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课题:7A Unit 1 Reading(2)主备:李迅红 课型:新授 编号:Unit 1(3)班级 姓名 备课组长 教师“个备”或学生笔记栏【学习目标】1,熟悉阳光中学的几名学生,能用自己的语言复述;来源:gkstk.Com2,掌握相关语句和知识点;3,能用所学知识完成练习。教学重点: 理解课文和文中的一些词组、句子,复述或背诵课文。教学难点: be from/come from . Lets . Her hair is long. like/love.【课前预习】1. We are in the same g_, but not in the same class.2. My c_ and I often go home after school.3. Miss Li is my teacher and I am her s_.4. All the girls wants to be s_, they dont like to be fat.5. He buys many books, and he likes r_.【学习过程】Step1: Revision. I、回忆课所学内容,判断正误,正确的填T,错误的填F; 1. Millie has long hair . ( ) 2. Millie is 11 years old. ( ) 3. Daniel often plays football after school . ( ) 4. Sandys hair is long. ( )5. Daniel does well in Maths. ( )II、回忆课所学内容,回答下列问题。 1 . How old is Millie? 2. What does Simon like? 3. Is Sandy tall and slim? 4. Does Daniel come from Nanjing? 5. Millie likes reading, right ?III、英汉互译 1. 喜爱阅读 2. 喜欢音乐 3. 12岁 4. have short hair 5. play football after school Step2: consolidationNow we have some important phrases to revise. Do you know how to use them?e,g be good at =do well in wear glasses be from=come fromStep3: PractiseFill in the blanks with the correct form of the words.(1) She likes _(read) books on Sundays.Step4: PractiseNow please turn these sentences into English. Pay attention to the language points we have learnt.Millie喜欢照看Eddie. .Step5: Revise1. 完成Page 10, C:Now turn to page 10. Lets complete the exercise in Part C. Write something about yourself.2. Now its time for us to retell the story. Please look at the blackboard and use the phrases on the blackboard to say something about each of our new friends.3. Good/ wonderful!4. Now its time for you to introduce yourselves. Please work in groups and help each other. Now lets start. Please volunteer to come to the gront and tell the class about yourself.来源:gkstk.Com5. Choose some students to act out.Some grammar points:1. sport的用法(1)体育运动的总称(不可数)eg:Im not good at sport.来源:学优高考网 I have 2 hours for sport every day.来源:学优高考网(2)具体的某一项体育的活动(可数) eg:swimming is a good sport.(3)词组:做运动,进行体育活动| Have / do/ play sport(4)sports (adj) 运动的+名词 eg: sports shoes a sports T-shirt a sports meeting a piece of sports news2 Who (wear) glasses in your family? My father (do).3. 你全家都好吗? your family all well?我的家庭是个大家庭。 My family _ a big one.【当堂训练】一、用所给单词的正确形式填空.1. “ I “ _(be) a letter. I _(be) good at running.2. _(be) your parents teachers?来源:学优高考网3._(she) name is Lily.*4. Look! What _ Mr Li and his students _(do) over there? Listen! Miss Gao with her friends _(sing) in the next room.5. How _(be) Mr. Li and Mrs Li?*6. Our classroom _(be) on the 1st floor, _(they) _(be) on the 2nd floor. My parents _(be) workers. _(he) _(be) doctors.二、单项选择( )1. -_? - Im Tom.A. Are you Tom B. How are you C. Whats your name D. Good morning!( )2. -You re Millie, right?- _.A. Yes, Im not B. Yes. Im C. Yes, I am D. No, Im( )3. -How _ you ?- I _ fine.A. is/am B. are/am C. am/am D. B and C( )4. 下列说法正确的是_.A. Im fine. B. Whats you name? C. whats your name ? D. A and C( )5. 当你想证实对方是否是Nick时,你问:A. How are you ? B. Youre Nick , right? C. Whats your name? D. Hello, Nick!( )6. Sammi and I _ good friends.A. be B. is C. am D. are ( )7. -How are you? -_ A. Fine, thank you. B. Yes, thank you. C. Im fine, too. D. Good.( )8. 上学途中遇见长辈李先生,你应主动向他致意,以下哪种说法不正确? A. How do you do, Mr. Li? B. Hi! How fine is Mr. Li?C. Hello! Mr. Li, How are you? D. Good morning, Mr. Li .How are you?三、句型转换*1. Are you Jack? (同义句) _ Jack, _?2. I am Millie. (对划线部分提问) _ _ name?3. Im fine. (同上) _ _ you?4. Youre Peter, right? (作肯定回答) Yes, _ _.5. Fine, thank you (同义句) _ _, _.6. My name is Lily.(同上) _Lily.7. Your mother is fine.(提问) _ _ your mother?8. Im Andy. (否定句) I_ _ Andy.*9. Millie does well in Chinese. (同义句)Millie _ _ _ Chinese. *10. She has long black hair. (同义句)_ hair _ _ and _.*11. Lily is 15 years old. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ Lily?*12 They were born in Nanjing. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they _?*13. My cousin
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