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Period : Grammar&Integrated skills (第三课时)第一部分 教案设计教学内容Grammar(第2324页)板块呈现了一种难度大但又非常重要的语法现象:方式副词和副同的比较级及最高级。Integrated skills(第2526页)板块主要是培养学生“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”的综合技能。教材分析Grammar这部分语法主要要求学生识别方式副词,掌握副词的比较级和最高级的变化规则,进而学会运用副词的比较级和最高级。Integrated skills 训练并提高学生通过听材料而获取倍息的能力以及运用听取的信息来完成短文的能力,在此基础上实现自由运用所学关于各种学校生活的词汇和口头会话的重要句式及编写对话的能力。教学目标基础知识掌握词汇:least,further/farther, furthest/farthest, spend, chess词组:armong the three of us,come first/second/third in the race, any other of my classmates, all my other classmates, the other students,run fast, any other student, number of students, have . weeks off,another half an hour, at most,do morning exercises, spend time on/doing sth, play chess,do some reading句型:Millie has more tomatoes than Daniel.Millie has less rice than Daniel.Millie has fewer bananas than Kitty.Kitty has the most eggs.Daniel has the fewest tomatoes.Millie has the least juice.She ran faster than Millie.Amy came first in the race. She ran the fastest.Sunshine Middle School has the most teachers and students of the three.Chinese students have fewer weeks off for the summer holiday than British students.British students spend less time doing homework than Chinese students.Among the three schools, American students spend the least time on homework.They work the hardest.I have only half an hour for my hobbies at most.基本技能: 1 运用more . than、fewer. than和less . than比较数量。2运用the most比较三个或三个以上的事物,表示数量最多;运用the fewest和theleast比较三个或三个以上的事物,表示数量最少。 3听取细节,提炼信息,了解更多有关中外学校生活的异同点。综合素质:1.能掌握副词比较级和最高级的构成并正确运用副词比较级和最高级。 2. 能使用相关话题进行口语交际。教学重难点及突破重点:掌握基本的四会单词、词组及句型。难点:正确运用副词比较级和最高级。教学突破: 通过教师的讲解,开展多种形式的活动,帮助学生自己总结知识,应用知识。教学准备教师准备:多媒体课件。 学生准备:可供数量比较的实物或图片。教学设计Step I Presentation(呈现)1.Help the students focus on the subjects and the after-school activities by asking some questions:(1) What subjects does John/Nancy have at his school?(2) What did they do during their free time?2利用实物或教学图片先让学生自由对话比较两样东西的数量,可以先给出示例,如: I have one apple. He has two apples. He has more apples than me. I have fewer apples than him.板书 more . than和fewer .than。让学生拿出身边有的实物操练可数名词的数量比较。接着,教师呈现图片,图中Simon和Sandy各拿一杯橙汁,与学生开展一些问答。3板书less . than,教师利用课件呈现一个表格,表格中含有Simon和Sandy的牛奶、鱼、咖啡等物品,让学生模仿运用上述句型进行对话操练。4让学生仔细观察例句并得出结论:We use morethan and fewer .than to talk about countable nouns. We use more . than and less . than to talk about uncountable nouns.5呈现课本第23页的图片,先用more . than、fewer . than、less . than进行两者之间数量的比较,教师可示范:Millie has more tomatoes than Daniel. 鼓励学生尽可能多说几个句子。并以同样的方式引出 the most和the least,板书the most、the fewest和the least。根据图片内容,让学生小组内自由操练:Who has the most/the fewest/ the least ?6鼓励学生得出以下结论:We use the most and the fewest to talk about countable nouns. We use the most and the least to talk about uncountable nouns.7和学生一起总结比较数量时形容词比较级和最高级的构成- manymorethe most muchmorethe most few一fewer一the fewest littlelessthe leastStep II Practice(操练)1学生完成A1 部分,先让学生用more . than、less . than、fewer . than、the most, the fewest、the least口头操练表格内容,再按要求完成句子,并让学生朗读。2鼓励学生Free talk自己的学校生活,如:How many subjects do you have? How many clubs are you in? How much free time do you have every day? 指导学生造句:Make sentences to compare your school life with Nancys, Johns and Daniels.B Comparative and superlative adverbs Step I Presentation(呈现)1呈现课本第24页上方的图片,与学生问答的同时以文字的形式呈现:Millie ran fast.Sandy ran faster.Amy ran the fastest.2标注出副词比较级和最高级的变化,引导学生找出规律:副词比较级、最高级的构成方法和形容词比较级、最高级的构成方法一致。(1)大多数单音节的副词后加-er/-esthardharderhardesthighhigherhighest(2)两个或两个以上音节的副词,应在前面加more/most quicklymore quicklymost quickly carefullymore carefullymost carefully(3)一些不规则副词的变化wellbetterbestbadlyworseworstfar一further/farther_furthest/farthestStep II Practice(操练)1学生小组内练习,根据身边人的做事方式,使用副词比较级和最高级进行口头操练。教示范:I get up early in the morning. My father gets up earlier than me. My mother gets up the earliest. 2指导学生完成课本第24页的练习,自我朗读核对完成的句子。 3完成随堂练习。Integrated skills(学习Integrated skills)Step I Review(复习)Free talk帮助学生复习重点信息。Step II Listening(听力)1浏览A1部分的表格,了解需要完成的相关信息。 2让学生先听一遍录音,完成表格的第一栏,并核对答案。3 师说:Sandy is helping Daniel collect information about other schools on the Internet. Listen to their conversation and complete the rest of the table.Step III Practice(操练)1根据A1部分的表格内容,组织学生分组练习,对三所学校进行比较,师说: Can you make a dialogue with your classmate to compare these three schools? 教师通过提问给出示范。引导学生运用more/fewer/ls . than. the most/fewest/least来比较事物。 2做A3部分的练习前,先让学生看一遍Daniel的文章,检査他们是否理解义章大意。让学生用A1部分的信息独立完成填空练习,然后再与同伴讨论答案。全班核对后朗读完整的短文。3教师呈现一些问题,检查学生是否还记得Daniel、John和Nancy的情况:让学生根据A1和A3的信息,完成A4部分的练习。B Speak up: Simon spends the most time on his hobbies.Step I Present “Speak up”(新授Speak up)1 Free talk :do you have any hobbies? What are they? When do you usually do your hobbies? How much time do you spend on your hobbies every day?2创设情境,呈现新知识。Hobbies are good for us. Theyre fun. But we cant spend too much time on ou
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