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Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?课题名称Unit4Where s my schoolbag?课型读写课课时安排共 6 课时授课班级第 4 课时授课时间教学重点教学难点运用本课的语言目标进行阅读和写作训练课前准备课件 录音机老师活动学生活动复备课前学习安排:预习本课的单词和2d短文情景导入:以“找不同”的游戏开始课堂教学展示学习目标:1. 运用be tidy, in our room, in the , on the, under the, always, everywhere;2. 运用图片谈论物品的位置;3. 学会keep our room tidy。阅读:1.读前铺垫1. Ask the Ss to look at two desks of their classmates (one is tidy and the other isnt) and say : Do you like this desk or that one? Why?. Lead the students to learn the new words: tidy, but always, everywhere.(At the same time teach the Ss to keep our classroom tidy.)2. Brainstorm.Show two rooms (A,B)to the class and ask: what can you see in the pictures? Where is it/where are they? Speak out more words about things around us you know as possible as you can. They may say more words than 2a. 2.泛读 引导学生阅读短文并回答问题How many names are there? What are they? Is Kate or Gina tidy?3.精读 Look at the pictures and finish the chart. A BThingsWhereThings Where4. 读后:空词复述先给出提示句让学生复述短文,然后要求学生试着背诵5.写作(半控制写):展示3a的表格幻灯片,想学生介绍自己的物品通常放的地方:I have a dictionary. Its on the desk. My radio and books are in the bookcase.引导学生根据自己物品的位置填写表格并说一说归纳总结:1.描述房间物品位置的句型;物品+is/are+in/on/under the .2.and的用法拓展提升(开放性写):Describing the rooms.引导学生写出自己房间物品的位置,鼓励学生使用连词and当堂达标:见课件家庭作业: 1. 背写本课时的单词和2d,师抽查2.同步学习第4课时组长组织,小组内互查,把疑点进行圈画按规则积极进行游戏观察2a的图,并写出图中知道的物品名称。学习新单词:tidy, but always, everywhere.对比干净房间与杂乱房间的图,回答问题。带着问题快速阅读2b的短文后回答问题Read the text once again and finish 2c.先参考提示句进行复述短文,然后试着背诵,小组内互查。根据自己物品的位置填写表格并说一说:My baseball is under the chair. .学生自己尝试着总结并造句运用所学语言目标写出自己房间物品的位置并改正自己的错误教后反思成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:
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