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Unit 8 Task主备:张健 审核:林海春 课型:新授 总第 48 学时 班级: 姓名: 【学习重、难点】重点: 1.能安排一个故事的顺序。2.能理清侦探故事写作的要素。3.能根据所给素材写篇侦探故事。难点:能根据所给素材写篇侦探故事。二、词汇、短语 1get along with 与相处的好2do sth for a living以为生3come home from work下班回家4be charged with因被指控5be guilty有罪6check these for fingerprints检查这些核实指纹7be under arrest for murder因谋杀而被捕三、句型1) No one knows what he does for a living. 没有人知道他靠做什么为生。 dofor a living 做为生make a living 谋生e.g. His uncle used to repair clocks for a living.他叔叔过去靠修钟表为生。2)Bruce gets along with all of his neighthours except the man who lives next door.布鲁斯和邻居相处和睦,除了住在隔壁的那个男人。 get along / on (with someboby) 与某人和睦相处,关系良好”e.g. He has never really got on with his flatmates.他和室友们一直合不来。3) Youre under arrest for murder. be under arrest for 因为而被逮捕e.g. He was under arrest for murder.他因为谋杀而被逮捕。= He was arrested for murder.【学习过程】课前预习一、翻译下列短语1. 被指控偷窃 2. 做.谋生 3. 与相处得好 4. 下班回家 5. 因谋杀而被捕 6. 一些贵重珠宝 来源:学优高考网gkstk7. 掉了项链 8. 除了住在隔壁的男子 二自学生词并圈出自己不理解的短语 课堂学习:Task1:Presentations 1. 呈现P118页A部分图片,口头描述图片内容。2. 观察四幅图,完成A部分练习,朗读句子,核对答案。Task2:根据图片回答问题。 What did Bruce find one day?_ What did he plan to do with it?_ Did a witness see Bruce running into the building?_ Was Bruce charged with murder?_来源:gkstk.ComTask3:Complete Part B.Task4:Its the cook.1. Have a think. Check the preview work and ask and answer in pairs.2. Write down some notes about the crime.Place of the crime:Clues found:Witnesses:Suspect:Evidence:3. Write down the detective story in groups. Each group finish one part. 1). A description of the crime.2). Any objects or clues found at the scene of the crime.3). A description of the suspect.4). How the detective knows he/she has found the right person.合作探究五:Group work:当堂检测:书面表达:今天早晨六点半左右,早起晨练的王大伯在河边发现了一具中年男子的尸体后随及报了警。 根据现场勘察和目击证词,初步认定这是一场抢劫杀人案,被害者约三十岁左右,高约一米七,身边钱物被洗劫一空,被刀刺伤流血致死后被移至河边。提示:1.请尽量使用间接引语和定语从句等复合句。 2.可在现有线索上发挥想象。作文1: _ Evaluation time (评价时间)1.Self-editing:(自我修改)来源:学优高考网Check your reports by yourselves , find out the mistakes and try to correct.段落分明,要点齐全,时态恰当,结构正确,句式多样,过渡自然,观点合理,书写规范。在保证正确的前提下,多用层次高的同义词、句。2. Peer-editing(同伴互改)Share your reports with your partners, check his/her report and give a mark. Give him/her some advice.评分标准:满分10分1段落不清晰,扣1分2 时态错误,扣1分3 要点遗漏,每条扣1分4 句式简单、重复,扣1分5 没有适当的过渡语,扣1分6 书写不规范,扣1分7 语法,拼写错误,每处扣0.5分Language points:1. get along with sb. 与某人相处得好,也可以用get on with sb.Im _ my aunt.Get alongon 也有“进展,顺利进行”的意思How is your work _?2. except 作为介词,意思是“除之外”。辨析:except意为“除之外”,不包括被除去的部分。 beside意为“除之外还有”,包括被除去的部分。All of us passed the exam _ John. (约翰也通过了)All of us passed the exam _ John. (仅约翰一个人没有通过)3. steal 动词,意为“偷窃,偷”,过去式_;过去分词_;现在分词_steal sth. from sb. 意为“偷某人东西”He _(偷) a necklace from his neighbour last night. 【课堂反馈】用所给词的适当形式填空:1 Young girls had better_ (not go) out alone at night.2 We should remember _ (lock) any useful information about the murder.3 He was arrested for _ (thief).4. Do you know who _ (steal) the expensive necklace?5. Its cold outside. Would you mind _ (shut) the windows?6. He told me the man never _ (speak) to anyone.7. A little girl _ (kidnap) the day before yesterday.8. Nancy is a good woman and she has no_ (crime) record.9. Now the _ (safe
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