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初中英语课件,此ppt下载后可自行编辑,Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications,The Internet Since the 1990s the Internet has become fashionable in peoples daily life.The Internet is a system of thousands of networks,linking schools,universities,businesses,government agencies,libraries and millions of individuals.,The Internet,an information highway,can bring many conveniences into the school,home and office.College students can check the card catalogue of libraries of different countries to finish their papers.Housewives can do their shopping and pay bills without leaving their homes.Businessmen can land an order through electronic media.Patients can reach the worlds leading experts on the disease they may suffer from.Men and women can communicate with people from all over the world by sending and receiving emails.With a computer and the network,any individual can call up information about almost anything from almost anywhere at almost any time.,The Internet offers us excitement and a world of promise.For example,it can improve efficiency in scientific research,for by means of it scientists and researchers can get a global look at the latest developments in the field concerned and they dont need to spend time doing what has already been done.In view of personal communication,the Internet could be the most convenient means,too.,1佳句仿写一二三 自从2005年以来,高中生的数量在下降。 _ 他们花了一年的时间来制作这部电视剧。 _ 考虑到你的英语学习,一本字典是很重要的。 _,Since 2005 the number of students in high school has gone down.,They spent one year filming the TV play.,In view of your English study, its important to have a dictionary.,_,_,2翻译佳句,放眼高考 With a computer and the network,any individual can call up information about almost anything from almost anywhere at almost any time. _ _,有了电脑和网络,任何人、几乎在任何时候都有可能获 取几乎任何地方的所有信息。,Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary,单词识记 1_/ knteIn/ vt.包含;包括 2_/kses/ n接近;通路 3_/kr / vt.崩溃 4_/lg/ vt.记载;记录 5_/sft w/ n软件,contain,access,crash,log,software,.,6breakdown /breIkdaun/ n_ 7source /s:s/ n_ 8 accessible /ksesbl/ adj._ 9defence /dIfens/ n_ 10create /krIeIt/ vt._,故障,来源;出处,可进入的;可使用的,保护;防卫,创造;发明,短语天地 1_想出 2_由组成 3_储存信息 4go down_ 5from that moment on_ 6work as_ 7click on_ 8. be known as_,.,come up with,consist of,save information,下降,从那时起,以身份,点击,作为而闻名,语境助记 He is known as a software engineer. He works as an Internet teacher in our school. He is good at dealing with computers defence and breakdown. If you have any problems with your computer, you can call him to ask for help. He always comes up with ways to find the source of what you need and help to save information. He establishes a website which is accessible whenever and wherever possible. From that moment on, you can click on this website to get help.,.,句型搜索 1It then became possible for universities to use the system as well. 信息提取 it作句子的形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。 例句仿写 嘴里塞满食物的时候说话是不礼貌的。 _impolite_speak with your mouth full.,.,It is to,2BernersLee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army. 信息提取 find/make/think it adj. for sb to do sth,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to do。 例句仿写 我认为对学生来说掌握一门外语很重要。 I think_for the students_a foreign language.,it important to master,3. BernersLee built his first computer while he was at university using an old television. 信息提取 using an old television是现在分词作方式状语。 例句仿写 他用一个简单的工具,成功地修理好了那辆汽车。 He succeeded in repairing the car_.,using a simple tool,预读理解 1. Choose the best answer. (1)What does the first paragraph mainly talk about? AThe development of the Internet. BHow to use the World Wide Web. CHow the Internet started. DWhat the Internet is.,.,(2)DARPA made it possible for all their computers to “talk” to each other_. Aby radio Bthrough the telephone Con TV Dby the cellphone (3)The following statements about Tim BernersLee are true EXCEPT_. Ahe built his first computer using an old television Bhe designed the first “web browser” Che was a scientist and once worked in Switzerland Dhe has become one of the thousands of millionaires,(4)According to the text,_. Ain 1999,the NSF joined DARPANET to NSFNET to form the Internet Bthe US army created a network of computers Cuniversities didnt use the Internet until 1984 DNSFNET was used for 15 years,(5)It is true that BernersLee_. Amade it possible for everyone to use the Internet Bmade a lot of money from his inventi
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