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课题: 八年级上 Unit 5教案本 学 期 总第 课 时 本 单 元 第 1 课时 上 课 日 期:_学习目标:1 learn the new words: lesson ,another , study for a test, have a piano lesson, help my parents , visit my aunt , go to the doctor,2 Sentences: Can you come to my party? Sure, Id love to.教学过程Ask the ss to read the new words. 学习目标: 能礼貌的发出,接受,拒绝邀请能谈论已有的计划或安排重点:对于别人的邀请学会如何表示接受和有礼貌地拒绝用语来源:学优中考网一、自主学习Task1、会读书本课单词、短语1)个人读记单词与短语2)两个人一组相互检查读音3)展示,写在学案上单词:1、课程短语:1、为了考试学习 2、帮我父母 3、看医生 4、拜访我姑妈 5、上钢琴课 6、下一次Task2、模仿对话,提出邀请A: Can you come to my party on Wednesday?B: Sure, I would love to.A: Can you come to my party on Wednesday?C: Sorry, I can not .I have a piano lesion.A: Can you come to my party on Wednesday?D: I am sorry, too. I have to go to a doctor.来源:学优中考网Task3.听力练习 学习1b然后连线。 Tim have a piano lesson. Ted have to go to the doctor. Kay have to study for a test . Anna visit her aunt Wilson have to help my parents.二、合作请写出一组邀请与被邀请的对话。三、总结1、总结本课所学短语6个:2、总结进行邀请的句子。四、课堂练习1、用动词的适当形式填空 1)I have _(help) my mother. 2) She_(have) a piano lesss now. 3) I would love _(come) to your party. 4) I am sorry_(hear) that. 5) Thank you for_(help) me. 6) He_(have) to go to the doctor.2、选择 1)Can you come to my party_Sunday afternoon? A、in B、on C、at D、with 2)_C an you come to party with us?-_ A、I would love to B、I would like to C、I would love too. 3) I can not go to the party, Maybe_ A、no time B、other time C、next time 4) How about_to the zoo? A、goes B、went C、going3、翻译句子、(1)你能来参加我的宴会吗?(2)对不起,我得帮妈妈干活。(3)我得去上吉他课。(4)我得为考试作准备。(5)你能和我一起去上学吗?五 、 教学反思来源:学优中考网来源:学优中考网xYzkw来源:xYzkW.Com
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