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教学内容9A Unit 1 Star signsGrammar(B)年级学科九年级教学课时共 10 课时 第 6 课时课 型新授教学目标1 To use the verb to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive to describe a persons characteristics and abilities.2. To use the basic sentence elements to make up a sentence教学重点To use the basic sentence elements to make up a sentence教学难点Know different parts of a sentence教学准备教 学 过 程二次备课Step1. A dairy reportAsk some questions according to the speech Revise the star signs by using some adjectives. Step2 Warming upTell students that we use the it is+ adjective + of + (not) to-infinitive structure to talk about our feelings towards people and what they do.2Use the structure to make up sentences Step2 Presentation. (Part B)1. Tell students that we can also use the verb to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive structure to talk about a persons personality and abilities.2. Explain the difference between the structure in Part A and the structure in Part B. In part A, students learn to express what they think about someone elses actions.3. Ask three different students to read the sentences in the grammar table at the top of page 13. Encourage students to ask questions if they are unsure of the meaning.4. For stronger classes, tell students to cover the adjectives on the right and work on their own to write the sentences for Part B. Remind them that they need to rearrange the order of the words, and choose a proper adjective for each sentence. For weaker classes, students can use the adjectives on the right to form sentences. Encourage more able students to write the sentences with their own adjectives. Accept any sensible answers.5.Ask the Ss to make up some sentences about their families, classmates and familiar people by using some suitable adjectives and the pattern Its +adjectives of sb to do sth.Step3 Practice.1.Ask the students to make up sentences as many as they can2.Go through the answers with the class orally.Step4 (Part C)PresentationWrite a sentence on the board. Ask students to shorten the above sentence to give the main idea of it.Explain to students that a sentence can be divided into different parts. We can add or remove the different parts of a sentence to clarify the meaning of it.Step5 Practice. 1Tell students that each sentence pattern has its own name. Ask seven students each to read one definition and the sample sentences that follow. Encourage them to ask questions if they are not sure of the meaning.2Explain to students that the basic parts of a sentence are the subject and the predicate. To make a sentence richer in meaning, we can add predicative, objects, attributives and adverbials to the sentence with additional information.Step 6 ConsolidationAsk the Ss to compare the following patterns:Its +adjectives of sb to do sth.Its +adjectives for sb to do sth.Step7 Exx. 1 Ask students to complete Part C1 using the table as a guide.2 Get some of them give the answer one by one.3 Finish C2 and check the answers.Exercises一、判断下列划线部分在句中做什么成分:1. She felt very worried. 2. She ia an out-going girl.3. Ricky helped with the charity show. 4. She showed us a new TV set.5. Lots of people knew about the advertisements. 6. He bought his son nice presents.7. Do you want your coffee black? 8. The food tastes bitter.9. He likes to dream about everything. 10. My name is Peter.11. One of my duties was to introduce the guests. 12. Ill have my watch repaired.13. I found an elderly man sleeping in the hall. 14. We call him Lao Li.二、翻译题:1. 冯老师非常周到地为我们播放一本教育光盘。2. 你不能原谅别人的过错是非常傻的。3. 我妈妈牙疼,她将去看牙科医生并请他把其中一颗牙齿拔掉。4. 她精力充沛,积极能成为一名极好的领导。5. 刚才我发现地上躺着一只闪光的钱包,我捡起它并交给一名警察。板书设计教学反思备课组长审核签字
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