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Unit 5 Lets celebrate! Reading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know some information about Halloween;2. develop the ability of reading comprehension.II. Teaching contents1. New words and expressions: USA, paint, inside, knock, shout, if, treat, special, mask, pumpkin lantern, tell about, in the USA, have lots of fun, dress up, wear masks, play a game with, knock on, play a trick on, on the evening of October 31, like best2. New structures: Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.If they do not give us a treat, we play a trick on them.I like Halloween best.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Understand the basic words and expressions about Halloween;2. Get the main information with different reading skills.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inT: What festival do you like best? Why? How do you celebrate it? 【设计意图:通过谈论最喜欢的节日来巩固已有知识,同时帮助学生快速进入英语语境。】Step 2 Presentation1. New words.T: Lets watch a video. Whats the festival? (Halloween.)What do you know about Halloween? Lets enjoy some pictures and read the new words.T: Let me check if you have a good memory. Please close your eyes and spell the new words. 【设计意图:结合图片讲解生词,让学生闭上眼睛背单词,强化短时记忆。】2. Fast reading.Here is a letter from Wendy to Millie. Please read it quickly and answer two questions.(1) When is Halloween?(2) What game do they play on Halloween?【设计意图:培养学生集中注意力,快速阅读文章的能力。】3. Further reading.T: Read the letter again and write down the main ideas in front of each paragraph.(1) Read the first paragraph and complete the form. (2) Read Paragraph 2 and answer questions. a. When is Halloween? b. Who has lots of fun on that day? c. How do people celebrate Halloween?(3) Read Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks.Read this paragraph again. Work in groups and take turns to retell the game “trick or treat”. You can use the information on the screen to help you. (4) Read Paragraph 4 and fill in the blanks.4. Read and finish the exercises.(1) Read through the letter and complete Millies notes on Page 59.(2) Read the letter and finish Part B2 on Page 59. (3) Read the letter and finish Part B4 on Page 60. Then work in pairs and act the dialogue out.【设计意图:通过不同形式的活动,训练学生的阅读技能,帮助学生提高阅读能力。在熟悉课文的同时,也可为接下来的语言输出做铺垫。】Step 4 Production Work in groups of four. Talk about your favourite festival. You can use the following expressions to help you.1. My favourite festival is 2. Its on/in 3. We usually eat 4. We can get some presents/have a party 【设计意图:通过课本练习,引导学生过渡至谈论自己喜欢的节日。用小组合作学习的方式,让学生以互助的方式解决难点,培养学生与人合作的能力。】V. Homework1. Read the letter and retell it with your own words;2. Write about your favourite festival.【教学反思】
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