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初一年级上学期英语语法(一)be动词。1、be动词包括:am, are, is。2、be动词的用法。am 主语是单数第一人称(即I)。 e.g. I amare 单数第二人称及所有复数。 e.g. You are The coats areis 单数第三人称及不可数名词。 e.g. Your father is The money is3、否定句式(即改否定句):在be动词之后+not, 句子其它部位不变。e.g. He is not a teacher.4、缩写形式。主语+be,缩写be第一个字母为 ,再与主语合并。e.g. you are youre Jack is Jacks be+not否定形式的缩写,缩写not中“o”为 , 再与be合并。 e.g. is notisnt are notarent 不能缩写的情况:this is, these are, those are, am not及缩略的肯定回答。 e.g. Yes, I am. (Im是错误的写法)5、含be动词句子的疑问句型转换。 一般疑问句:将be动词提前,其它照抄不变,最后+?,读升调。(一般第一人称改为第二人称) e.g. The man in the car is her father. Is the man in the car her father? e.g. Im a middle school student. Are you a middle school student?一般疑问句的肯否定回答。 肯定回答: Yes, 主语+be. 否定回答: No, 主语+be+not.e.g. Is he old? Are you a new student? Yes, he is. Yes, I am. No, he is not.(isnt) No, Im note.g. Is your father at home? Yes, he is. No, he is not.(isnt)注意:主语必须用代词回答;肯定回答不能缩写;回答第二人称,用第一人称回答 特殊疑问句(就划线部分提问)。1) 方法:将句子被提问(即被划线)的部分改为相对应的疑问词,然后置于句首,接着再将be动词或情态动词提前 (置于疑问词之后),其它部分照抄不变,最后+?(即疑问词+一般疑问句?)e.g. The man in a red cap is her brother. Who is the man in a red cap?e.g. I can sing English songs. What can you do?2) 注意:被提问部分不能再写。 提问动词(即提问做某事),在改句子时注意还加“do”,表示做什么?3)相应的疑问词。1. 事物 what e.g. That is a cat. What is that?2. 地点 wheree.g. He is at home? Where is he?3. 人 who e.g.The man is his father. Who is the man?4. 怎样(程度、方式) how e.g. Shes fine. How is she? e.g. He can go to school by bus. How can he go to school?5. 年龄 how old e.g. Our grandpa is 80. How old is your grandpa? 6. 班级 what classe.g. We are in Class 2, Grade 1. What class are you in? 7. 数字 what e.g. My phone number is 2212121Whats your phone number? 8. 颜色 what color e.g. His car is yellow. What color is his car? 9. 时间 what time/whene.g. I can get there at six. What time can you get there? e.g.I can go with you on Sunday. When can you go with me? 10. 价钱 how muche.g. The bag is twenty yuan. How much is the bag?(二)代词: 1、代词的形式第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数复数主 格Iweyouyouhesheitthey宾 格meusyouyouhimheritthem形容词性物主代词myouryouryourhisheritstheir我(的)我们(的)你们(的)你们(的)他(的)她(的)它(的)他们(的)名词性物主代词(宾 格)mineoursyoursyourshishersitstheirs2、代词的用法 动作的发出者,代词用主格,(一般在句首,动词前)。 e.g. He often writes to me. 动作的承受者,代词用宾格,(一般在句末,动词后、介词后)。 e.g. Lets ask him. Lets play with them. 物的主人,用物主代词。(即代词所有格) 形容词性物主代词后一定要带物,不能单独使用,一般用在名词前,用作定语,限定该名词的意义。e.g. This is their classroom. That is my bike. It is her red coat. My name is John Green我叫约翰格林。Excuse me, is this your car?对不起,这是您的车吗? His parents are in England他的父母在英国。 They wash their faces every day他们每天都洗脸 名词性物主代词在句中独立使用,即不后接名词,其句法作用相当于一个名词 e.g. Ours is a great country我们的国家是一个伟大的国家。(用作主语,一般用于正式文体) I forgot to bring my dictionary. Could I use yours? 我忘了带词典,我可以用一下你的吗?(用作动词的宾语) He wasnt in my room. He might be in his. 他(刚才)不在我的房间。他可能在自己的房间。(用作介词的宾语) Whose book is this? Its hers这是谁的书?是她的。(用作表语) Jack is a friend of mine杰克是我的一个朋友。(用于双重所有格) 名词性物主代词用作主语时,谓语动词的数应随所指者的数而定。 e.g. Is this pencil yours or hers? Its mine. Hers is in her bag. (Hers = Her pencil) 这支铅笔是你的还是她的?是我的。她的铅笔在她包里。 Whose books are these? They are his. Yours are over there. (Yours =Your books) 这些是谁的书?是他的。你的书在那边(三)所有格:表示物或人的“所属”关系。 1、名词所有格的形式: 名词之后直接+s e.g. MaryMarys KateKates 以s结尾的名词只加 e.g. studentsstudents 2、以上形式一般只用于有生命的名词,但也可用于表示时间、距离、国家、地点等无生命的名词。e.g. todays newspaper; an hours walk; Chinas city 3、注意: 表示两者或多者共有,在最后一个名词+ s。 e.g. Mike and Jims room.(共用,用单数) 如果不是共有,指各有,则各词都应+s。 e.g. Mikes and Jims rooms. (各有,用复数)4、表示无生命的名词所有格用of短语表示,但注意词序与汉语习惯不同,形式为:名词+of+名词(前者属于后者)。 e.g. the door of the room. 那房间的门e.g. the picture of my family. 我的家庭的照片 5、注意:有时s 结构可以转化为of 短语。(对等) e.g. his fathers friends the friends of his father.e.g. the girls new computer the new computer of the girl. e.g. the dogs name the name of the d
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