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齐淑青20103157 魏晓敏20103160,邹俊婷20103153 陈芬20103164 陈艳梅20103163,The Libido for the Ugly,by Henry L. Mencken,Abomination: anything hateful and disgusting Putrid: rotten and foul-smelling 腐烂的 Frightful 惊世骇俗的 Ghastlygs(t)l: horrible Obscene: offensive to ones feelings, disgusting 猥亵的,可憎的,Paragraph 6,The reasons why they love such ugly house. Is it because they are ignorant?,Main idea,The writer tries to trace the source of ugliness.,Are they so frightful because the valley is full of foreigners-dull, insensate brutes, with no love of beauty in them?,Rhetorical question for effect Are the house so frightfully ugly because the valley is inhabited by a lot of foreigners who are stupid and unfeeling like animals And who have no love and beauty in them?,It is incredible that mere ignorance should have achieved such masterpieces of horror. Masterpieces: no one could build worse houses,Sarcasm and irony It is hard to believe that people built such horrible houses just because they did not know what beautiful houses were like.,Border upon Be very much like The proposal borders upon the absurd 该提议似乎荒唐可笑,Save: except除什么之外 You will , in fact, find nothing of the sort in Europe save perhaps in the more putrid parts of England,Main idea of Para. 7,Reason for the ugliness: libido for the ugly,Figures of speech (Para. 7),Antithesis-on certain levels of the America race, indeed, there seems to be a positive libido for the ugly, as on other and less Christian levels there is a libido for the beautiful.,Menken mocks at the Christians and attack their behaviors, the Christians are supposed to have the qualities of love, kindness, humility, etc, but Menken thinks they do not know what is beautiful. Pagans , not Christians , know what is beautiful.,paraphrase,Libido for the ugly libido for the beautiful - People in certain strata (social classes or division) of American society seem definitely to hunger after ugly thins, which in other less Christian strata, people seem to long for thins beautiful.,put down to,- state that something is caused by something (attribute to) 归因于 I put his bad temper down to his recent illness.,It is impossible to put down the wallpaper that defaces the average America home of the lower middle class to mere inadvertence, or to the obscene humor of the manufactures.,绝不能将破坏一般美国中下层阶级家庭装饰美感的墙纸,归咎于选购者的疏忽大意,也不能归咎于制造商的有伤风化的玩笑。,The taste for them is as enigmatical and yet as common as the taste for dogmatic theology and poetry of Edgar A. Guest,Dogmatic: characterized arrogant assertion of unproved principles教条的 Theology: a particular system of religious Beliefs and teachings,a English-born newspaper poet, very popular, widely read throughout North America(40 years), his poetry is full of warmth, flashing the inspiration. Sending out the sad, and known as the Peoples Poet.,Guest: Edgar Albert Guest(18811959), English born newspaper poet, whose daily poem in the Detroit free press was widely syndicated and extremely popular with the people the called folks” for its homely, saccharine morality 90,Thank You!,
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