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The spring and autumn period and the visual studio is one of the enterprises and individuals to provide professional creativity, brand integration design consultants, more than 10 years working experience. To customers as the benchmark, with wisdom grafting business and the arts.,爱是一盏灯 照亮别人也照亮自己,汇报:代用名,白衣天使,简洁时尚护士长年终述职报告PPT,前言,一年来,在院领导和护理院长及科护士长的领导、帮助和指点下,本着“一切以病人为中心,一切为病人“的服务宗旨,较好的完成了院领导布置的各项护理工作计划,完成了XX年护理计划90%以上,现将工作总结情况如下:,目录,认真落实各项规章制度,提高护士长管理水平,加强护理人员医德医风建设,提高护理人员业务素质,The spring and autumn period and the visual studio is one of the enterprises and individuals to provide professional creativity, brand integration design consultants, more than 10 years working experience. To customers as the benchmark, with wisdom grafting business and the arts.,加强了院内感染管理,加强了院内感染管理,存在问题,01,认真落实各 项规章制度,The spring and autumn period and the visual studio is one of the enterprises and individuals to provide professional creativity, brand integration design consultants, more than 10 years working experience. To customers as the benchmark, with wisdom grafting business and the arts.,1.护理部制度重申,认真落实各项规章制度,护理部重申了各级护理人员职责,明确了各类岗位责任制和护理工作制度,如责任护士、巡回护士各尽其职,杜绝了病人自换吊瓶,自拔针的不良现象。,Insert you awesome clever slogan or awesome clever slogan or theme in this you awesome clever .,2、坚持查对制度,01 Medical department 要求医嘱班班查对,每周护士长参加总核对1-2次,并有记录;,02 Medical department 护理操作时要求三查七对;,03 Medical department 坚持填写输液卡,一年来未发生大的护理差错。,2、坚持查对制度,认真落实骨科护理常规及显微外科护理常规,坚持填写了各种信息数据登记本,配备五种操作处置盘。,坚持床头交接班制度及晨间护理,预防了并发症的发生。,02,提高护士长 管理水平,The spring and autumn period and the visual studio is one of the enterprises and individuals to provide professional creativity, brand integration design consultants, more than 10 years working experience. To customers as the benchmark, with wisdom grafting business and the arts.,1、坚持了护士长手册的记录与考核,提高护士长管理水平,要求护士长手册每月5日前交护理部进行考核,并根据护士长订出的适合科室的年计划、季安排、月计划重点进行督促实施,并监测实施效果,要求护士长把每月工作做一小结,以利于总结经验,开展工作。,Insert you awesome clever slogan or awesome clever slogan or theme in this you awesome clever .,2、坚持了护士长例会制度,提高护士长管理水平,按等级医院要求每周召开护士长例会一次,内容为:安排本周工作重点,总结上周工作中存在的优缺点,并提出相应的整改措施,向各护士长反馈护理质控检查情况,并学习护士长管理相关资料。,Insert you awesome clever slogan or awesome clever slogan or theme in this you awesome clever .,2、坚持了护士长例会制度,03,加强护理人员医德医风建设,The spring and autumn period and the visual studio is one of the enterprises and individuals to provide professional creativity, brand integration design consultants, more than 10 years working experience. To customers as the benchmark, with wisdom grafting business and the arts.,加强护理人员医德医风建设,继续落实护士行为规范,在日常工作中落实护士文明用语50句,YOUR TITLE HERE,1,分别于6月份、11月份组织全体护士参加*宾馆、*宾馆的礼仪培训。,2,继续开展健康教育,对住院病人发放满意度调查表,(定期或不定期测评)满意度调查结果均在95%以上,并对满意度调查中存在的问题提出了整改措施,评选出了最佳护士。,3,YOUR TITLE HERE,YOUR TITLE HERE,加强护理人员医德医风建设,每月科室定期召开工休座谈会一次,征求病人意见,对病人提出的要求给予最大程度的满足。,04,对新分配的护士进行岗前职业道德教育、规章制度、护士行为规范教育及护理基础知识、专科知识、护理技术操作考核,合格者给予上岗。,05,04,提高护理人 员业务素质,The spring and autumn period and the visual studio is one of the enterprises and individuals to provide professional creativity, brand integration design consultants, more than 10 years working experience. To customers as the benchmark, with wisdom grafting business and the arts.,提高护理人员业务素质,对在职人员进行三基培训,并组织理论考试 为客户服务是我们存在的唯一理由,客户需求是我们发展的原动力。我们坚持以客户为中心,快速响应客户需求,持续为客户创造长期价值进而成就客户。 为客户提供有效服务,是我们工作的方向和价值评价的标尺,成就客户就是成就我们自己。为客户服务是我们存在的唯一理由客户需求是我们发展的原动力我们坚持以客户为中心,快速响应客户需求,持续为客户创造长期价值进而成就客户,提高护理人员业务素质,05,加强了院 内感染管理,The spring and autumn period and the visual studio is one of the enterprises and individuals to provide professional creativity, brand integration design consultants, more than 10 years working experience. To customers as the benchmark, with wisdom grafting business and the arts.,加强了院内感染管理,加强了院内感染管理,06,护理人员较出色的完成护理工作,The spring and autumn period and the visual studio is one of the enterprises and individuals to provide professional creativity, brand integration design consultants, more than 10 years working experience. To customers as the benchmark, with wisdom grafting business and the arts.,坚持了以病人为中心,以质量为核心,为病人提供优质服务的宗旨,护理人员较出色的 完成护理工作,坚持了以病人为中心,以质量为核心,为病人提供优质服务的宗旨,深入开展了以病人为中心的健康教育,通过发放健康教育手册,以及通过护士的言传身教,让病人熟悉掌握疾病防治,康复及相关的医疗,护理及自我保健等知识。,开展整体护理模式病房,护理人员较出色的 完成护理工作,八月份在三病区开展整体护理模式病房,三病区护士除了向病人讲授疾病的防治及康复知识外,还深入病房与病人谈心。,全院护理人员撰写护理论文,护理人员较出色的 完成护理工作,全院护理人员撰写护理论文30篇,其中一篇参加了全国第三届骨科护理学术交流,有3篇参加台州地区学术交流,有2篇参加当代护士第二十一次全国护理学术交流。,07,存在问题,The spring and autumn period and the visual studio is one of the enterprises and individuals to provide professional creativity, brand integration design consultants, more than 10 years working experience. To customers as the benchmark, with wisdom grafting business and the arts.,存在问题,The spring and autumn period and the visual studio is one of the enterprises and individuals to provide professional creativity, brand integration design consultants, more than 10 years working experience. To customers as the benchmark, with wisdom grafting business and the arts.,爱是一盏灯 照亮别人也照亮自己,汇报:代用名,谢谢观看,简洁时尚护士长年终述职报告PPT,
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