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2012届高三复习M2U4基础测试一单词(21*1分) 1. protection n. 保护 _ vt. 保护 _ adj. 保护的2. endanger vt. 使有危险 _ n. 危险 _ adj. 危险的_ adj. 频危的3. respond vi. 回答 _ n. 回答,响应4. certain adj. 确定的 _ adv. 确定地 _ n. 确信,确实5. importance n. 重要 _ adj. 重要的6. powerful adj. 有力量的 _ n. 能力,权力 _ adj. 无权的,无影响的7. effect n. 影响 _ adj. 有影响的 8. appreciate vt. 欣赏 _ n. 欣赏 9. succeed vi. 成功_ n. 成功 _ adj. 成功的 _ adv. 成功地10. employ vt. 雇佣 _ n. 雇主 _ n. 雇员 _ 工作;职业11. inspect vi. 检查 _ n. 检查员;_ n. 检查二短语(中英文互译29*1分)1. _ _ 灭亡,逐渐消亡 2. _ _ 和平的,和睦的3. _ _ 在危险中 out of danger _ 4. _ _ 如释重负5. _ _ _ 突然笑起来 6. burst into tears / burst out crying _7. _ _ 保护 不受8. succeed in doing sth. _9. _ _ _ 形成;产生10. _ _ _ 注意11. _ _按照;根据。 所说12. _ _ 以至于;结果13. _ _ _ 过去常常三用所给动词的适当形式填空(5*1分)1. She turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face _ (look) at her. 2. In some factories, workers get _ (pay) by the week.3. Recently over ten private cars _ (steal) in this parking lot.4. Jane had a pale face, so her parent suggested that she _ (have) a medical examination.5. Her facial expression suggested that she _ (dislike) you.四用适当的介词填空(5*1分)1. Many animals have died _ in the past few decades.2. This had a great effect _ the future of both mother and son.3. The sick mans life had been _ danger, but now he was out of danger.4. As a result _the heavy snow, many people were caught on the way.5. The trees along the coast keep the sand _ being flown.五 连词填空(5*2分)1. Mr. Zhang often borrows money from other teachers, _ makes his wife very angry.2. The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, _ the quality of life is probably one of the highest.3. He was about halfway through his meal _ a familiar voice came to his ears.4. _ they landed, things began to disappear.5. I wait here _ were becoming endangered in Zimbabwe.六翻译下列句子,然后用5句话写成一段短文:(30分)1. 不久前女孩黛西作了一次环球世界的魔幻之旅。2. 她坐着飞毯旅行。3. 飞毯把她带到西藏。4. 在遥远的西藏她发现有为羊毛背心提供皮革的各种动物。5. 黛西看到了一直悲伤的羚羊。6. 羚羊告诉她由于人类为了获取她们肚子下的绒毛而捕杀她们,使得羚羊成为频危动物了。7. 接着飞毯将她带到保护野生动物的津巴布韦。8. 在那里不久前大象还被无情的猎杀。9. 但现在由于政府的方案,农民已经不再捕杀它们。10. 最后,她飞到一个茂密的热带雨林。11. 在那里她看到一只猴子为了防蚊而往自己身上涂千足虫。12. 从这她知道我们应该更关注热带雨林,因为没有热带雨林就没有动物,就没有药物。The key to the test:一、单词1. protection protect protective 2. endanger danger dangerous endangered 3. respond response4. certain certainly certainty5. importance important6. powerful power powerless7. effect effective 8. appreciate appreciation9. succeed success successful successfully10. employ employer employee employment11. inspect inspector inspection二、词组1. die out2. in peace3. in danger 脱离危险4. in relief5. burst into laughter / burst out laughing6. 突然哭了7. protect from8. 成功的做了某事9. come into being 10. pay attention to 11. according to 12. so that 13. used to do 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. looking 2. paid 3 have been stolen 4. have 5. disliked四、介词填空。1. out 2. on 3. in 4. of 5. from五、连词填空:1. which 2. while 3. when 4. As 5. because 六、翻译Not long ago a girl called Daisy took a magic trip around the world riding a flying carpet. First the flying carpet took her to Tibet, a distant place where she found animals that gave furs to make a sweater and there she saw an antelope looking sad, who told him because of humans killing them for wool beneath their stomach, antelopes were an endangered species. Then the carpet took her to Zimbabwe, a country where there was wildlife protection. There some time before, elephants were hunted by people without mercy, but now farmers were not killing them because of the governments program. At last Daisy flew to a thick rainforest, where she saw a monkey rubbing a millipede against its body to protect itself from mosquitoes, from which Daisy learnt that we should pay more attention to the rainforest, because no rainforest, no animals, no drugs.
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