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淮安市南陈集中学七年级英语教学案 7B U7 Abilities Reading2日期: 5,27 班级: 姓名: 组别: 评价: 来源:gkstk.Com【学习目标】1、学会使用本课所学新词汇。2、能熟读课文,了解文章大意,快速寻找具体细节。3、了解用火安全以及发生危险时的自救及求救方法。【学习重难点】掌握下列词汇:brave , fire, alone , ,smoke , hurt , leg , pour , rush , save , safe , danger , 掌握以下句子:He helped his neighbour out of a fire He was in hospital for two months . We should help each other .Fire can be very dangerous . It is important to be careful with fire .导 学 过 程师生活动(教师备课,学生课堂记录)【自主学习】 要养成阅读、思考的好习惯哦一、到课文中找出下面的词组写在横线上。1. 带来花和礼物_ 2. 植树_3. 当心火_ 4. 清扫公园_5. 参观敬老院_ 6. 帮助邻居逃出火灾_7. 冲进厨房_ 8. 把水倒在夹克衫_ 【课中交流】 爱动脑筋让你变得更聪明! 1. be careful with .注意照顾小心对待 be careful (not) to do sth.小心(不要)做当我们在森林里露营时,要小心用火。When we _ in the forest, please _ _ _ fire.来源:学优高考网gkstk2.savefrom拯救某人脱离把那个小男孩从河里救上来_keep(away) from使某人远离使孩子们远离不良电脑游戏_far (away) from远离住得离市中心很远_stopfrom doing sth阻止做某事阻止人们砍倒树木_3. 79-year-old做名词的前置定语,“79岁的”,79 years old做表语,放在be后面,也可放在of后面做名词后置定语4. hurt过去式_及物动词 hurt .弄伤她的头_他昨天弄伤了右腿。He _ _ _ _ yesterday.来源:学优高考网5. pour over.把倒在上,over有 “遍布” 的意思,如 发现地上都是书find the books all over the floor, 把毯子盖在孙夫人身上put a blanket over Mrs. Sun6. rush into冲到里面 rush out of冲出冲进大楼去救人_冲出大楼进入街道_上小汽车_从小汽车里下来_手拿一本书走出教室_跟着兔子跳到河里_7. in hospital 生病住院 in the hospital在医院里(并非生病)类似 at school 在校上学,in the school在学校;in bed人在床上休息或睡觉on the bed物品在床上 at table在吃饭 at the table在桌边昨天这个时候你在哪儿?我在医院看望生病的奶奶。Where _ you at this time yesterday? I _ _ _ to _ my _ grandmother.8. catch a fire着火,强调动作,be on fire着火强调动作put out the fire (put it out)扑灭火看,那幢大楼着火了!它什么时候烧起来的?两个小时前。Look, the building _ _ _. When _ it _ _ _? Two hours ago.9. think about sth./doing sth.考虑(做)某事他正在考虑下一步做什么。 He _ _ _what _ _ next.10. protect sth. 尽力保护我们的国家_保护地球是我们的职责。_ our duty _ _ the Earth.11. enough的用法:形在前,名在后,用to do.我们没有足够的钱来买这台电视。We dont _ _ _ _ _ the TV.他够大了,可以上学了。He _ _ _ _ go to school.12. shout at sb.朝某人大叫 shout for help大叫求助When you are in danger, you can _(大叫求助).我觉得朝父母大吼大叫不礼貌。I _ _ its _ _ _ _ parents.【目标检测】 有目标才能成功! 一、根据句意和首字母提示填写句中所缺单词1. Yesterday I was at home a _.来源:gkstk.Com2. Mrs Lin is very s_ because her dog died.3. The old lady is in d_. The doctors are trying to save her.4. Tom is a c_ boy, but he is doing his homework carefully now.5. Its dangerous to play with m_ because they can catch fire easily.6. A lot of v_ go to that famous place every year.7. Spring is the best season to p_ trees.8. I was a m _ of the Reading club last year.9. It s_ heavily last night. And the ground is all white now.二、完成句子。1. 我的朋友告诉我不要总是不开心。 My friends _ me _ all the time.2. 我不知道马丽昨天怎么了。 I dont know _ Mary yesterday.3. 约翰叔叔生病住院了两个月。 Uncle John was ill _ two months.4. 你应该让你的长发远离转动的机器。 You should _ your long hair _ the running machine.5. 他开着电视睡着了。He _ the TV _ and went to sleep.【拓展延伸】【课后巩固】 学而时习之!【课后反思】二次批阅评价 (等第) 时间: 年 月 日
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