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万川教育博学堂学生姓名课时第三四次课授课内容专题二 比较级和最高级专题二 比较级和最高级重点短语1. the singing competition唱歌比赛 2. the most important最重要的3. be talented in music在音乐上有天赋 4. care about关心,介意5. (be) like a mirror像一面镜子 6. get better grades取得更好的成绩7. bring out (the best in sb.)使(某人最好的一面)显现出来8. reach for伸手去取 9. touch ones heart感动某人10. in fact事实上,实际上11. the other其他的 12. as long as 只要一形容词比较级和最高级变化规律1. 单音节形容词后加-er,以不发音的e结尾加-r 或st;shortshorter-shortest nicenicer-nicest2. 辅音字母+y结尾的双音节词,改y为i加-er;heavyheavier-heaviest happyhappier-happiest3 末尾是辅元辅结构,且重读,双写末尾的辅音字母再加-er;bigbigger-biggest hothotter-hottest4. 部分双音节词和多音节词在前面加more;athleticmore athletic-most athletic5. 部分形容词不规则变化goodbetter-best 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级smart good quiet badtall hard short oldyoung friendly funny bigearly heavy angry fatserious thin outgoing wild二、 形容词各等级的用法: 1.原级(同级)比较:asas; not as(so)as Well give you as much help as we can. She isnt as(so)active in sports as before. (1)“A+as+形容词原级+as+B”He is as tall as me.他和我一样高。English is as interesting as Chinese.英文和中文一样有趣。 Youre a boy as good as Tom.=Youre as good a boy as Tom. 你和汤姆是一样好的孩子。(2) 否定句中的结构:“Anot+as/so+形容词原级+as+B”It is not as/so good as what you said.那没有你说的那么好。比较级:(1)两个人或事物的比较主语+谓语(系动词)+ 形容词比较级+than+ 对比成分。Lilys room is bigger than mine.The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Hainan.否定用not+比较级+than或less than questionis less difficult /not more difficult than that one. (2)表示两者之间比 更可用状语 a little,a bit,a lot,a great deal , much,even,still,far,rather,any等修饰:He made much fewer mistakes than I did. He is even richer than I. (3) 表示两者之间进行选择“哪一个更.”时,用句型“which/who is +形容词的比较级,A or B? ”表示。Who is taller,Li Ming or Wang Tao?(4) 如果在两者之间表示“最”时要在比较级前加the,而且还用of the two, of the pair短语: John is the clever of the two boys. Of the two boys, John is the clever. (5)表示“越来越.”,用比较级重叠结构,即“比较级+and+比较级”,当形容词为多音节词或部分双音节词时,用“more and more +形容词原级。”Its getting warmer and warmer in spring.(6) 表示“越.越.”时,用“the +比较级,the +比较级”。The more,the better.重点词汇讲解1. both+名词复数形式,后面的谓语动词用复数形式:Both my parents are doctors.both of后接名和代,名词前要加the或形容词性物主代词:Both of us like paragliding.bothand 既又,和都;连接两个并列成分,谓语动词动词用复数。 Both Mary and I sing well.2. make make sb. do sth.=let sb. do sth.让某人做某事 Dont make me laugh. make+宾语+adj.(形)使宾语怎么样:The story made us happy.3. the other特指两个中的另一个,或两部分中的另一部分,后接名词单数或复数I have two sisters, one is six, the other one is three. the others特指两部分中的另一部分,相当于the other+名词复数You two stay here, the others(=the other students) go with me.other可做形容词或代词,“其他的”We learn English, Math and other subjects.others可做代词,“其他的人或物”Some boys are doing homework, others are talking loudly.any other其他任何的He is taller than any other one in that class.课堂练习1. He isnt as tall as I. (变为同义句)Im _than him.2. Shanghai is the biggest city in China. (变为同义句)Shanghai is _than _city in China.3. Tim is Ten. Tom is Thirteen. (合为一句)(句意不变) Tom is three years _ than Tim.4. They both work hard at English. (变为同义句)work hard at English.5. Tom is two meters tall, Jack is two meters tall, too.(合为一句,句意不变)Tom is _Jack.3. 最高级:(1)形容词最高级用于两个以上的人和物进行比较, 形容词最高级前必须加the, 副词最高级前常省略the,后面多用of, in短语表示范围: It was the most/least interesting story I have ever listened. He is the tallest of the three. (2)表示三或三者以上的人或物中进行选择“哪一个最.”时,用句型“which/who is +the +最高级,A ,Bor C? ”表示。Which city is the most beautiful,Beijing,Shanghai or Fuzhou?(3) 表示“最.的.之一”时,用“one of the +形容词最高级”结构,该形容词后用复数形式。Zhou Jielun is one of the most popular singers.(4) 形容词最高级前可以加序数词,表示“第几最.”.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.(5)被物主代词,指示代词,名词所有格修饰时,前边不再加theChinas biggest city isShanghai.Fishing is his latest hobby.三、 重点与难点: 1、 asas结构:(1)“A+as+形容词原级+as+B”He is as tall as me.他和我一样高。English is as interesting as Chinese.英文和中文一样有趣。 Youre a boy as good as Tom.=Youre as good a boy as Tom. 你和汤姆是一样好的孩子。(3) 否定句中的结构:“Anot+as/so+形容词原级+as+B”It is not as/so good as what you said.那没有你说的那么好。2、 (1)tooto与 sothat sb.cant的句型转换:前者为简单句,主语只有一个,而后者为复合句,主语有两个,试比较: The man was too angry to be able to speak. The man was so angry that he wasnt able to speak. The milk was too hot to drink. The milk was so hot that we cant drink it. (2) tooto与 not enough to句型的转换: He is too young to get married.=He is not old enough to get married.
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