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班级:_ 姓名_ 自我评价_ 预习检测A、认真阅读课文,相信你就能把下列短语译成英文。1.有时候 _ _ 2.和别人争吵 3.被分成两部分 4.在乎自己 _ 5.注意细节 6.保守秘密 _ 7.有很强的幽默感 _ 8.勤劳的人们 _ 9.容易放弃 10.善于计划事情 _ B、根据提示,用适当形式拼写单词1. The twins look alike, but their characteristics are not at all. (相似)2. None of us would play with him because he is very . (自私)3. She is about everything around her. (好奇)4. Dont care about your fault too much. They have you. (原谅)5. She is money to go abroad for further education. (节省)6. Peter is so that he joins three clubs at the same time. (energy)7. He threw my book to me , without taking a look at me. (patient) 【当堂反馈】一、根据句意,结合提示填空1. A day is _ (divide) into 24 hours.2. This student is _ (active) and seldom takes part in class activities.3. Tom cant sit there quietly. He is _ (patient).4. _ (give) up dreaming is hopeless.5 The top student in our class is the most _ (humour).6. The person whose star sign is Capricorn is patient and _ (practice). 7. He can think of good ideas, so we think he is _ (create) 8. Many actors and sports players are _ (精力充沛) .9. Liu Xiang is a_ runner. (成功)10. If you want to be a scientist, you should be_. (想象力)二、单项选择1. We all think _ was kind _ you to give your seat to a young lady with a baby in her arms yesterday. A. that, for B. it, for C. it, of D. that, of 2. Its generous_ him to donate_ money to UNICEF.A. of, so much B. for, so many C. of, so many D. for, so much3. Mr. Wu is patient enough to spend a lot of time_.A. explain us things B. explaining us things C. explain things for D. explaining things to us4. Im thankful to you for_ the new chairperson.A. recommend me as B. recommending me as C. recommend me for D. recommending me for5. He found_ impossible to finish so much work in an hour. A. it B. this C. that D. its6. Not all the students sitting in the back row can see the blackboard_. A. enough clear B. clear enough C. clearly enough D. enough clearly7 -Im _ to eat all the food in the world now! -Really? But I dont have _ for you. Its a great pity! A. enough hungry, food enough B. enough hungry, enough food C. hungrily enough, enough food D. hungry enough, enough food 8 People born _ Gemini are clever, curious and outgoing.A. by B. under C. for D. with 9. - Do you mind my smoking here? -_. The boy is sleeping.A. Better not B. Never mind C. Not at all D. You are welcome10. “You must keep in the hospital,” the woman said to me .A. quietly; quietB. quietly; quietly C. quiet; qui etly D. quiet; quiet【课后拓展】1. 完型填空: People _11_ under different star signs have different ways of _12_ sorry.Aries: Arians think they are lovely and gentle and it is _13_ for them to do the wrong things and they will never hurt _14_ So they will only say a _15_ sorry for t heir mistakes.Gemini: Geminis think they will never make a mistake and they are right forever. So they will never really apologize (道歉) for _16_. But when they know it, they would rather (宁愿) do _17_.Leo: Leos are a group of pleasant people. When they are trying to apologize, they will buy flowers, put up sorry posters and so on. It is _18_.Virgo: Virgos will first formally set aside (留出) a time and date. Then they will get ready to _19_ their mistakes. At last, they will _20_ a formal article and read it out. Sometimes their true apologies _21_ good articles.Scorpio: Scorpios are formal and think that making _22_ apology is more formal. So instead of just saying sorry, they will send a formal mail or send a card.Sagittarius: Sagittarians dont believe in apologizing. For them, it is _23_ to make a mistake and saying sorry is just _24_. Interestingly, even if others make mistakes, they are very cool and will not _25_ the apologies from others.( ) 1 .A. bore B. was bornC. bornD. were born( ) 2 .A. saying B. saysC. saidD. say( ) 3 .A. necessary B. importantC. unableD. impossible( ) 4. A. the other B. othersC. otherD.
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