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初中英语导学案(8A Unit 4 Wild animals)课题Reading (I)课型新授执教时间主备人吴文峰审核人来源:学优中考网李海燕复备人来源:xYzKw.Com学习目标1.知识目标:1)学会和运用本课时的四会单词。 2)学会理解并掌握描述熊猫外貌特性、它们所面临的危险以及采取保护措施的词组和句型。 2.技能目标:1)学会根据上下文猜测词汇在文中的含义。2)通过阅读学会了解名叫“希望”的大熊猫的成长过程、面临的危险以及采取的保护措施。 3.情感目标:通过了解大熊猫的信息,我们意识到要善待大熊猫,它们是我们的朋 友,我们应该尽力保护它们学习重点理解文章的大意,掌握语言知识学习难点运用重点句型去描述大熊猫的生活学法指导学会运用略读和精读相结合的方法去学习课文订正、笔记栏学习过程【预习指导与检测】一、预习导航(背景知识介绍)本课时学习阅读一篇介绍大熊猫的早期生活情况的文章 第一部分介绍大熊猫幼仔的成长过程第二部分介绍大熊猫生存过程中可能遇到的困难来源:学优中考网xYzKw第三部分谈大熊猫保护措施二、预习成果(一)认真阅读课文,相信你能把下列短语译成英语:1.不再 _6.把某物拿走 _2.刚开始时_7.重只有100克 _ _3.竹叶竹笋_8.将来 _ _4.在野外生存_9.照料好她自己 _ _5.没地方可住_10.采取以下行动_ _ _ 11.杀熊猫获取它们的皮毛 _ _ _12.首次看见幼熊猫 _ _ _13.把小宝宝单单独留下_ _14.成长为健康的年轻人_ _ _15.每天长达10小时 _ _(二)用所给词的适当形式填空:1.A baby panda is only 100 _ (克) at birth, do you know?2.Giant pandas love to eat _(竹子) _(竹笋) and leaves.订正、笔记栏3._(杀死) the birds is not right.4.Some _(猎人) kill pandas for their _(皮毛)5.Maybe someday these animals will be _(无处) to be found.6.Can you answer the _(以下的) questions?7.Doing eye exercise is good for _(保护) our eyes.8.They are building more _(保护区) for wild animals.9.Its our turn to take some _(行动) to help the animals.10.His parents often _(鼓励) him to be more active in everything.11.A bear has long and _(厚的) hair on its body.12.I had a call just now. After that , I _(继续) to eat my lunch.13.A reserve is a _(特别的) areas for wild animals.14._(令人难过的是), farmers cut down trees and _(森林).(三)同学们,在完成上面练习以后请你思考下列问题:1. weigh (v.) weight (n.)(1) Eddie _ 500 grams when he was born. What a heavy baby dog!(2) The _ of Eddie is 40 kilograms now. How heavy he is!2. begin (v.) beginning (n.)(1)When she was five years old, she _ (begin) to study English.(2)At the _ (begin) of the 21st century, many young people liked wearing jeans.3.继续做某事表示方式 (四)预习质疑: 【课堂导学与互动】任务一:听课文录音一次任务二:阅读课文1-3段The growth of Xi Wang,完成p61 Part C 任务三:阅读课文4-6段Giant pandas problems,完成下列空格1、 catch them for their 2、 cut down forests and the pandas have to live.3、People take baby pandas if they are left alone.任务四:阅读课文7-8段How to protect giant pandas,完成p62 Part D 任务五:讨论How to protect wild animals【总结提升】1、 你是如何掌握本课的学习内容的? 2、 方法点拨 订正、笔记栏【当堂反馈】(一)、根据课文内容填空The baby panda _ (call) Xi Wang looked like a white _ (mice) when she was 10 days old. She was just 100 _(gram) at _ (birthday). At six months, she began _(eat) bamboo shoots and _(leaf). When she was 8 months old, she _ (grow) into a _ (health) lovely panda.来源:学优中考网xYzkw_(sad), now it is very _(danger) for giant pandas _(survive) in the wild. Many _(hunt) like killing them for _(they) fur. And these animals _(have) nowhere to live if people cut down all the trees and forests. Our pandas are in _(endangered). So we must do something to protect them. Lets _(do) something together to help pandas to build a beautiful home.(二)、选择题来源:学优中考网( ) 1. His parents went there with a friend of _. A. them B. theirs C. they D. themselves( ) 2. How _ we are at the _ news! A. excited; excited B. exciting; exciting C. excited; exciting D. exciting; excited( ) 3. _ only live in China. A. Tigers B. Squirrels C. Giant pandas D. Kangaroos( ) 4. The old man is sure of living _ one hundred years old. A. on B. at C. up to D. up( ) 5. People should make giant panda reserves bigger _. A. protect them B. to protect them C. hunt them easily D. to kill them easily( ) 6. My teddy bear is red, so this blue one must be _. A. else someones B. someone elses C. other ones D. some others( ) 7. There are _ giant pandas in Africa. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( ) 8. Youd better _ the wild a
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