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动力和储能 -锂离子电池如何应对?,陈立泉 中科院物理研究所 2009北京动力锂离子电池论坛,Vehicle industry in 2007 Output:8.88M Sales:8.7M Both increased 22%,The output is forecasted over10M in 2009, and China will be the largest vehicle producing country in the next few years.,Chinese vehicle market has great potential,Year 2005 2010 2020 2030 Vehicle Ownership(/1k person)24.2 40.2 94.5 214.3? Vehicle Population (million) 31.6 53.5 132.1 312.9 Passenger car ownership(/1k)16.4 23.2 67.7 183.0 Passenger car population(M) 21.4 30.8 94.6 267.2,Big Automotive Energy Consumption,In 2006: Oil consumption is 346.6M tons Second biggest (USA first) Growth 12% per year,In 2008: Auto consumes 60% of all fuel consumption in China,石油如何满足?,我国石油储量不足世界的2%。 我国自产石油在1.8亿吨/年左右。 2007年我国净进口原油1.63亿吨,成品油0.338亿吨。原油对外依存度达到46.05%。 每年新增1000万辆汽车,石油需求新增2000万吨左右。如何保证?,GHG,Green house gas emission from transportation in USA is 25% of the total。 CO2 emission by Vehicle is 51of the total in city.,CO2 content,USA : 25 EU: 13 China: 5,CO2 emission( t/ person.year),Optimize existing vehicle energy powertrain system Development of Energy-efficient Vehicles,Evolutional Strategy,Revolutionary Strategy,Develop a new type vehicle energy powertrain system Development of New Energy Vehicles,Sustainable Development,Dual Strategy,Strategy choice of Chinese New Energy Vehicle,我国电动汽车始于何时?,追溯到上世纪40年代,抗战时期; 1958年清华大学电动汽车; 1970年Na/S电池电动汽车会战: 北方战区:北京大学等, 南方战区:上海硅酸盐所等。1975年载4人电动车完成从静安寺到嘉定演示。 八五、九五、十五、十一五电动汽车专项。 十二五节能与新能源汽车专项。,抓主要矛盾和主要矛盾方面,电动汽车pk其它节能与新能源车; 纯电动汽车pk其它电动汽车。 BEV-既不用油,又零排放,将带来能源革命(改变了能源结构)和汽车产业革命。 BEV我国的战略选择。我国难得的发展机遇,BEV的关键- Li-ion Battery; Li-ion Battery的关键- 安全、成本。,Temperature Distribution at Time of Highest Temperature of 20Ah Hardcase,The hardcase body is 110*110*25 Highest temp. is about 135,(假设电池均匀产热, 全部电能转化为焦尔热. Q=65Wh, Wt=0.7kg, S=352 cm2. Q/S=0.18),ATL,Temperature Distribution at Time of Highest Temp. of 50Ah hardcase,The hardcase is 110*220*25 The highest temp. is about 188,(假设电池均匀产热, 全部电能转化为焦尔热. Q=160Wh, Wt=1.7kg, S=650 cm2, Q/S=0.24),ATL,电池单体容量尽量较小,以保证电池系统的安全。,Li-ion电池产业链的完善; 电池组和模块技术的完善和优化: 设计、芯片、线路。,Plug-in-HEV is a transitive choose BEV mode 60-80km 。 Most passenger car 40-80km /day. In France 80 cars less 50km/day. In US 80 cars less 90km/day, 60 cars less than 50km/day, The cost of 10kwh Li-ion battery is not high。,Points-lines-Areas structure and transportation means choice,E-bike,0,50,200,town,Big city,Inter-city,BEV,Subway,E- bus,E-Railway,Airline,Waterway,Micro EV,E- bus,km,Industry Prospect of Chinese New Energy Vehicle,E-bike,E-bike,Beijing to Tianjing train max. speed 350km/h,needs 38mni., 7.5kwh/person, no GHG emission. “四纵四横 ” “城市圈”: 1.哈尔滨- 沈阳- 大连- 北京 2.北京 上海i(5hrs), 3.杭州-福州-厦门-深圳,4.北京- 武汉-广州(4hrs). 1.太原-石家庄-胶东 ,2.兰州-西安-郑州- 3.成都-重庆-武汉-合肥-上海, 4昆明-贵阳-长沙- 南昌-杭州. 一,By 2012, Beijing to most capital cities will be only 8hrs by train.,2007年底我国电力装机容量已超过7亿kW,一天的低谷电约9.2亿kWh,可为3-4千万辆锂电汽车充电。 到2020年装机容量将超过9-10亿kW,低谷电将超过12亿kWh。,电从哪来? 低谷电,NATURE|Vol 456|27 NEWS FEATURE 7 November 2008,风电和光伏电都是不连续的电源,需要解决电能的储能问题。 BEV成为分布式储能系统,储能效率可达90%,远高于抽水蓄能电站的效率(70%)。,By 2010 Wind electricity will be 5MKW, 2020: Wind electricity will be 3% (30MKw) of the total. 2008 wind power reached 12.21MKW. 。倪维斗院士指出,这意味着我国风电平均每千瓦装机容量一年只工作1000小时 (2009/9/15/09:19 来源:文汇报 ),Energy storage device is key issue for : Make use of off peak power Development of wind power and solar Energy,VRB,650Ah Na/S cells,Li-ion battery,正极充放电反应:,放 (VO2)+ +2H+e = (VO)2+ +H2O E0=1.00V 充,负极充放电反应:,充 V3+ + e = V2+ E0=-0.26V 放,Na/S,10KW module,300-350,Na,S,Li-Ion Battery for electricity storage,太阳能 (PV),Wind power,grid,用 户,PV,Li-ion Battery,Wind Power,SOFC,Off peak power,BEV与储能,BEV可用来构建分布式储能系统,因此动力电池可在整个储电系统中发挥重要作用。 但BEV的Li-ion电池并不能完全代替储能用Li-ion电池。,两类储能电池,电站(厂)储能: 大容量、长寿命、快速响应 用户储能: 小容量、长寿命、差异化性能; 应根据储能电池的要求设计Li-ion储能电池,不能简单把动力Li-ion电池作储能用,或把动力Li-ion电池按储能要求作评价。 材料和化学体系都应根据储能要求重新设计。,J.Y.Luo and Y.Y.Xia, Adv. Funct. Mater, 2007,17,3877-3884,J.Y.Luo and Y.Y.Xia, Adv. Funct. Mater, 2007,17,3877-3884,如何面对新的挑战?,现在Li-Ion电池的产业化成果,是过去一、二十年基础研究的收获。 美国奥巴马政府,投资24亿美元用于Li-Ion研发。德国紧随其后。 日本NEDO提出Li-ion 能量密度: 2015年将达到500Wh/kg, 2030年将达到700Wh/kg。 未来5年投资220亿日元研究车用/储能Li电池,Thank you for your attention!,
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