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“基于课程标准、中招考点、两类结构”的 教案设计(九上) U4Topic2 Section C新授课制作学校:大武二中修订人:刘晓景一、学习目标确定的依据1、课程标准相关要求:英语课程标准(2011年版)要求学生掌握在原级比较中表示事物之间的倍数关系以及继续学习一般将来时的被动语态。2、教材分析:被动语态是中考的一个考点,也是复习的一个重点,而且一般将来时态也是一个难点。3、中招考点一般将来时态的被动语态的构成及特殊情况4、学情分析被动语态的构成不难掌握,但有些特殊用法,较难掌握。二、学习目标1.学习第93-94页的新单词和短语 2.熟读1 a的内容,了解 火星、太阳系行星的知识,培养学生热爱科学,勇于探索的意识。3.逐步养成在听文章前阅读相关问题来预测文章所谈内容的习惯。三评价任务1.针对目标1,能够说出本节的重点单词和短语的意思,并能够在句子中灵活运用2.针对目标2,通过学习1a,让学生了解 火星、太阳系行星的知识,培养学生热爱科学,勇于探索的意识。四、教学过程学习目标教学活动评价要点要点归纳目标1:学习第93-94页的新单词和短语 教学活动自学指导(一)1.自学内容:课本93-94的生词和短语2.自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音。3.自学时间:5分钟4.自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思。(学生看书自学,教师巡视辅导。) 自学检测(一)英译汉:1. solar system_2. Roman _3. 3.god _4. 4.diameter _5.storm _ 6.gravity _7.weigh _8.generally _9.journey _10.limit _11.excitement _能够说出本节的重点单词和短语的意思,并能够在句子中灵活运用1.solar system太阳系2Roman古罗马的,古罗马帝国的 3.god 上帝;神 4.diameter直径.5.storm 风暴,暴(风)雨6.gravity 重力;引力 7.weigh 重,有.重 8.generally 一般地,通常 9.journey(尤指长途)旅行 10.limit v.限制,限定n.限度,限制11.excitement激动;令人激动的事学习目标教学活动评价要点要点归纳目标2: 熟读1 a的内容,了解 火星、太阳系行星的知识,培养学生热爱科学,勇于探索的意识。目标3:逐步养成在听文章前阅读相关问题来预测文章所谈内容的习惯。自学指导(二)1.自学内容:课本第93页1a部分 。 2.自学方法:听录音和扫读。3.自学时间:8分钟。4.自学要求:听1a之前,预测 1a中问题的正误。听1a,核对答案。读1a 完成1b 自学检测 (二)Look at the pictures and predict which statements are true about Mars. Then read the passage quickly and check the answers._ 1. Mars looks like a red ball. _ 2. The temperature on Mars is very high._ 3. Mars is much larger than the earth._ 4. Mars is too far away for us to reach.(答案:)做1b Read 1a again and write down the information about Mars. 自学指导(三)1.自学内容:课本第93页1a部分 。 2.自学方法:精读。3.自学时间:8分钟。4.自学要求:精读1a,找出重点短语和句子。自学检测(三)译下列短语和句子并记忆。1.look like_2. name after_3. as wide as_4.be covered with_5. at a distance of_ 6.be close to_ 7.search for_8.Mars is too far away for us to reach._9.The gravity on the surface of Mars is about two-fifths as strong as it is on earth._根据课文内容填空。Mars, the _ planet of the solar system, goes around the sun at a _ of about 228 million kilometers. Its _ is 53% as wide as that of the earth. It looks like a _ and _ball. Its very beautiful. But during _ and _, strong _can cover the whole_of Mars. The gravity on the surface of it is about _ as_as it is on earth. (答案:ourthDistanceDiameterredorangespringsummerStorm Surface two-fifthsstrong)做1c Discuss the crazy questions with your partner and state your reasons. 1. Does Mars have a good climate for plants? 2. Is Mars a useful place to dry fruit? 3. Is Mars a good place for human beings to live? 4. Is Mars a comfortable place for heavy people? 自学指导四1.自学内容:课本第94页Part 2部分 。 2.自学方法:精读。3.自学时间:4分钟。4.自学要求:精读 Part 2,完成这封信并回答问题。自学检测4 一. 选择正确的词完成这封信。Hi! Kangkang,Ithasbeentwodays_( since ,from) we landed on Mars. It _(cost, took) us more than two years to_ (reach, get) here. Generally, the journey went well, but the living conditions were_( quiet, quite) bad during the journey. We had to produce most of the food in the spaceship. _(Whats more, Whats worse), our water supplies were very low. We had to limit the use of water during _(those, these) days. So we had a shower every six weeks. We will spend another seven hundred and sixty-three days on Mars. _( How, What )a long time! I often miss the family, but the excitement of being on Mars is worth it!Wish me luck!Yours, Uncle Stephen(答案: since; took ; get;quite;Whats worseThoseWhat) Read 2 and answer the questions.(1) Who is this e-mail from and to?(2) How long did it take them to get there?More than two years. (3) Did everything go well during the journey?(答案:()It is from Uncle Stephen to Kangkang. ()More than two years. ()No, it didnt)答案:ourthDistanceDiameter)1c Discuss the crazy questions with your partner and state your reasons. 1. Does Mars have a good climate for plants? 2. Is Mars a useful place to dry fruit? 3. Is Mars a good place for human beings to live? 4. Is Mars a comfortable place for heavy people? 当堂训练:1.The writer will write a new novel next year.2.People plant trees in Spring every year.3.M.r Liu will give a speech at the hall this afternoon.(答案1.A new novel will be written
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