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患有脊柱侧弯来源自:涵翔医疗 Visceria Givans 是一名学生运动员,在小学的时候她被诊断为脊柱侧弯。她在波士顿儿童医院接受了矫正脊柱治疗,几年后,正在积极准备再次开始体育运动。下文是她讲述她的治疗,康复过程,以及她无论如何都不肯让脊柱侧弯影响她的尊严。在学校入门体检中被检测出脊柱侧弯是一件很奇怪的事情。首先你必须穿着游泳套装进行体检,因为这样,学校的护士才能看到你后背的整条脊柱线,以确保你的脊椎是否正常生长。然后,她们打乱全校学生的次序检查所有的孩子的脊柱。我第一次被检测出脊柱侧弯是在四年级的时候,当检测结束后,护士姐姐告诉我,我的背似乎有长歪的趋势,需要引起重视,这个结果还是让我十分震惊的。我不知道应该怎么办,但护士似乎并没有太担心,所以我的父母和我也没有想太多。但是,在接下来的几年里,我的医生定期检查我的脊椎时,曲线呈很明显的愈演愈烈之势,医生建议我戴支具,试图纠正。我花了好长一段时间来适应戴支具。对于第一次佩戴支具的我来说,它的体积太大了,超出我的衣袖长好大一截。最不舒服的是一天中有 20 个小时要佩戴这个从肩膀一直到腹部,束缚着你的东西,它让即使是像坐着看电视这样放松的事情也成为一种苦差事。这不可能变成一件美好的事情,不过一段时间之后,当你习惯了,也就慢慢的接受了。但是,最难接受的部分是它阻止我继续啦啦队工作和体育运动,这一直是我生命中的一个重要的组成部分,我设法通过其他方式来帮助球队。当我的脊柱侧弯让我只能呆在场边时,我协助我的教练,适时提出建议,当然也不忘鼓励我的队友。几年之后,我已经非常习惯的把支具当作我生活的一部分,我甚至有的时候会忘记我还带着它。我想支具可能也不记得了。13 岁那年,我在波士顿儿童医院见到了卡林博士,他是脊柱侧弯专科的专家,他觉得光佩戴支具对于要纠正我的脊柱弯曲是不够的。我没觉得有什么不同,它对我没有任何伤害,但我的医生解释说,它随着时间的推移可能会变得更糟。我可以理解成,如果我的脊椎过度弯曲,他可能会压住我的一些器官,引起非常严重的健康问题。卡林博士解释说,解决问题最好的办法是手术治疗,他们会永久性地用金属棒将其熔化来拉直我的脊椎。这次手术花了超过 9 个小时,但是当我醒来时我的脊柱是直的,我拥有完美的 2 英寸的身高。我妈妈一直看着我,简直不敢相信我能这么笔直的站着。她说,她一直以为我的塌陷是因为我是一个十几岁喜怒无常的少年,我原本该有的体态终于回来了!虽然我的手术已经结束,我的脊柱侧弯的最大挑战仍然摆在面前:物理治疗和恢复。像是每天的起床和上下楼梯对我来说就是巨大的挑战。我不得不与我的两个物理治疗师和我的父母密切合作,重新学习如何做哪怕是最简单的任务。我的体重也下降了不少,一些药物的服用让我没什么胃口,但是只要我停药,就会想吃东西。手术已经过去一年多了,我终于重返啦啦队和我的体育运动。这感觉好极了。当我知道我的故事能帮助其它孩子我真的非常高兴。去年,一个比我小的女孩儿被诊断患有脊柱侧弯,我很高兴能够告诉她,这并不会太影响她的生活,她仍然可以继续做她喜欢做的事情,她深受鼓舞。这些忠告我想不仅仅是适用于那些患有脊柱侧弯的人,对于其它任何人都能受用。我也告诉她最重要的是要有自信,要为能做自己而感到自豪。如果你是一个坚强的人有健康的自尊你就不会轻易的被一些意外像脊柱侧弯或者其它灾难所打败,你就是你,不会轻易被动摇!来源自:涵翔医疗翻译自波士顿儿童医院 翻译人员也很辛苦,转载/借用请注明出处!杭州涵翔医疗科技有限公司是目前国内唯一一家在中国、美国均有实体企业的医疗服务公司。公司以一体化的集团内部流程,为客户提供无缝对接的跨半球就医服务,美国公司总部设在休斯顿。隶属于全国民营 500 强宝盛投资股份有限公司,公司斥资超过 3000万美元(约 2 亿人民币)在德州医学中心打造酒店式患者接待中心,有望在 2017 年建成并投入使用。涵翔医疗与世界最大的医学中心 德克萨斯州医学中心正式签约为合作伙伴,与旗下的近 50 家美国顶级医疗单位往来业务。通过长期互信合作,优质的成功案例沉淀,现本公司与 MD 安德森(MD Anderson Cancer Center)、国立犹太医学中心(National Jewish Health)、哈佛大学医学院附属波士顿儿童医院(Boston Childrens Hospital)、匹兹堡大学医学中心 (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)、纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)、克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)、约翰霍普金斯医院(Johns Hopkins Hospital)、卫理公会医院(The Methodist Hospital)等等几十家位于美国医疗金字塔顶端的世界级医院拥有良好的合作关系,用最优质的美方医疗资源打造多选择性平台体系,让满怀期望的赴美客户享受国际领先的前沿医疗服务。脊柱的侧凸是曲率测量值为 20 度或更大Visceria 在波士顿儿童医院治疗后Visceria 继续啦啦队和体育运动living with scoliosis Visceria Givans is a student athlete, diagnosed with scoliosis in grade school. She received corrective spine surgery at Childrens Hospital Boston a few years later and is actively playing sports again. In the following post she discusses her treatment, recovery and how she refused to let scoliosis define her or impact her self-esteem.degrees or greaterGetting checked for scoliosis at school is a little strange. First, you have to wear a bathing suit under your clothes that day because the school nurse needs to be able to see the entire line of your back to make sure your spine is growing correctly. Then, they disrupt the whole school day by checking all the kids for curvatures in their spine, one at a time. When I had my first scoliosis test back in the fourth grade, it was even stranger for me because after it was over the nurse mentioned that it looked like my back was growing a little crooked, and it was something wed need to keep an eye on.I didnt know exactly what to think, but the nurse didnt seem too worried so my parents and I didnt think much about it either. For the next few years my doctor checked my spine regularly and when it was clear the curve was getting worse he suggested I wear a brace to try to correct it.Wearing the brace took some getting used to. For starters its pretty big, so it stretched out a lot of my clothes. Secondly, its not the most comfortable thing in the world to spend 20 hours a day in brace that covers you from your shoulders to your belly, so even relaxing things like sitting and watching TV became kind of a chore. Not a perfect situation, but after awhile you get used to it and find ways to adapt. I bought bigger clothes that looked good but still left room for the brace, and quickly learned which positions were more comfortable with my brace on. The hardest part was when it prevented me from cheerleading and playing sports, which have always been a big part of my life, but I managed to find other ways to help the team. When my scoliosis kept me on the sidelines I assisted the coaches and offered suggestions and encouragement to my teammates.After a year with the brace it became such a regular part of my life I almost forgot I had it on. I think the brace may have forgot too, because by the time I turned 13, Dr. Karlin, the scoliosis specialist I saw at Childrens Hospital Boston, said it didnt seem to be doing enough to correct the curvature in my spine. I didnt feel any different, and it didnt hurt in any way, but my doctor explained that as time went on it could get a lot worse. I could develop a hunch back, and if my spine got too crooked it could press against some of my organs which could lead to very serious medical problems as I got older. Dr. Karlin explained that best way toprevent this was surgery, whe
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