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【学习目标】1. To learn some useful expressions in case of the emergency call.2. To train the ability of getting details from the tape and use the information to finish the report form.3. To retell the accident with the information on the accident report call.【重点难点】Words: condition cover caller arrival serious victim mobile phonePhrases: weather conditions cover the whole road Time of arrival get worse Crash into catch fire Send the victim to Sentences: She is as slim as I am.She is also helpful and is ready to help people any time. Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world when she grows up.He has poor eyesight because of working on the computer too much at night.His legs are very long and they do not fit under the school desks.She is kind and never says a bad word about anyone.【预习指导】1变得更糟糕_ 2一场大雪_3交通事故_ 4看报纸_5着火_ 6伤了他的腿_7一场大风暴_ 8 感到害怕_ 【学习过程】Step 1 Warm-upT: Whats the weather like today? How can I know the weather a day earlier? (report)T: Through the weather report we can know the weather conditions. How many kinds of weather do you know? (windy, cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowy) And which do you think is the most interesting one? Why ? Show them the picture Step 2 PresentationShow a picture about a car accident to the students. T: What can you see in the picture? (crash into). If there are some people in the car, they may hurt. So we call them “victims”. And we have to send them to the hospital, we can call what number?Teach the students some useful phone numbers.Present a picture.T: what information can you get from the picture? (a snowstorm, crash into a tree, trapped in the car, 2 people)T: they are Mr Su and Mrs Su, look at part A2 and fill in the blanks as many as you can. Then listen to the tape and try to complete the accident report form.Step 3 Practice1: listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Play the tape again and then check the answers.2. listen for the third time and solve some problems that the students have. 3. T: suppose that you are an reporter and now you are interviewing the couple, work with your partner and try to make a dialogue. Here are some questions:4. Finish part A3. check the answers.5. retell the accident according to some hints.Step 4 Presentation1. T:Sandy told her e-friend about the snowstorm in her e-mail. Vivien also told her about a natural disaster in her school. Lets listen to the conversation and find out what disaster it was.2. Play the tape and try to answer these questions:Step 5 Homework【教学后记】 unit6 natural disasters(第7课时)当堂检测integrated skills主备人:周燕 2011年12月5日一、写出下列词语1变得更糟糕_ 2一场大雪_3交通事故_ 4看报纸_5着火_ 6伤了他的腿_7一场大风暴_ 8感到害怕_二、单项选择( ) 1. There was a football match last night._ people went to watch it. A. Thousand B. Three thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of( ) 2. Our teacher told Simon _ forget _ the door. A. not to lockB. not to to lock C. not lockingD. not to locking ( ) 3. The young man is _ to carry the heavy box. A. enough strong B. strong enough C. too strong D. so strong ( ) 4. The little girl is too frightened _ a word. A. saying B. to say C. not to say D. say( ) 5. The ticket is on the floor._, please. A Pick up it B .Look it up C. Put on it D. Pick it up( ) 6. Last summer, we went to Mount Tai. It is really high _ beautiful. A. and B. or C. so D. but( ) 7. Max is good at _ jokes. He has a good sense of humor. A. tell B. tells C. telling D. to tell( ) 8. We have got everything ready. So we need _. A. something else B. else something C. nothing else D. else nothing( ) 9. I told myself to stay _. A. wake up B. wake C. awake D. woke( ) 10. The doctor warned him _. A. not smoke B. not to smoke C. dont smoke D. should not smoke三、改错_ 1. Unluckily, she was hurt her arm._ 2. Because the heavy snow, they arrived here a little late yesterday._ 3. Miss Zhou told me that they reached at ten oclock._ 4. When the earthquake happened, people ran wild._ 5. I think it is possible finish the work on time.四、完成句子1整条路上都是雪。
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