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高邮市初中英语导学案(7A Unit2 My day)Grammar (1)班级_ 姓名_ 自我评价_【学习目标】1.知识目标: 词汇: better both together Thursday Monday Wednesday talk busy comic I you he she it we you they 词组:the school football team all the time meet up with on Mondays dancing lesson talk with a lot of talk about every Tuesday on the volleyball court the Computer Club know a lot about 句型:She walks him every day. Peter and I both love football. She does not have much time to talk with her friends.2. 技能目标:学会人称代词的主格的用法。3. 情感目标:善于与人交往,培养和谐的人际关系。 来源:xYzKw.Com 学习过程【预习指导与检测】 一、 预习导航 1. 预习本课词汇的读音和含义。2. 阅读并了解人称代词的概念和用法。3. 尝试按顺序写出英文人称代词主格。二、预习成果(一)认真阅读课文,相信你就能把下列短语译成英语:1. 有许多时间干某事_2. 一直,总是_3. 在周一_4. 舞蹈课_5. 和交谈_6. 许多_7. 谈论_8. 每周二_9. 在排球场_10. 去电脑俱乐部_11. 对非常了解_12. 遇见; 约见_13. 遛狗_14. 每周四下午_(二)用正确的人称代词填空:1. This is Amy. _ is a new student. 2. My sister watches the film on TV. _ is very interesting.3. Sandy likes reading. _ has a lot of books.4. _ want to play badminton. Would you like to go with me?来源:学优中考网5. I love my parents. _ are doctors and _are very friendly to sick people.6. -May I use your eraser? - Yes, here _are.7. I am Susan. This is Jack. _ are in the same class.(三)同学们, 在完成上面练习以后请你思考下列问题:1. I, you 和he ,she ,it 的复数分别是_.2. 如果几个人称代词并列使用,它们的顺序如何.请写下来。 _ _(四)预学质疑 _ _【课堂导学与互动】任务一: 认识人称代词主格的概念 。Find out:What is a subject?What form can we use when the noun we are replacing is the subject?来源:学优中考网仔细阅读Page 28页上的表格,理解人称代词主格的概念。任务二: 完成Part A1,用正确的人称代词替换名词。Work in pairs,take turns to act out Part A1 in front of the class.任务三: 看图口头完成Part A2。请学生参考各图片所提供的情景,用不同的人称代词看图说话。例如图片一可呈现如下:Is she Amy?No, she isnt. She is Millie.How old is she ?She is 12 years old. etc.任务四: 1)简单介绍Page29页上Part A3部分情景,给学生2-3分钟完成Part A3,校对答案,学生朗读该部分内容。2)归纳并要求掌握下列短语:on the volleyball court, meet up with, every lunchtime, sit and talk under the big tree, know a lot about, go to ones dancing lesson, do not have much time to do sth. 任务五:你能用正确的人称代词代替下列句子划线部分吗?赶快试一试!1. Tommy and I are in the same class. 2. My books are on the floor, who did it ? 3. Her mums parents come from Shanghai . 4.You and your brother both like listening to music. 5. What are the three women doing over there? 6. Our English teacher plays football very well. 7. You, he and I are best friends. 8. How old is your uncle? 9. His bike is old, he wants to buy a new one. 10. Their favourite lessons are Chinese and English. 任务六: 家庭作业识记人称代词主格【总结提升】1) 人称代词的主格,在句中用作主语,表示动作的发出者或句子所说明的对象。 2) 人称代词的主格分为第一人称、第二人称、第三人称,分别有单数和复数之 分。 第一人称的主格:I (我), we (我们) 第二人称的主格:you (你) you (你们) 第三人称的主格:he(他) she (她) it (它) they (他/她/它们)3)人称代词的并列使用. 单数排列:you and I; you and he; he and I; you, he and I. e.g. You , he and I are all in Class2, Grade1.我,你和他都在一年级二班。 复数排列: we and they; we and you e.g. We , you and they are students. 我们,你们和他们都是学生。【当堂反馈】(一)单项选择 ( ) 1. _is Kitty. Her Chinese name is Zhang Ke. A. ThatB. ThisC. SheD. Her( ) 2. I _ Simon. You _ Daniel and she _Lily. A. am, is, are B. is, am, are C. is, are, am D. am, are, is( ) 3. _ the teachers in our school are very nice to us. _love them. A. Both, All we B. All, We all C. Some, All we D. Any, We all( ) 4. Sandy, do _ know Tommy? _ is a top student in his class. A. you, He B. she, He C. you, She D. he, she( ) 5. _ you _ a comic book about Ke Nan? A. Have, / B. Do, have C. Are, have D. Are, having( ) 6. -“Tom, is this _ dog?” -“Yes, _name is Eddie.” A. your, its B. your, its C. you , it D. you, its( ) 7. He doesnt have much time _. A. chatting with his parents B. chats with his parents C. chat with his friends D. to chat with his parents( ) 8. -Do Millie and Daniel watch the basketball game? -_. A. Yes, they are B. N
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