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Unit 3 How do you get to school? 单元名称Unit 3 How do you get to school?课时安排教学目标1能够询问他人如何到达某地;准确表达自己。2学习完成任务所需要的语言:词汇:bus stop, bus station, train station, subway stationcountable noun, uncountable noun(只要求理解)2) 句子:复习表达如何向别人询问道路:How do you get to school?How does Nina get to school?表达采用怎样的交通方式去某地:Well, I ride my bike to the subway station.Then I take the subway.3. 完成课本1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2a,2b,2c的教学任务。教学环节突出内容教师活动学生活动Step ILead in and revision题板PPT 1电子版教材P32 2a同步字幕划线部分1. T: Im very glad to see you again. Do you remember what transportations we learnt in last lesson? 大家还记得上节课我们都学习哪些交通方式了吗?1) (老师用交通方式卡片指引学生说出所学单词。)所说单词顺序为:bus, subway, train, ship, bike, plane, taxi, boat, bicycle.2) T: Do you know how to spell them?Look at the words in the picture. Please read the words and translate them into Chinese one by one. 请大家读出图片中的单词,并把它们翻译成中文。T: S1, please.S2, please.S3, please.S4, please.S5, please.S6, please.S7, please.S8, please.2. T: OK. 接下来我们看一组图片,我们来认识几个新单词。Ill show you some pictures on the screen. Lets learn some new words. (在屏幕上展示p16的四幅图片)T: Altogether,please follow me! stop; stationPlease say something about the pictures one by one.For example, This is a train station. Trains stop here.OK. Can you give me the answers? 3. Lets look at the pictures with these phrases. Please repeat.让我们一起看带提示的图片,再跟老师把这几个短语读一遍。1.1) Ss: bus, subway, train, ship, bike, plane, taxi, boat, bicycle.2)S1: bus, b-u-s 公共汽车S2: subway,u-b-w-a-y 地铁S3: train,t-r-a-I-n 火车S4: ship, s-h-I-p 轮船S5: bike, b-I-k-e 自行车S6: plane, p-l-a-n-e 飞机S7: taxi,t-a-x-i 出租车S8 boat, b-a-o-t 小船2.Follow the words with teacher.S3: This is a bus station. Buses stop here.S5: This is a subway station. Subways stop here.S8 This is a bus top. Buses stop here.3. Ss look at the pictures and repeat the phrases.PracticeStep IIIGroup work:PPT 2同步字幕划线部分1. 老师让学生打开教材第22页,看图片上面的四个空白处,让学生把空白处的单词和图片相对应填好。T: 1. Lets open our books at page 22, point out the blank line in front of each numbered phrase. Ask Ss to match each phrase with a picture by writing the letter of the picture in the bank in front of the correct word. One has done for students.请同学们给出答案并读出该短语。非常好,让我们来看看你们的答案是否正确。Ok, lets check your answers. (教师展示答案)2. T: 练习时你们可参考下面的语言:A: How do you get to school?B: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.Tape together several pieces of large chart paper and ask students to use colored markers to make a transportation mural. First help students draw in some streets. Use a local street map as a pattern. Then have students add various forms of transportation, such as buses, bikes, and so forth. Include places that various forms of transportation stop such as bus stops, train stations, and so forth. Ask different students to describe the finished mural to the class.3. T: Boys and girls, would you like to show your conversations? S3 and S4, please.4. Very good, thank you. S5 and S6, please.1. S1: number 1 choose b, bus stopS2: number 2 choose a, train stationS3: number 3 choose c, bus stationS4: number 4 choose d, subway station2. 学生小组活动3.S3: How do you get to school?S4: Well, I take a bus to the Main Street. Then I walk to school.4.S5: Do you like tomatoes?S6: No, I dont.S5: Do you like ice cream?S6: Yes, I do.S5: Lets have ice cream.S6: OK.Target language.板书How do you get to.?Well, .板书Does she like.Yes, She does.No, she doesnt.She likes.She doesnt like.(当最后一组学生展示完他们的对话后,老师对着说对话的一名同学问):1. S5,How do you get to school?(接着问说对话的另一名同学)T: S6, Do you usually take a subway to school?(然后问全班同学)2. How does S5 get to school?Does S6 usually take a subway to school?3. 请大家注意主语是第三人称单数时,句子动词的变化。Now, read the sentences on the blackboard after me.Does she/he.?Yes, she/he does. /No, she/he doesnt.She/He.She/He doesnt.How does.get to school?4. Next, lets do a survey.我们做个采访。看看你的同伴怎样上学?首先,每个人在纸上写出一种自己喜欢的交通方式(或一种不喜欢的交通方式)。然后,两人一组相互猜一猜。直到问出对方喜欢和不喜欢的交通方式是什么,并记录下来。别忘了用英语问,怎么问呀?Great! Now begin.5. Ok, lets stop here. Have you got your answers? 你们都知道你们的同伴喜欢什么了吧?S1,What does S2 like?S2, what does S1 like?S3, what does S4 like?S4, what does S3 like?Excellent work! 大家做得都很好!1. S5: I ride a bike to school.S6: No, I dont.2. Ss: He rides a bike to school.Ss: No, she doesnt.3. Listen and repeat.Does she/he.?Yes, she/he does. /No, she/he doesnt.She/He .She/He doesnt .How does. get to school?4.Ss:writeSs: Do you like.?S1: Do you like taking a bus?S2: No, I dont.S1: Do you like ri
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