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八上Unit7Whats the highest mountain in the world? Grammar Focus- Section B(1a2d)本学期第 课 时 本单元第 3 课时 上课日期:_主 备 人: 复 备 人:_ 审核人: 一、 知识目标1.Words and expressions: Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, centimeter, weigh-weight, birth,at birth, up to, adult, salt lake, 2. Sentences:(1)How high is Qomo;angma? Its 8844.43meters long, its higher than any other mountain.(2).Which is the deepest salt lake in the workd? The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.(3)Did you know that China is the oldest countries in the world? Its much older than the US.二、能力目标:能用比较级和最高级谈论有关地理和自然的话题。三 情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然,保护环境的意识。教学过程:Step 1 Learn new words and phrases: Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, centimeter, weigh-weight, birth,at birth, up to, adult, salt lake, Step2. Grammar FocusLet the students recite the sentences in Grammar Focus and make sure they understand them. Pay attention to these:(1)How high is Qomolangma? Its 8844.43meters long, its higher than any other mountain.(2).Which is the deepest salt lake in the workd? The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.(3)Did you know that China is the oldest countries in the world? Its much older than the US.Step3: 4a1. First let the Ss fill in the blanks, then check the answers:1.longest ,longer2.high, popular 3.big 4.older, much2.Pay attention to these:(1)one of +最高级+复数名词(2)程度副词+比较级(3)as+形容词/副词原形+as(4)比较级+thanStep4:4b 1. Let the students write two comparisons about two topics.Make sure they write true facts.Pay attention to the comparisons.2. Ask some students to read their writings.Step5:4c Write five questions using comparisons.Then ask their partner questions.Step6:SectionB1a 3. Compare facts about the elephant and panda.Use the language in the box to help make sentences,paying attention to the comparisons.4. Explain “This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.Step7: 1b ListeningListen and check the numbers you hear. Check the answers:100, 20, o.1, o.2, 150Step8:Listening 1c 1. Listen and complete the sentences:2. Check the answers: 1.0.1, 0.2 2.15 3.pink, teeth 4. 20, 30Step 9 1d 1.Take turns telling your classmates about pandas according to the example.2. Ask some pairs to read out their dialogues.Step 10.Test1. Our family has bought a car so we can travel _ than before.A. most easily B. less easily C. easily D. more easily2. My father told me a story last night. It is _ one Ive ever heard.) A. the funniest B. funniest C. funnier D. the funnier 3. The _ friends you have, the _ you will be. A. more, happy B. many, happy C. more, happier D. many, happier 4. When he heard a cry for help, he ran out as _ as he could. hardly B. quickly C. finally D. slowly5. This place is not big enough for Lucys birthday party. We should find a _ one.A. big B. small C. bigger D. smaller6.The river is _ (200米长)and _(100米宽)7.The Amazon River is _(最长的河流之一) in the world.8.No ocean in the workd is_(与太平洋一样大).9.This elephant _(重很多倍)than this panda.教后记:
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