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汤山中学七年级下英语导学案主备人:卢建华 复备人: 备课时间:2013-03-11章、节Unit3教学内容Reading 2第 3 课时课型New 学习目标重点难点同上导学过程教师复备(学生笔记)【自主学习】一, 用所给词的正确形式填空1. There is _ (little) rain in that area than in our hometown.2. There are at _ (little) 1200 students in our school.3. There are lots of _ (shop) in the supermarket4. Its only 40 _ (minute) walk from here to the center ofthe city.5. There are five teaching _ (build0 in our school.6. We can try the pizza in the _ (west) restaurant.7. Tom lives on the _ (nine) floor and Mary lives on the _ (twelve) floor.8. Who teaches _ (he) English this term?9. Id like to buy a pair of _ (comfort) boots.【合作交流】二,动词填空1. There are some birds _ (sing) in the trees now.2. We look forward to _ (visit) the Great Wall.3. Would you like _ (live) in that town?4. Simon can _ (go) _ (jog) in the park.5. Most people enjoy _ (live) in that building.6. You have to _ (finish) your homework before _(go) to bed.7. He with his parents often _ (fly) kites in the park.8. Everyone in the town _ (know) him very well.9. Look. One of the women _ (wear) a pair of glasses.10. It takes 40 minutes _ (walk) from here to Nanjing.教师复备(学生笔记)完成句子1. 你是否喜欢生活在一个安静的城镇?Would you like _?从北京市中心乘地铁只要40分钟。 It is only 40 minutes from_ _. 假如你不喜欢中国食物,另有许多西餐厅。 If you _,there are lots of _ _too. 睡觉前我得读英语。 I _ read English before _ to bed. 欢迎来到阳光镇,我们期待尽快见到你们。 _ _ Sunshine town. We are _ _ _ _ you soon. 阳光购物中心的大部分东西价格不贵。 The _ of most things at Sunshine shopping Mall isnt very _.板书设计:师生反思 上课时间: 年 月 日
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