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第2课时 Reading预习目标 1根据单词表,预习课本第9497页的单词,能根据音标正确拼读这些单词。2预习课本第9495页,尽量理解课文大意。3听课本Reading,部分的录音,能正确地模仿录音中的语音、语调。4找出课本第9497页新出现的短语和重点句型,查一查它们的意思。预学热身通过预习,了解本课时的单词、短语和句型(英汉互译)。1.mostly adv._2.case n._3.cure vt._4.reader n._5_n失明 6_n病人7_adj.自豪的,骄傲的 8_n医学;药9_n治疗 10._百分之八十的案例来源:学优高考网gkstk11._一所空中眼科医院 12._负担得起做某事13._给做手术 14._继续开展,继续下去15. Dr Ma, please tell us something about blindness. _16. About 285 million people around the world are blind, mostly in poor areas, and about 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured._17. However, many people dont have money for medical treatment._18. Many of our patients cant afford to go to hospital, so we have to go to them._19. Modern medicine is developing quickly and now most eye problems and diseases can be treated and cured._20. But more money is needed to carry on with our work._自主探究,请带着下面这些问题阅读教材。1. How many people around the world are blind?2. What is the plane also used as?3. What does ORBIS need to carry on with the work?教材导读1Dr Ma, please tell us something about blindness。马医生,请谈谈有关失明的事。探究点一:tell sb. about sth意为“_”指点迷津 (1)表示讲述。tell a story/joke讲故事笑话(2)表示吩咐、命令。来源:学优高考网gkstkTell him to wait for me in the office.让他在办公室等我。She told them not to smoke in the room.她叫他们不要在屋子里吸烟。(3)表示告诉。tell sb. (about) sth.告诉某人某事。The headteacher will tell us about the result of the sports meeting.校长将会告诉我们运动会的结果。( )I like my close friend, Tom, very much. When I am unhappy, he always_ a joke to make me happy.A. says B. tells C. speaks D. talks探究点二:blindness意为“_”。指点迷津blindness是名词,意为“失明”,形容词为blind,-ness为其名词后缀,类似用法的词有:deafness,illness,happiness,kindness,sadness等。用所给单词的适当形式填空The medicine can even cause_ (blind).2.About 285 million people around the world are blind, mostly in poor areas, and about 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured.全世界大约2. 85亿人失明,主要在贫困地区,而且这些病例中的80%是可以被预防或治愈的。探究点一:mostly与most有何区别?指点迷津 (1) mostly的用法:mostly只能作副词,意为“主要地;多半地;大部分地”。The audience consisted mostly of women观众主要是妇女。来源:学优高考网gkstkOur weather is mostly warm.我们这里的天气多半是暖和的。(2) most的用法:most作形容词,意为“最多的;多数的;大部分的”。Most fish have fins大多数鱼有鳍。most还可以作代词,意为“许多;许多人(或物)”。Most of my friends live in London.我的大多数朋友住在伦敦。( )The pop star has lots of fans,_ are young people.A. many B. mostly C. most D. much搡究点二:prevent sbfrom doing sth意为“_”,指点迷津 prevent动词,具体用法如下:(1)意为“防止;预防”,prevent sth.预防某事。These rules are intended to prevent accidents.这些规则旨在防止事故发生。(2)意为“阻止;阻挡”,prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事。The rain prevented us from playing football.这场雨使我们不能踢足球了。prevent sb. from doing sthstop/keep sb. from doing sth.用所给动词的适当形式填空My father often prevents me from_ (watch) TV.探究点三:cure与treat有何区别?指点迷津 (1)含义上的区别:作动词时,两者均可表示“治疗”,但含义有所不同。cure通常强调结果,指治愈某种疾病或某人的疾病;而treat则通常强调过程,指对病人进行诊断和治疗,但不合治好的意思。A few days rest will cure you休息几天你的病就会好了。The dentist is treating my teeth.牙科医生正在给我治牙。(2)词性上的区别:cure表示“治疗”时,还可作名词,若表示“对的治疗”或“治疗的方法”,一般与介词for连用。Is there a certain cure for cancer? 癌症有无有效的治疗方法?Scientists have so far failed to provide a cure for the terrible disease.科学家们到目前为止还没有找到一种治疗那种可怕疾病的方法。来源:学优高考网treat表示“治疗”时,不能作名词,它的名词形式是treatment。Im sure this treatment will help him (to) be cured.我相信这种治疗将有助于他痊愈。The truck crashed into a queue of people, and several of them had to have hospital treatment卡车冲进了排队的人群之中,其中有几个人不得不住院治疗。(3)搭配上的区别:The doctors cured her of cancer医生治好了她的癌症。Which doctor is treating you for your illness? 哪个医生在给你看病?(4) cure有时用于引申义:Parents try to cure their children of bad habits.父母设法纠正孩子们的不良习惯。Ill try my best to_ the patient, but Im not sure whether I can_ her or not(cure, treat)3. However, many people dont have money for medical treatment.然而,许多人没有医疗费。探究点:money for medical treatment是什么结构?指点迷津 在这个短语中,介词for作后置定语,介词短语作定语要放在被修饰词的后面。类似的短语还有:time for walk行走的时间 a girl in red一个穿红衣服的女孩你认识椅子上的那个小女孩吗?Do you know that girl_?4The plane is also used as a training centre,飞机也被用作培训中心。探究点一:be used as意为“_”。指点迷津 be used as意为“被用作为”。English is used as a foreign language in China.在中国,英语被作为一门外语使用。那幢大楼被用作教学楼。That building is_ _ a teaching building.来源:学优高考网gkstk探究点二:a training centre是什么意思?来源:学优高考网gkstk指点迷津 a training centre意为“一个培训中心”,在这个短语中training作定语。现在分词作定语的短语有:a s
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