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西城区小学三年级上英语阅读周周练(第七周) 1. Can I have dinner soon?2. Sure. 3. Can you make pie for dinner today?4. Yes, OK. Can you help me make the pie?5. OK. Im coming. 生词注释 . pie n. 馅饼基础练习( ) 1. Amy wants to have lunch now. ( ) 2. Amy wants to eat pie for dinner. ( ) 3. Amys mother doesnt want to make pie for her. ( ) 4. Amys mother wants Amy to help her. ( ) 5. There are two people in this conversation(对话). 拓展练习根据句子的顺序给图片编号。1. Im thirsty. Can I drink water?2. Im hungry. Can I eat a sandwich?3. Im bored. Can I watch TV now?4. I want to check my email. Can I use your computer?5. I like your new story book. Can I borrow it?6. I want to call my mother. Can I use your telephone?本文难度: 阅读所需时间: 6mins 个人评价: 参考答案:基础练习 1. F 2. T 3. F 4 T 5. T拓展练习: 3, 6, 4, 5, 2, 12
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