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辽宁省辽阳市第九中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6Im watching TVperiod1教案 人教新目标版 I. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary: doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner, talking on the phoneTarget language: Whats Steve doing? -Hes watching TV.Does he want to go to the movies? -Yes, he does.Is Nancy doing homework? -No, she isnt. 2. Ability ObjectsTrain students listening and speaking skills.Train students communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectsBe good at watching something and love our lives.Teach students how to cooperate.II. Teaching Key PointsMaster the key vocabulary.The present progressive tense.III. Teaching Difficult Point Oral practice using the target language.Make a conversation.IV. Teaching Methods Task-based teaching method. Illuminating teaching method. PairworkV. Teaching Aids A projector. A tape recorder.VI. Teaching ProceduresStep1 Warm-up T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. At the beginning of our class, lets learn an English song “ Are you sleeping”. Please look at the screen and sing after the song. (Play the flash twice and let students sing aloud)Step2 Revision1. T: Now, lets do some speaking. Ill ask one of you to come to the front and act out some activities, and others guess what she is doing, understand? Amy, come here, please. (Ask the student to pretend to eat, read a book, clean the blackboardGuide the student to practice some activities, then ask the class to ask and answer.)2. Show some pictures of activities on the screen, let Ss practice the sentence structure. 3. T: Now, class, look at the screen please. What is he doing?S: He is reading a book. T: This picture, Lifeng, you two, please. (Ask pairs of students to practice the target language.)Step3 Pairwork 2c1. Ask Ss to read the sample conversation. Let Ss look at the first group of pictures, and ask them to guess what the people are doing.2. T: Look at this picture, please. This is Nancy. She is sitting at the desk. Do you know what she is doing? Is she dancing, eating? Can you guess?S: No, she isnt. She is writing a letter.(show the pictures) Now, please open your books, turn to page 26. Look at Activity 2c. There are three pairs of pictures left, right? Match the pictures first. Then imitate the sample conversation, work in pairs. Students A look at the first row, and guess what the people are doing. Students B look at the second row and answer the questions. For example, A: Is Mary writing? B looks at the picture and answers yes or no. Understand? OK, lets begin3. After that, ask three pairs to present to the class.4. Show Ss another two pictures, ask Ss to guess what they are doing, and answer the question.Step 4 Listening 2a & 2b1. T: So much for speaking. Do you want to do some listening? Look at this picture, please. What are they doing? ( S: Theyre talking on the phone.) Peter, read the two questions, pleaseGood, thank you. Now, Ill play a recording. Please listen and write your answers on your books. (Play the recording and ask Ss to fill in the answers, then show the answers on the screen.)2. Ask Ss to listen to the conversation again and put the sentences in the correct order. Read the conversation together.T: Look at the sentences in the box, they are in the wrong order. Lets listen to the conversation again and put the sentences in orderRead the conversation together.3. T: You did a good job. Lets do another listening exercise. Listen to the passage and fill in the form. (Show the form on the screen.)Step5 3a1. T: Look at Activity 3a. There are two conversations below. (Ask two students to read the conversations.) Look at the three pictures. Picture1, what is the boy doing? (He is reading.) Picture2, 3Now, please match the conversations with the pictures, and one picture has no conversation. Which picture is matched to Conversation A? (Check the answers.) Class, lets read the conversations together. Conversation A. begin2. Ask Ss to look at Picture 1, work in pairs and make a conversation.T: OK. You read very well. Now look at picture1 in 3a. pretend you are the people in this picture. Imitate Conversation A and B, make a conversation with your partner. Work in pairs. (As they work, move around the classroom offering help and answering questions as needed.)3. T: Now, please make a conversation by your own. Then Ill ask some pairs to come to the front and present to the class. (4 pairs)Step6 Exercise1. Competition - Add ing to the verbs.2. T: Do you know how many patterns to add ing? (Three. Give examples) lets have a competition. Youre divided into four groups. Every group choose one to come to the Bb.(When they finish, check and give scores.)2. T: You know, the present progressive tense is different from the simple present tense. Can you tell me when we use this tense? (Now, look, listen)Give some ex
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