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年 级九年级课题Unit 4 What would you do? 新授教学来源:xYzKw.Com来源:学优中考网xYzkw目标知识技能来源:学优中考网1. Words & expressions :million, medical, research来源:xYzKw.Com2. Enable the students to understand and talk about imaginary situations.来源:xYzKw.Com策略目标To understand the target language by reading pictures情感态度Enable the students to form positive attitude toward money and be ready to help others deal with problems and worries.教学重点Talk about imaginary situations, worries/problems.教学难点 虚拟语气 if sb were/did-, sb would/ should/might do-教 学 过 程 设 计教学过程教师学生活动设 计 意 图step1 Revision and Lead-inStep II Listing and SpeakingStep III ListeningStep IV homeworkstep 1 Revision and Lead-inAsk one or more students to show their work.T: In the last unit, you were asked to do a project on a famous persons childhood and how he/she became successful. Now whod like to display your project on the classroom wall?Sample project:Edisons childhoodThen ask the students to tell what they can learn from Edison.S: Edison once said, “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” As for we students, we should make no excuse in our learning process and work hard every day to achieve our goals.T: Edison had a really different childhood from us. He was the greatest inventor in the nineteenth century. Of all his inventions, electric bulb, is one of the most important. But just imagine what the world would be if there is no electric bulb? Today were going to learn how to talk about things that havent happened.Step II Listening and SpeakingAsk the students to read the picture on Page 26.T: When we talk about things that havent happened, we can use the words I would or Id. Now look at the picture on Page 26. What can you see in the picture?S: We can see some people, a school, a zoo, a research lab, a bank.T: What are the people in the lower part of the picture doing?S1: Maybe they are thinking about the answers to the question shown in the picture.S2: The woman is reading a newspaper and they are all thinking of the answers to the question.T: Pretend you are the people in the picture, what would you do if you had a million dollars?S3: Id buy a beautiful car.Write buy a beautiful car on the blackboard.S4: Id build a research lab.S5: Id give it to the Hope Project.S6: Id travel around the world.S7: Id give it to medical research.Ask for more ideas from the students. Write their ideas on the blackboard.buy a beautiful car, travel around the world, give it to the Hope Project,build a school for the poor children, build a library for our school, build a research labShow the following to the students and then ask them to practice in pairs.-What would you do if you have a million dollars?-I would (Id) _.T: Now work in pairs and make dialogues.1. What would you do if you saw someone stealing something? Id call the police.2. What would you do if you lost your bike?3. What would you do if you saw a girl crying in the street. Id help her find her mother.4. What would you do if the teacher asked you to sing a song to the class? Id say yes.5. What would you do if you found a wallet in the street? Id give it to the police.Step III ListeningAsk the students to listen to the recording and compare their answers with those in therecording.T: Next well hear a conversation about how to spend a million dollars. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen to get the order you hear.Play the tape for the first time.T: For the second time, please number the picture in the order you hear them.Play the tape for the second time. Then check the answers.Step IV Homework1.Ask the students to do more practice as required in 1c on Page 26.2.Ask the students to prepare for the next period: Think about if you have any worries or problems in daily life. 复习上单元内容,被动语态,同时进行潜移默化的教育Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration(天才是百分之一的聪明+百分之九十九的努力)从说到听,逐步递进, 训练听力。将知识结构由实际生活中的常见实例展现出来,引起学生兴趣,便于更好应用。五、课堂小结 语法: 虚拟语气,也叫虚拟条件句所说的不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、建议或是一种实现不了的空想,就用虚拟语气。板书设计Unit 4 What would you do? wereIf+主语 did(过去时) ,主句+should/would /might /could+动词原形教学反思本课主要学了学了虚拟语气。部分学生对动词构成didwere产生误解应该明确告诉学生did就是动词的过去式。其次,对于真实条件句和虚拟条件句的动词构成应该多加,在联系中进行巩固。最后,从单词听写来看,晚上作业完成的不够好,继续严抓单词的听写,稳扎稳打抓基础。
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