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英语中关系代词的省略与不省略(个人整理全)个人总结:其实主要还是在非限制性定语从句, 在定语从句中作主语, 与介词连接的时候 一般先行词不省略, 做补语, 状语 定语从句中做宾语,大部分情况都可以省略, 下方与介词连接的时候注意有两种, 一种与介词连在一起的不能省, 一种介词在后边与动词连接, 关系代词自己放句子最前边的情况下, 关系代词也可省略。一、 英语定语从句中关系词的省略与不省略。1. 关系代词Which, who, whom, that 在定语从句中作宾语时可以省略。E.g.:Here is the man (who/ that/ whom) youve been looking for.以下情况不能省略:(1) 介词whom 与 介词 which 中, whom, which 不能省略。 E.g.:Do you know any shops nearby in which I can buy flowers? E.g.: Thats the headmaster with whom my father was talking just now.注意:当介词放在动词后时,which, whom 就可以省略。E.g.: Who is the man (whom) you talked with just now.(2).在非限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词也不能省略。E.g.: Mr. Green, whom you know, is the tallest in our school.E.g.: The elephant looks like a spear, as anybody can see.(3).在 the sameas , suchas, as.as , the same.that中, as, that, 即使作宾语,也不能省略。E.g.: I have bought the same bicycle as you have( 这里可以理解为省略bought) (指同类用as)The same .as : 与.相同/一样/一致。This is the same book that I read the day before yesterday. (that 指同一个)(4)当由and, but, or 等连词连接两个或两个以上的定语从句修饰一个先行词时, 第一个关系代词可省,但第二、第三个不可省略。E.g.: This is the book (which) I read yesterday and which I find very interesting.二、 当 that 在从句中作补语时可省略。 E.g.: He is not the man (that) he used to be. E.g.: She is all (that) a teacher should be.三在there be 结构中出现定语从句,或 在定语从句中出现there be 时, 用作主语的关系代词也可省略。E.g.: There is a man downstairs ( who) wants to see you.E.g.: This is the best dictionary (that) there is in the library.四、状语的省略。(1)当先行词是reason, 而且定语从句在句中作原因状语时, 关系代词可用 why , that,也可以省略。E.g.: the reason (why/that) he failed,.(2) 当先行词是way, 且后边的定语从句再句中作方式状语时, 关系代词可用 in which/ that, 也可省略。E.g.: The way ( in which/that) these comrades look at problems is wrong.E.g.: That was the way (in which/that) she worked the problem out.注意:当关系代词在定语从句中作主语时, 不省略。E.g.: I dont know the way that/which leads to the top of the mountains.(3) 当先行词时time时, 关系代词可用when/that/ 或省略E.g.: The second time (that) I saw him was in 1980.E.g.: I dont know the exact time (when/that) the sports meet.
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