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群力中学九年级上册英语教案总课题Unit 6 TV programmes总课时7第 1 课时课 题Comic strip & welcome to the unit课型新授课教学目标To grasp the words of different types of TV programmes.To talk about students favourite TV programmes.教学重点To grasp the words of different types of TV programmes.教学难点To talk about students favourite TV programmes.教学设计Teaching aids: A computer, notebooks and work sheets.Teaching methods: Listening 、reading、acting& Discussing教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Step 1 Free talk1. Do you like watching TV?2. How often do you watch TV?3. What type of TV programmes do you like?AnswerFree talkStep 2 New wordsPresent some pictures and teach the new words.Learn the new wordsNew wordsStep 3 Welcome to the unitTypes of TV programmes1. Sandy is doing a quiz. Help her match the scenes below with the types of TV programmes. Write the correct name under each pictures.Keys: 1. comedy 2. game show 3. cartoon 4. documentary 5. chat show 6. drama series 2. Practice the dialogue:A: What type of TV programmes do you like?B: I like . best. What about you?A: My favourite TV programme is./ I dont like.3. Sandy and her friends are talking about TV programmes. Listen to their conversation and answer the following questions: Why does the girl like watching documentary ? Keys: Because she can learn a lot about nature, history and real-life events from them.4. Work in pairs and talk about the types of TV programmes you like. Use the conversation below as a model.match the scenes with the types of TV programmesWrite the correct name under each picturesPractice the dialogueListen to conversation and answer the questionsWelcome to the unit教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Sandy: What types of TV programmes do you like?Millie: I like watching documentaries because I can learn a lot about nature, history and real-life events from them.Daniel: I prefer game shows. I hope one day I can take part in one of them, answer all the questions and win a big prize!Amy: I think chat shows are as wonderful as game shows. There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives.Simon: I love cartoons so much. Tom and Jerry is my favorite, though theres not much dialogue in it.talk about the types of TV programmes you likeStep 4 Free talkAsk the students to talk about the question:1. Do you know whether dogs like watching TV? 2. What type of TV programmes does Eddie like watching? Can you guess?talk about the questionFree talkStep 5 Comic strip1. Listen and answer the questions.(1) Is Eddie getting bored with staying at home all day? (2) Does Hobo think Eddie is so busy? Why?(3) What kind of things does Eddie do every day? Keys: 1.No, he isnt. 2. No. Because he thinks Eddie has nothing to do. 3. He has meals, sleeps and watches TV every day.2. Act the dialogue out.Listen and answer the questionsComic stripStep 6 Language points1. Eddie, arent you getting bored with staying at home all day?get bored with . 意为“厌倦了.”。e.g. After a while, I began to get bored with my job.过了一段时间,我开始厌烦这份工作。2. A dogs work is never done.句中done意为“完毕,结束”。e.g. I am done with the book. 这本书我看完了。Language pointsLanguage pointsStep 7 Exercises. Complete the sentences.1. Children like watching _.(卡通片)2. D_ can help people learn more about nature, history and real-life events .”3. When I am upset I like to watch c_ to cheer myself upComplete the sentences.Exercises教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)4. Famous people always talk about their lives on _(访谈节目).5. My mother is not so _ (busy) as my father.6. There are some boys on the playground _ (play) football.7. A dogs work is never_ (do).8. I have got bored with _ (watch) drama series.Keys: 1. cartoons 2. documentaries 3. comedies 4. chat shows 5.busy 6. playing 7. done 8. watching . Translate the following sentences.1. 如果你和我一样忙碌,你就不会厌烦了。2. 你喜欢哪种类型的电视节目?3. 我希望有一天能参加一个竞赛节目。Keys: 1. If you are as busy as I am, you wont get bored. 2. What type of TV programmes do you like ? 3. I hope I can take part in one of the game shows.TranslateExercisesStep 8 Homework1. Recite the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo.2. Do some relevant exercises.Finish the homework板书设计 Sandy: What types of TV programmes do you like?Millie: I like watching documentaries because I can learn a lot about nature, history and real-life events from them.Daniel: I prefer game shows. I hope one day I can take part in one of them, answer all the questions and win a big prize!Amy: I think chat shows are as wonderful as game shows. There are
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