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一、教学目标 掌握句子的不同成分。二、教学重难点 (2) 对句子不同成分的辨别。(3) 一些重要的短语的使用。 三、学习与交流 1. Write a sentence on the board. Ask students to shorten the above sentence to give the main idea of it. Explain to students that a sentence can be divided into different parts. 2. Tell students that each sentence part has its own name. Ask seven students each to read one definition and the sample sentences that follow. Encourage them to ask questions if they are not sure of the meaning.3. Explain to students that the basic parts of a sentence are the subject and the predicate. To make a sentence richer in meaning, we can add predicative, objects, attributives and adverbials to the sentence with additional information.4. Ask students to complete Part C1 on page 12 using the table on page 11 as a guide.5. Ask eight students to each read out one sentence and the answer they choose. Check for mistakes and mispronunciation.6. Ask each student to find a sentence from any English book, magazine or newspaper. Then ask them to identify the different parts of the sentence.7. Ask students to complete the sentences in Part C2 on page 13 and choose the correct sentence element in brackets. For stronger classes, ask students to add more elements to each of the sentences. For weaker classes, allow students to work in pair.8. Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers. Ask them to read the whole sentence, not just the words they have written.四、精讲点拨1. lend sb. sth.= lend sth. to sb. 将某物借给某人 Can you lend me that book for a few days? = Can you lend that book to me for a few days? 你能把那本书借给我几天吗?2. show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb. 将某物展示给某人看 He showed me his new radio. = He showed his new radio to me. 他给我看他的新收音机。3. have a headache/toothache/stomachache 头痛/牙痛/胃痛4. the first cloned sheep 第一只克隆羊 a polluted river 一条被污染的河流a protected panda 一只被保护的熊猫5. be awake 醒着的 be asleep 睡着的 He was still awake at 12 oclock last night. 昨天夜里12点他仍然是醒着的。 6. have sth. done 使某事被做 Peter has had his bike repaired . Peter已经让人修理了他的自行车。 have/make/let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 The boss made the workers work for more that 10 hours a day. 老板让工人们一天干活10多个小时。 7. find sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事 Amy has just found a wallet lying on the ground. Amy 刚刚发现有个钱包在地上。 五、达标检测 I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 . 单项选择( ) 1.He is _ buy gifts _ his friends.A. generous enough to; for B. enough generous to; of C. foolish enough to; to D. generous enough to; to( )2. Kate can draw beautifully but she never shows off. She is very . A. curious B. patient C. practical D. modest( )3. Amy thinks English interesting. (Choose the correct sentence element)A. predicative B. direct object C. object complement D. subject( ) 4. My watch doesnt work. I must have it _. A. repair B. repairedC. to repairD. repairing ( ) 5. Which of the following can be used as the subject? A. make a speech B. making a speech C. makes a speech D. made a speech( ) 6. It is _ Jack to make so many mistakes in the exam. A. careless of B. careful of C. careless for D. careful for( )7. Our English teacher often makes us _ and gives us a lot of _. A. laugh, fun B. laughing, funs C. to laugh, fun D. laugh , funs( ) 8. Do you have _ more CDs than your cousin? A. much B. many C. lots D. little ( )9. Its _ for us _ polite in class . A interesting, to become B important ,to C good, to D necessary , to be( )10. Teachers often ask us _make any noise in class . A. to try not to B. not try to not C. not to try to D. try not to. 翻译 1. 他很有耐心地听老人讲话。 He is _ listen to the old man.2. 对于她看完这本书是不可能的.Its _for her_ the book.3Sandy 已经打半个小时电话了。Sandy _for half an hour.4. 艾迪太自私了,一个人把整个蛋糕都吃了。It is _ Eddie _ the whole cake.
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