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7A Unit7 Shoping Period One Comic strip and welcome to the unit学习目标: 1学习常见的商店名称。 2学会用英语就购买礼物的话题对话。学习重难点:掌握常见的商店名称并能就购买礼物的话题对话。学习过程:一、自主学习1.你会拼写这些单词吗:购物 大型购物中心 沿着 恨 钱 拿/提 书店 礼物 肯定 收集2.看书P80-81,找到这些短语划出来并翻译:down the street go shoping come with me carry all the bags Heres my wallet clothes shop flower shop gift shop shoe shop sports shop toy shop bookshop Christmas is coming buy Simon a present be interested in Thats a good idea Youre welcome 来源:gkstk.Com3.你知道这些商店的名称吗?来源:学优高考网gkstk1. _ A shop which sells shoes.2. _ You can read and buy books there.3. _ Women like to go there and buy beautiful clothes.4. _ You can buy sports things like football.5. _ If you want a toy train, you can go there and get it.6. _ A shop where you can buy lots of beautiful flowers.7. Children can buy gifts there.8. A shop where you can buy all kinds of things.4.完成A部分练习。二、课堂交流展示1. 听comic strip 的对话回答:(要背诵对话哦)Does Eddie like shopping?Why does Hobo want Eddie to go with him? 2. 听Talking about presents录音,熟读。New Years Day is coming.你打算给好朋友买一份礼物但不知买什么,根据这篇对话编写新的对话讨论买什么合适。来源:学优高考网gkstk3课内探究1. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物 e.g. I want to buy my mother a birthday present. = I want to buy a birthday present for my mother.2. have an idea 有一个主意(想法) e.g. have a good idea 有个好主意 have some ideas 有一些想法3. Im not sure. 我不清楚。/ 我不知道。/ 我不确定。 Im sure (that) + 句子。 e.g. Im sure he is coming. 我肯定他会来的。4. maybe adv. 也许,可能 may be(是由情态动词 may 后接动词原形 be, 这里的may意思是“可能”,虽然他们不是同义词,但有时可进行同义句转换)e.g. Maybe you are right. 也许你是对的。 = You may be right. 5. be interested in sth. / doing sth. 对某事感兴趣 / 对做某事感兴趣 e.g. Are you interested in sports? He is interested in reading.6. need (sb.) to do sth. 需要(某人)做某事 e.g. We need to finish the work before 8 a.m.来源:gkstk.Com7. collect stamps 集邮 e.g. Collecting stamps is her hobby.8. Thats a good idea. 这是个好主意。9. 表达“不用谢”的英语:e.g. Youre welcome. Not at all. Thats all right. Its a pleasure.10. I d like to go shopping .我想去购物。 would like to do sth. 请写出该句的同义词组:_试一试:请翻译下列两个句子,并写出同义句。a. 他想帮助李雷。 b. 我们想去游泳。三、达标检测 1. They would like _(buy) some fruit. 2. I dont have (some ) money. 3. Can you come with me? I need you _ (carry) all the bags. 4. Does he have any music _( 唱片) at the moment.来源:gkstk.Com5. Kitty has many _(礼物) for her birthday. 6. The _(邮票) is her favourite. 7. My cousin _(对阅读感兴趣) . 8. Theres some money in my _(钱包). 9.他对音乐不感兴趣。
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