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初三英语竞赛题(培优班)一、单项选择(共45分)( ) 1. Would you mind not _ the windows. Its too hot.A. close B. closing C. closes D. closed( ) 2.Your TV is too loud. Could you please_?A. turn it on B. turn up it C. turn off it D. turn it down( ) 3. Linda was doing her homework when the telephone _. A. rings B. rang C. was ringing D. to ring( ) 4. - This T-shirt is too small for me. Would you mind giving me a big one? - _. Here you are. A. It doesnt matter. B. Not at all. C. Sure. D. Yes.( ) 5. Why dont you _ help when you were in trouble? A. you ask for B. ask for C. asking for D. to ask for( ) 6.What _ you, Mr. Green?A. annoy B. get annoyed C. annoying D. annoyed( ) 7.We should try _ in class.A. to not sleep B. not to sleep C. not sleep D. not sleeping( )8.She helped us _ the way _the hospital.A. found; to B. to find; of C. find; to D. find; for( )9.Hes _ kites since he was ten years old.A. been collecting B. collecting C. collect D. been( )10. Dont eat food in class. If you do, the teacher will_. A. take away it B. take away them C. take it away D. take them away( )11.- _ did you sleep last night? - For eight hours.A. When B. What time C. How long D. Why( )12.He has been skating _ five oclock in the morning.A. at B. since C. for D. to( )13. The movie isnt _. Nobody will be _ in it. A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested C. interested; interesting D. interesting; interested( )14.Sam _ football an hour ago.A. has been playing B. has played C. plays D. played( )15. The old man was very_ and he talked to others_.A. angryangry B. angryangrily C. angrilyangry D. angrilyangrily( )16.Why not _ help when you were in trouble? A. you ask for B. ask for C. asking for D. to ask for( ) 17. -I dont know if her uncle_. -I think he _if it doesnt rain tomorrow. A. will comecomes B. will comewill come C. comescomes D. comeswill come( ) 18. The boy is_ to carry the big stone.A. enough strong B. strong enough C. too strong D. to strong( )19. We didnt learn_ in this lesson.A. something new B. anything new C. new something D. new anything( ) 20. The teacher told us the light _ fast than sound. A. travle B. travlesC. travlingD. move( ) 21. Could you please _ follow me? A. no B. not C. dont D. doesnt( ) 22. What _ the students _when the teacher came in?.A. did, do B. do, do C. are, doing D. were doing( ) 23.This T-shirt is too small, please give me _ one. A. another B. other C. others D. the other( )24. Will you come to the net bars(网吧)with me?SorryMy mother always tells me _ there Anot goBgo Cnot to goDto go ( )25. He asked _ they needed some more tea. AthatBwhatCifDwhich ( )26. Wei Fang is young,but she plays ping-pong _ her mother. Aas good asBas well asCas better asDas best as( ) 27. -When did Joe get his first dog? -On his _ birthday. A. twentyB. twentythC. twenty-firstD. the twenty( ) 28. Linda was just going out shopping _ the telephone rang., A. while B. when C. after D. because( ) 29. The funny movie makes us_. A. happy B. happily C. to happily D. to happy( ) 30. _ friends you have, _ you will be.A. More; happier B. More; more happy C. The more; the happier D. The more; the more happy( ) 31. -Zhang Wei, what are you going to do after school? -What about_? A. to go swimming B. go swimming C. to go to swim D. going swimming( ) 32. He cant buy this kind of camera because hes _ money. A. ran out B. ran out of C. run out D. run out of ( )33. The little girl is very_and she talks to others_.A. politepolite B. politepolitely C. politely polite D. politelypolitely( )34.The citizens (居民)complained _ the police _ the noise from the neighborhood. A. to, about B. about, to C. to, for D. of, to( )35. What happened _them yesterday? A. to B. with C. of D. in( )36. Chinaisagreatcountry_alonghistory.A.hasB.haveC.havingD.with( )37. _, are you free this afternoon? A. By the way B. On the way C. By any way D. In the way ( )38. More and more people_money for peo
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