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淮安市南陈集中学七年级英语教学案7B Unit 7 Grammar1日期: 6.1 班级: 姓名: 组别: 评价: 【学习目标】1. 识别并理解如何使用can和could的表达现在和过去的能力2. 识别并理解如何使用can和could表达现在和过去的可能性。3. 掌握what和how构成感叹句的方法。4. 能使用简单的what和how感叹句表达惊讶、愤怒、赞美等情绪。【学习重难点】掌握以下句子: Millie can/can not speak good English.The old man could swim across the Yangtze River.- Could I smoke here ? - Sorry, Im afraid you cant .- May I use your mobile phone ? - Of course you may .- Can I borrow your bike, ,Millie? - Yes, you can. Here you are .What a beautiful flower ! How beautiful the flower is !【自主学习】 要养成阅读、思考的好习惯哦用can, cant, could, couldnt, may, must, mustnt填空 1. _ you swim? Yes, I_.2. She _ play tennis when she was 10.3. He knows little English, and _ understand the story.4. They can row a boat now, but two days ago, they_.5. What _I do for you?6. Fire _ be dangerous if we are not careful.7. We _ play football yesterday because it snowed.8. _ you row a boat now? Yes, I _. But last year I _. I practiced very hard and now I _ teach you.师生活动(教师备课,学生课堂记录)【课中交流】 爱动脑筋让你变得更聪明! 1. 情态动词can 表示现在的能力,could 表示过去的能力,后跟动词原形, can do sth.=is/ am/ are able to do sth. could do sth.= was/ were able to do sth.不能做某事can/could not do sth.= be not able to do sth.= be unable to do sth.他们英语说的很好。They_ _ good English.=They _ _ _ _ English well. 情态动词could 表示委婉语气,比用can 更加有礼貌,may 比较正式。一般疑问句回答,通常情况问什么,答什么Can I ? Yes, you can. No, you cant.请注意下列特殊情况:Could I ? Yes, you can. No, you cant.May I ? Yes, you may. No, you cant. (坚决拒绝 No, you mustnt.)Must I ? Yes, you must. No, you neednt. 表示可能性 may be也许是,(50%) must be一定是,(100%) cant be 不可能是(0%)Whose book is it? It _ Toms, I think. I think so. Look, here is Sandys name on the cover. It _ Sandys.Where is your brother? Is he in the kitchen? He _ there. I saw him drive away a moment ago.2. 感叹句表达高兴、愤怒、伤心等感情,常用What, How 来引导What + 名词短语+S +V!名词短语三种构成形式:a/an+形容词+可数名词单数a beautiful lake/ an interesting book 形容词+ 可数名词复数amazing animals 形容词+不可数名词surprising news/ nice weather/ great fun)来源:学优高考网What an exciting match it is!这场比赛真刺激!What nice flowers they are!这些花多漂亮啊!What interesting film we saw yesterday! 我们昨天看的电影真有趣!What great fun they had flying kites in the park! 他们在公园放风筝放得多开心啊!How+形容词/副词 +S +V!来源:学优高考网来源:学优高考网gkstkHow tall the tree is!这棵树真高啊!How carefully the little boy is doing his homework!那个小男孩做作业做得多认真啊【目标检测】 有目标才能成功! 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Its important _ (be) careful with your homework.2. Lets help him at once. He is in _ (dangerous).3. Well go _ (walk) instead of _ (ride).4. I wash my face after _ (get) up every day.5. -_ (can) Daniel swim when he was 5 year old? - No, he _. But now he _.6. He spends half an hour _ (read) English in the morning.7. Dont forget _ (turn) off the lights before you leave.8. You should keep _ in the dining room and talk _. (quiet)二、 选用括号内合适的单词填空1. Now I _ ( can, could) swim, but last year I _ ( cant, couldnt).2. Could I have a glass of water? -Of course you _ ( can, could).3. - _ (can, could) you speak English? -Yes, I _ ( can, could).4. - _(can, could) you ride a bike when you were six?来源:学优高考网-No, I_(cant. couldnt).5. Its raining hard. We _ (cant, couldnt) go out now.三 用what或how填空,使之成为一个完整的感叹句。1._ a big box! 2. _ short pencils!3. _ happy! 4. _ hard!5. _ clean water! 6. _ soft!7. _ wonderful! 8. _ fast!【课后巩固】 学而时习之!【课后反思】来源:学优高考网gkstk二次批阅评价 (等第) 时间: 年 月 日
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