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Unit 7 ShoppingTaskI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. describe a shopping mall;2. understand how to write a piece of writing: sentence structure, paragraphing and linking sentences;3. write a guide to a shopping mall.II. Teaching contents1. New words and expressions: note, bus stop, restaurant, top, five floors of shops, top floor, watch films2. New structures: There are foods from different areas. The mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyWrite an article about a shopping mall.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inT: Look at the picture. What kind of shop is it? What can we do in it? Can you find all these shops in one place? Where is it?【设计意图:结合图片复习各类商店以及在各个地方可以做什么事情,为写作文积累语言知识。同时引出大型购物中心(shopping mall)的概念,为下面教学做铺垫。】Step 2 Presentation1. T: Today well read an article about Sunshine Shopping mall. Lets first read Millies notes on Page 90. Here are some questions for you. Please ask and answer them in pairs according to the notes.(1) Where is the shopping mall?(2) How many floors of shops are there?(3) Where are the restaurants?(4) Which place is Millies favourite?(5) Can people buy any books in the mall?(6) Can people buy clothes there?(7) What food can people eat there?Ask some students to answer the questions.2. T: Now lets help Millie complete her article. You can use the information in Part A.3. Check the answers together.4. Ask students to read the article together and think about the question. What does Millie tell us about Sunshine Shopping Mall?5. T: From Millies article, we know how to write a guide. Now please tell me how to organize the information? How many parts are there in the article? What is each part about?Paragraph 1: Name of the shopping mall Location (How to get there)Paragraph 2: How many floors The kinds of shops Things in the shopsParagraph 3: The reason you like it【设计意图:以两人问答的形式熟悉Millies notes,在此基础上完成Millie的文章,并通过该文章帮助学生了解如何写关于购物中心的文章,包括句式结构和段落布局。】Step 3 Production 1. T: Now, look at the picture. What shopping mall is it? Yes, its Wanda Shopping Mall. Its easy to get there. Look at the sign. Is the shopping mall near ? So, how can you get to Wanda Shopping Mall?2. T: Whats in Wanda Shopping Mall? The shopping guide can help you know more about the mall. Please work in groups of four and talk about the guide. Dont forget to make notes like Millie. Remember its good to make notes before writing your article. You can use these questions to help you make notes.3. Ask students to discuss their notes with their group members.4. T: Do you like shopping malls like Wanda? Why? Ask students to talk about the reasons with their group members.5. T: Now please write an email to Millie to tell her about Wanda Shopping Mall. Then, share your email with your group members. The beginning is given. Dont forget to put your article into three parts. When you are writing, pay attention to your handwriting and try to make as few mistakes as you can. Of course, you can have your own exciting ideas about the mall.6. Show some of the emails in front of the whole class.【设计意图:小组谈论万达购物中心,引导学生模仿Millie做笔记,为下面写电子邮件积累资料。给学生充分的时间写邮件,然后让学生互评,展示自己作品的同时,学习别人的优秀之处。让学生小组合作,可增进友谊,培养情感。】V. HomeworkDesign your dream shopping mall and then write a guide to it. 【教学反思】
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