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教学课题课型New本课题教时数: 本教时为第 6 教时 备课日期 9 月 6 日教学目标: To use the basic sentence elements to make up a sentence To understand and use two structures in this part.来源:学优GKSTK教学重点、难点:1. To make up a sentencewith the basic sentence elements to 2.Enable the Ss to grasp the two structures教学方法与手段:教学过程: 教师活动学生活动设计意图Step I RevisionWeve learnt two structures: “it is + adj. of sb. to Translate sentencesRevise by exercises.do sth.” “sb. be + adj. enough to do sth.” Can you make some sentencesusing them.Step II PresentationWrite a sentence on the board. Ask students to shorten the above sentence to give the main idea shorten the sentenceStudents knowof it. Explain to students that a sentence can be a sentence can bedivided into different parts. We can add or remove divided into different the different parts of a sentence to clarify the parts.meaning of it.Step III PracticeAsk seven students each to read one definition and To learn the sample sentences that follow. Encourage them sentence part has its own nameto ask questions if they are not sure of the to identify the meaning.different parts of the Step IV Presentationsentence.Explain to students that the basic parts of a sentence are the subject and the predicate.来源:学优来源:GKSTK.ComStep V Practice. Ask students to complete Part C1 on page 12 read out one sentence Check for mistakes and using the table on page 11 as a guide.and the answermispronunciation.Step VI Exercises1.Ask students to complete the sentences in Part read the whole C2 on page 13 and choose the correct sentence sentence, not just the element in brackets.words they have 2.Ask students to volunteer to read out their written.answers.授后小记: 授课日期 月 日
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