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课题: 八年级上 Unit 2教案本 学 期 第 课 时 本 单 元 第3 课时 上 课 日 期:_学习目标:1. Learn Section B, P 11.记住下列单词: 1 From “way” to “diet”2. Recite Section B 3a3 too much -much too4 It is + adj. (for sb) to do教学过程一、 出示学习目标:读记单词和短语(5分钟)然后听写二、 Learn Section B,(10分钟)1 Revise the knowledge learnt in Period 2.2 Ask “How can we keep healthy ?”.Read 3a and tell me3 lead the class to learn 3a. Read 3a and complete the the questions , try to recite 3a.Solve the problems Weak and tired Stressed out and angry4 Read and recite 3a, try to understand the meaning.5 Listen to the tape, and complete the tasks in 3a and 3b5 重点背诵下列短语和句子:短语:1 a balance of 2 for example 3 too much/much too 4 stressed out 5 western countries 6 get tired7 stay healthy 重点句子:1 Traditional Chinese medicine believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.2 Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and its important to eat a balanced diet.来源:学优中考网xYzKw3 Are you often weak and tired?4 You shouldnt study when you are tired.来源:学优中考网xYzKw三、教师抽查,同学互查, 对背诵中出现的问题加以讲解。四、教师点拨1 too much -much too2 It is + adj. (for sb) to do举例说明。老师让学生造句,掌握用法。五、达标测试(一)句型转换:1 To eat a balanced diet is very important.(同义句) _ very important _ _ a balanced diet.2 I think Tom needs help(否定句)I _ _ Tom _ help.3 You must look after yourself well when you are out. You must _ _ _ _ yourself well when you are out.4 I went to bed after I finished my homework. I _ _ to bed _ I finished my homework.(二)所给单词适当形式填空:Balance ,see ,west way ill1 Whats the best _ of learning English?2 We should eat a _ diet.3 Im very happy _ you.来源:学优中考网xYzkw4 Do you often eat in a _restaurant?5 The woman looks very weak because she had a _ a few months ago.学生独立做完,全班交流答案。六、板书设计:1 a balance of 2 for example 3 too much/much too 4 stressed out 5 western countries 6 get tired来源:学优中考网7 stay healthy 8 It is + adj. (for sb) to do教学后记:来源:学优中考网
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