben: Sorry, Mr Green. I cant sing.,Follow me,please。 请跟我学(读课文),Mr Green: Now, follow me, please. All: All right. Mr Green: Can you sing it now? All: Yes, we can. Mr Green: Good. Lets sing it together.,Mr Green: Listen to the song, please. All: OK.,Learning methods(学习方法),1.三最法(最快速、最清晰、最大声)地读并模彷多次,锻炼的喉咙肌肉,完美你的发音。 2.一口气训练法(一个句子一口气读完,甚至多个句子一口气读完),训练你的语速。 (摘自李阳疯狂英语),Try to complete 根据课文,完成填空:,Today, it is oclock in the . The students are the room. They having a Music .Their music is Mr Green. He asks the students to sing the song We can sing and .But they . So, he lets them sing In the classroom .Ben cant sing, but he can the .At last(最后), the students learn the song We can sing and dance and sing it .,two,afternoon,in,music,are,lesson,teacher,dance,cant,first,play,violin,together,1. They listen to the song We can sing and dance.,2. They follow the teacher.,3. They sing it together.,How do they learn?他们怎样学的?,Read the whole text together.,Lets review 复习,I /We can,What can you do?,We can sing and dance,learn the song,listen to the song,follow me,Lets begin.,Lets start.,sing it together,have a Music lesson,Homework(家庭作业).,1. Read the text follow the tape (跟录音读课文).,2. Try your best to use English at a Music lesson(尽量在音乐上使用英语).,Goodbye!,
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