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师 生 学 习 案年级: 九 学科: 英语 分课时:8-2 总课时:2 课题: 9A unit 1 Reading 1 课型:新授课学习目标:1. 掌握描述工作和性格的词汇。 2.认识四位在各自工作领域表现杰出的人物,培养学生学习先进、努力奋 斗的精神。 3.掌握并运用描述工作和性格的语言技能。学习过程:Step 初读8-9页课文,划出不理解的单词或词组,列猜测词义。EnglishChinese来源:学优高考网Step 迅速浏览课文,完成下列表格Number of people mentioned in the articleWho are they?What are they?Step 仔细阅读课文回答下列问题 1.Does Wu Wei like to talk ? 2.What has he won from the art community for his sculptures? 3.Is Su Sing active and energetic ? 4.What do you think is more suitable for her, an accountant or a manager? 5.What is Liutaos personality ? 6.Is Liutaos personality suitable for his job? 7.How long does Fangyuang often do operations a day ?来源:gkstk.Com 8.Why do people in the town respect her ? Step 根据描述写出性格特征的形容词Description of the personPersonalitySuzy: keeps her things in good orderMillie: does not get angry easily来源:学优高考网Daniel: never shows offSandy: often has exciting ideasSimon: always play football for hoursSamuel: often comes up with new ideasBilly: likes asking questionsStep 完成短语和句子1.对他们工作满意的人 2.一位天生的艺术家 3.他的作品极具说服力 4.赢得很高的赞誉 5.搜索更好的东西 6.放弃 7.公司总经理 8.日复一日 9.处于领先地位 来源:gkstk.Com10.落后 11.随时接受新的挑战 12.总工程师 13.高铁 14.与.连接 15和.一模一样;简直是 16.失之毫厘,谬以千里 17.承担不起任何错误 18.注意 19不但. 而且. 20.作为一个医生,再怎么仔细也不为过。 21.一位杰出的心脏外科医生 22.很乐意做某事 23.工作高标准严要求 24.把.奉献给. 25.适合
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