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东南大学2013翻译硕士考研真题回忆版写在前面:东南大学MTI不提供真题,所以我之前也费了好大力气也没找到很多资料,现在考完了,希望可以帮一下下一届的学弟学妹们,今天刚考完,有点累,先写真题篇,有时间再写考后感,不过我考的不好,估计是没戏了。翻译硕士英语第一题,词汇选择30个,挺难的,自己之前做过各学校考研真题,可是东南大学竟然一个也没出。看选项很多事专八单词,但是题干句子很长,而且有生词,不好理解句子意思。第二题,阅读理解20个,共四篇,文章不长,第一篇是关于Harlem Renaissance,第二篇是关于Virginia Woolf的写作及作品,第三篇是关于Nuclear fusion power,文章就一段,有五个题目,不简单啊。第四篇是关于Hawaii 的植物来源,有人说是Sea or air current的原因,有人说是bird feather 携带的。阅读几乎每篇都有一个问题说,文章的观点能support 一下哪个question,以前没见过这样问的。第三题,作文,memorization of information by frequent repetition,问它的usefulness outweigh limitations or not?英语翻译基础(一下是我在网上搜的,又删了和真题无关的东西,可能有些细微差别)英译汉,我在百度搜到了, The values of our society and similar ones in matters of money and wealth are perfectly clear. Rich men are seen as capable and wise. Richness means success, and we are success-oriented. Religious groups and those who elevate the status of poverty as they equate money with evil exhort us to live simply, to walk the straight and narrow, and to deny the flesh. Nevertheless, it takes little perceptual acuity to observe that the wealthy are given high positions in churches and synagogues, are continually feted at religiously supported affairs, and become the models for young churchgoers. Mixed messages are dangerous; psychologists generally agree that they set the stage for schizophrenia. Those who are born into absolute poverty and are destined to live in it typically have an easier time with the money issue. They learn early not to expect wealth and so avoid wasting emotions on such aspirations. They become a motivational in this regard. Some, on the other hand, determine to break out of their fettered status and relentlessly strive for their share of the gold. Generally, they are bright, very ambitious, and follow fellow models of success. They develop skills, become knowledgeable, develop expertise, and work very hard. A few of them make it, but frequently at great expense. Days and nights are spent in creating ideas, implementing plans and working all the shifts. Limited cash flow for rentals, purchase of equipment and inventory, employees salaries, and other expenses test the physical and emotional stamina of even the very strong. A unique idea accompanied by efficiency and good fortune does indeed make the money goal reachable. More often, there is a washout because of physical, emotional, and economic deficits. Many fine business ideas go down the drain in this way. In the meantime, family, friends, and health are flushed down as well. Contrary to expectation, the wealthy are lured into the money net just as readily - perhaps more so - as others. The bait is habit, insecurity, competitiveness, power control, and greed. With all the hype for everyone to save even a dollar at a time, it takes great discipline for those with small fixed incomes to pull dollars from a meager salary to place into a savings account which grows ever so slowly. Reinforcements are weak. The wealthy, on the other hand, have a different problem - their money accounts grow so steadily and significantly that the habit easily becomes firmly imprinted. Money makes money so that reinforcements are powerful; in fact, it becomes difficult to spend money. What frequently occurs is inconsistent spending patterns. Great expenditures are made for vacations, restaurants, and clothing while there is excessive thriftiness in gas purchases, tipping waiters, bargain-hunting, and other small-saving outlets.汉译英,(前两年出散文,今年出了这种,意料之外。)历史是一面镜子,也是一部教科书。以来的百年巨变,蕴含丰富历史启示,具有深刻现实意义,标明了走向未来的前进方向。胡锦涛总书记在纪念周年大会上的讲话,站在振兴中华、民族复兴的高度,回顾百年波澜壮阔历程,深切缅怀孙中山先生等先驱的历史功勋和崇高精神,高度评价的伟大功绩,深刻阐述在民族复兴进程中的重大意义,深情展望中华民族伟大复兴的光明前景,必将极大地激励海内外中华儿女为实现中华民族伟大复兴而共同奋斗。推翻了清王朝统治,结束了中国几千年的君主专制制度,传播了民主共和理念,开创了完全意义上的近代民族民主革命,以巨大的震撼力和深刻的影响力开启了中国前所未有的社会变革。百年回眸,我们更加真切地认识到,打开了中国进步潮流的闸门,为中华民族发展进步探索了道路,永远是民族复兴伟大征程上一座巍然屹立的里程碑。以为起点,作为孙中山先生开创的革命事业最坚定的支持者、最亲密的合作者、最忠实的继承者,中国共产党人带领中国人民继续奋斗,夺取了新民主主义革命的胜利,建立了人民当家作主的中华人民共和国,完成了从新民主主义到社会主义的转变,开展了大规模社会主义建设,推进了改革开放和社会主义现代化伟大事业。从危亡到复兴,从古老到现代,从封闭到开放中国共产党成立年来、新中国成立多年来、改革开放多年来,中国共产党和中国人民始终没有忘记孙中山先生和先驱,学习和弘扬其“吾志所向,一往无前,愈挫愈奋,再接再厉”的奋斗精神,继承和推进其现代化国家理想,完成了近代以来中国人民和无数仁人志士梦寐以求的民族独立、人民解放的历史任务,开启了中华民族发展进步的历史新纪元,取得了举世瞩目的现代化建设成就,谱写了中国发展的辉煌篇章。孙中山先生振兴中华的深切夙愿,先驱的美好憧憬,今天已经或正在成为现实,中华民族伟大复兴展现出前所未有的光明前景汉语写作与百科知识百科共有25个名词解释,共五段话,每段话有五个名词解释,我提前抄到准考证上了,是真题1,魔幻现实主义2,马尔克斯,3,加缪,4,帕斯捷尔纳克,5,聂鲁达,6,元白,7,诗鬼,8,七绝圣手,9,五言长城,10,唐传奇,11,安迪*沃霍尔,12,亨利*马蒂斯,13,波普艺术,14,抽象表现主义,15,地下电影,16,10+3合作机制,17,亚太经合组织,18,亚欧会议,19,达沃斯论坛,20,博鳌论坛,21,俞大22,波茨坦公告。23,集体自卫权,24,无核三原则,25,政府行为应用文,是一篇通知,450字。江苏某大学外语系决定举办一届英汉翻译大赛,请你根据大赛的目的,意义,具体事项写一篇通知。注意应用文格式大作文,题目翻译之趣,要求800字,题材不限
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