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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?The First Period Section A (1a-2d).Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:(1)Key words:banana,hamburger,tomato,ice-cream,salad,strawberry,pear,milk,bread,birthday, dinner,week,food,sure,vegetable,fruit,right,apple,then(2)Key phrases:birthday dinner,next week,think about,how about,what about(3)Important sentences: Do you like salad? No,I dont. Do you like bananas? Yes,I do. Lets think about the food. How about burgers,vegetable salad,and some fruit? What about the fruit?2. Ability aims:Talk about likes and dislikes.3. Emotion aims:Make students interested in all kinds of delicious food.II.Important points:Learn about different foods and spell them.III.Difficult points:Remember some important sentences such as “How about.?”.IV.Teaching processStep 1 Warming up1. Show students a picture of different kinds of food.First,let students say some words that they knew before.Second,teach them some new words.2. Teacher asks one student:Do you like.?Yes,I do./No,I dont.3.Let students practice this dialogue in pairs.Step 2 Work on 1a1. Match the words with the things in the picture.2. Check the answers.3. Game time!(教师用PPT将实物逐个展示出来,同学们快速说出它是什么,第一个说出来的同学得一分)Step 3 Listening Work on 1b.1. Play the recording for students and let them number the pictures.2. Check the answers.Work on 2a,2b.1. Read the words three times by themselves.2. Listen and circle the food they hear.Check the answers.3. Listen again and try to fill in the blanks in 2b.4. Practice the dialogues in pairs. Step 4 PairworkWork on 1c.Practice the conversations with your partner.Choose some pairs to act them out.Work on 2c.Step 5 Role-play the conversationWork on 2d. 1. Let students read the conversation for the first time.Underline some key phrases.2. Talk about the language points.3. Read the conversation again and answer the following questions:(1) What does John like?(2) What fruit does John like?(3) Does John like hamburgers?Language points1. food食品;食物通常情况下作不可数名词。但当表示特定种类的食品时,可作可数名词,其复数形式为foods。sea food海鲜 frozen food冷冻食品2.chicken鸡肉 名词,作不可数名词,意为“鸡肉”;作可数名词意为“鸡;小鸡”。I have chicken for lunch.午餐我吃鸡肉。3.tomato西红柿tomato是可数名词,意为“西红柿”,其复数形式是在词尾加-es。He doesnt like tomatoes or carrots.他不喜欢西红柿和胡萝卜。【拓展】以-o结尾的名词的复数(1) 有生命意义的名词加-es,如heroes(英雄),potatoes(土豆)。(2) 无生命意义的名词加-s,如pianos(钢琴),photos(照片)。4. Do you like bananas?你喜欢香蕉吗?(教材第31页)(1) 我们常用“Do/Does . like .?”句型来询问某人的喜好。肯定回答一般为:Yes,.do/does.,否定回答为:No,. dont/doesnt.。(2)like是及物动词,它的用法有三种:like sb./sth.喜欢某人/某物,动宾结构,宾语是名词或代词。like to do sth.喜欢做某事He likes to swim.他喜欢游泳。like doing sth.喜欢做某事(比like to do sth.程度深)I like learning English.我喜欢学英语。Exercise1、 单项选择。1. Do they like these books? No,they _. A.doesnt B.dont C.do D.arent2. _ these your photos? Yes._ you like _? A.Do;Do;them B.Are;Do;them C.Are;Are;it D.Do;Are;them3. Bob _ oranges,but Bill _ them. A.like;dont like B.like;doesnt like C.likes;doesnt like4. Mary and Gina dont like _. A.bread B.a bread C.breads5. _ he like pens? Yes,he _. A.Is;is B.Does;is C.Does;does D.Is;does2、 句型转换。1.I like salad. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ like salad? 2. Do you like tomatoes?(作肯定回答) _,I _.3. Do you like milk?(作否定回答) _,I _.4. I like hamburgers.(改为否定句) I _ _ hamburgers.5. Its a strawberry.(改为复数句) _ _ strawberries.Homework1. Recite all the new words.2. Make a survey on your family members likes and dislikes about the food.板书设计Unit 6 Do you like bananas?The First Period Section A (1a-2d) Do you like salad? Yes,I do./No,I dont. Lets think about the food. How about burgers,vegetable salad and some fruit? What about the fruit?教学反思:Unit 6 Do you like bananas?The Second Period Section A (Grammar Focus-3c).Teaching aims:1.Knowledge aims:(1)Key words:egg,carrot,rice,chicken,so(2)Key phrases:ask.about,get salad (2)Important sentences: Do you like salad?Yes,I do./No,I dont. Does she/he like tomatoes? Yes,she/he does./No,she/he doesnt. I like oranges. We like rice. He doesnt like vegetables.2.Ability aims:Learn to express “likes” or “dislikes” with “do” or “does” questions.3.Emot
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