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Module 12 Western musicUnit 1 Its so beautiful!主备人:杨丽红 审核人:徐海英 梁结彩班别:_ 姓名:_ 家长签名:_一、学习目标:1.词汇:lively modern noisy pop rock sound violin Western hmm through by both voice drum opera believe 2.短语:western music go through pop music listen to a fan of much too 3.句型:Its so beautiful! Do you like traditional Western music or pop music?4.语法:感叹句和选择疑问句二、学习重点:能够读懂简单的描写音乐的短文,掌握短文通篇大意,并学习使用上下 文猜测词义的学习方法。3、 学习难点:能听懂谈论音乐的简单对话,能判断描述的事实。 能用感叹句表达自己的感受。学法指导 课前熟读单词和句子完成自主检测,或与小组成员合作完成。对未能解答的做上标记,完成后交小组长检查登记打等级。课堂上,随老师的引导,完成听说读训练,同时纠正自主检测的内容。师生总结让学生知道本节课要学习掌握的内容,然后完成检测反馈练习再巩固本节课的内容,上交练习或当堂检查。知识链接 1. What do/doesthink about/of? =How do/does like? 用来询问某人对某事的看法2. 感叹句的主要句型有: What+ /an +形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!What an interesting movie it is!What +形容词+复数名词或不可数名词+主语+谓语!What clever students they are! How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语!How beautiful the flowers are!自主预习预习P72-73内容,翻译下列短语或句子。1.的首都 _ 2.太快了 _3.通过 _ 4.现代音乐 _5.太吵了 _ 6.绝妙的嗓音 _7. Do you know_ _him, Tony? (托尼,你知道有关他的事情吗?)8. Do you like traditional _ _or _ _? (你喜欢传统的西方音乐还是流行音乐?)9. It _ _ beautiful! (太美了)10. Im a _ _ rock music, listen_ this.(我是摇滚乐的粉丝,听这个)完成优化训练P86“自主预习”部分。 组长签名:_ 导学过程来源:学优高考网gkstkI. 听说练习准备:( Activity 1) 听后用数字标出来。II. 听力策略培养:(Activity 2)1. 听录音,回答课文的4道题目;2. 说一说:哪一种音乐是他们最喜欢的。. 听读对话:(Activity 3)1. 听第一遍录音,选词填空。 Strauss was not _, he was _.(Austrian, German, Vienna) Vienna is the capital of _. (German, Austria, Norway) Lingling listens to _ music. (jazz, classical, pop)2. 听第二遍录音,判断P73句子的正误。3. 听第三遍录音,完成活动4后的表格。4. 再听一遍,并跟读录音。5. 用正确的时态填空。(Activity 5)6. 听后巩固:学习语言点。达标检测一、选择正确的答案(必做题):( ) 1. Our neighbours are so kind that they often give us a _ when we are in trouble. Ahead B. heart C. hand D. foot( ) 2 . Here is a present for you, Jack. Wow! It looks_ nice.A. truly B. nearly C. really D. Hardly( ) 3. Your book is very interesting. Where did you buy_? I want to buy _, too.A. one,one B. it,it C. it,one D. one,it( ) 4.Have you heard the song Beautiful Sunday? Yes, it _ nice.Asounds B. hears C .listens D. looks( ) 5. It is good _ your health to do more exercise. A. with B. at C. of D. for二、用适当的词完成下列句子。(必做题)来源:gkstk.Com 1. Is the music _ Mozart? Sorry, I dont know. 2. The ten-year-old girl is a fan _ Beijing opera. 3. I like light music. What _ you? 4. Listen _ the music! Thats great! Oh, I dont think so. 5. The river goes _ our town. 三、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(选做题) 1. 不要开车太快!危险! Dont drive _ _ fast! Its dangerous! 2. 多么活泼的一个女孩! _ _ _ girl she is! 3. 凯特对中国知之甚少。 Kate knows _ _ China. 4. 不要喊了!让我们清静一会儿吧! Dont shout! _ _ _ _! 完成优化训练P87-88.课堂小结:自主反思:Module 12 Western musicUnit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music. 主备人:杨丽红 审核人:徐海英 梁结彩班别:_ 姓名:_ 家长签名:_一、学习目标:1.词汇:musician centre (=center) century European composer elder waltz poor perfect piece classical another dance music sad2. 短语:a beautiful old city European classical a lot of study and work not onlybut also 3. 句型:Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of Europe. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. Before he was six,he played not only the piano but also the violin.His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities.二、学习重点:能够读懂有关音乐以及人物介绍的文章,掌握其细节内容。三、学习难点:能根据提供的材料和信息对人物进行介绍。学法指导 课前熟读单词和句子完成自主检测,或与小组成员合作完成。对未能解答的 做上标记,完成后交小组长检查登记打等级。课堂上,随老师的引导,完成听 说读训练,同时纠正自主检测的内容。师生总结让学生知道本节课要学习掌握 的内容,然后完成检测反馈练习再巩固本节课的内容,上交练习或当堂检查。知识链接 1. 感叹词(以及副词、形容词)表示的感叹句:Oh! Well! Why! Excellent!2. 短语表示的感叹句:Dear me! Great heavens!3. How用于感叹句的几种句型:4. What 用于感叹句的几种句型:5. such用于感叹句的句型:6. HereThere开头的感叹句:自主预习一、阅读短文,翻译下列短语或句子:1.首都城市 _ 2.很多音乐家 _3.全欧洲 _ 4. 一位重要的作曲家 _5.带某人周游欧洲_ 6.一位伟大的音乐家_6.Vienna is a _ _city on the _Danube _ the _ of _
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