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徐州市教学改革实验学校教师备课设计页课 题9上 Unit 4 Growing up Comic strip and welcome to the unit课 型New教 具Tape- recorder ppt总课时数25完成时间9.29教学方法Communicative ApproachSituational Method主 备 人Zhang Xizhi授课时间10.13教学目标知识与能力:1. To understand the ways of knowing the world.2. To learn totalk about theirunderstanding ways ofknowing the world.3. To master the vocabulary , phrases and patterns in this period.过程与方法:1.to get the Ss to talk about their age ,height in groups.2.do a survey in class.Do you want to grow up ? Do you not want to grow up? Then tell the class the reasons.情感态度与价值观:To discuss the ways about how one learns about the world and arouse the Ss interest in learning this unit.教学重点难点To master the vocabulary , phrases and patterns in this period.教 学 活 动 内 容活 动 组 织 过 程改 笔Step1:Lead inTeacher ask:How old are you? How tall are you?Do you remember your height when you first came to this school?Teacher says:You are growing older and taller,so ,you are growing up.What cames into your mind when talking about “growing up”?Encourage the students to talk about the words or sentences about”growing up”?Step2:PresentationQ:Do you feel happy to grow up?Do you want to grow up?Teacher makes a survy and tells the students that it is necessary for us to grow up.So,boys and girls,do you want to know Eddiess thought?Ask the students to listen to the comic strips and answer the following questions:1What is on Eddies mind?2Will Eddie build his house by himself?Ask the students to read the dialogue after the recording and then play the role to read.Pay attention to your pronounciation and intonation.Step3: PresentationTeacher says:Growing up also means that you learn more about the world.How do you learn about the world? For example,how do you know there is a city called Los Angeles? How do you know a terrible earthquake hit Japan in 2011?Encourage the students to say out the full sentences and finish partA.Simon and Millie are ta lking about how they like to learn about how they like to learn about the world.Lets listen to the conversation and then tell me your favourite way.Listen to part B.Ask:How does Mille learn about the world?why?How does Simon learn about the wwrld? Why?Work in pairs to practice the dialogue.Sample conversation :S1:How do you learn about the world?S2:I like to learn about the world from films.S1:Why do you like to learn that way?S2:Because I can see、Step4:Language points1on ones mind2be worried about(doing)3Growing up is hard.4You have been happy since I first met you.5wake sb up6learn that way7through the Internet8as soon as9a great deal ofStep5:Homework:1. Memorize the vocabulary ,expressions and patterns.2. Read the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo and the dialogue in Part B.3. Finish off the relevant exercises.4. Prepare for Reading.Ask and answerListen to the teacher carefully.Listen to the comic strips and answer the following questionsRead the dialogue after the recording and then play the role to read.Pay attention to your pronounciation and intonation.Work in pairs to practice the dialogue.Master the language points and make some sentences with them.Check the homework and the preview.Talk about the Ss growing up.Growing up also means that you learn more about the world.How do you learn about the world? For example,how do you know there is a city called Los Angeles? 课堂达标一、词汇:1. Hell ask us about our health _ (无论何时)he meets us.2. She won the prize _ (凭借) her special painting skills.3. How much money do they need? A great _ (很多). 4. They experienced hard _ (时期).5. We are not _ (允许)to smoke here. Keys: whenever through deal times allowed二、翻译句子: 1. 她每天有许多事要操心。 She has got a lot _. 2. 这条河里不允许捕鱼。 _ in this river.3. 我一看到他的后背就认出了他。 I recognized him _.Keys: on her mind every dayFishing is not allowedas soon as I saw his back板书设计9上 Unit 4 Growing up Comic strip and welcome to the unit1. Answer the following questions:1)What is on Eddies mind?2)Will Eddie build his house by himself?2. Practice the dialogue.Sample conversation :S1:How do you learn about the world?S2:I like to learn about the world from films.S1:Why do you like to learn that way?S2:Because I can see、3. Language points.1on ones mind2be worried about(doing)3Growing up is hard.4You have been happy since I first met you.5wake sb up6learn that way7through the Internet8as soon as9a great deal of教 后 反 思(上节课存在问题的解决情况、本课教学经验或问题描述、存在问题的原因分析、提出改进措施)In this period, the Ss can master the new words ,expressions and some patterns skillfully.some able Ss can recite
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