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九年级英语上册目录Unit 1:How to study for a test第一课时 1:重点知识纲要 2:单词、词组的讲解 3:练习第二课时 1:课文知识提纲 2:课文中难句的讲解 3:练习第三课时 1:语法知识的归纳 2:语法知识的讲解 3:练习第四课时 单元测试Unit2: Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 第一课时:一:重点知识纲要: 学习目标 1. Talk about how to study . 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法 语言结构1. Verb + by with gerund by动名词短语 表示“通过途径,方法”2. How questions have引导的特殊疑问句 重点词汇 1. flashcard n. 抽认卡 2. frustrating a. 令人沮丧的3. memorize v. 记忆,背诵 4. aloud adv. 出声地、高声地5. comma n. 逗号 6. pronunciation n. 发音7. solution n. 解决办法 8. not at all 根本(不) 全然(不)9. end up 结束,告终 10. make mistakes 犯错11. later on 以后;随后 12. be afraid to 害怕去做13. laugh at sb. 笑话;取笑(某人14. take notes 做笔记,做记录15. enjoy doing sth . 喜欢做乐意做 目标语言 1. How do you study for tests ? 你是怎样准备考试的? Well , I study by working with my classmates. 哦,我和同学们一起学习。 2. Have you ever studied with a group ? 你曾经参加过学习小组吗? Yes , I have . Ive learned a lot that way . 是的,参加过。通过这种方式我学了许多。 3. I dont have a partner to practice English with . 我没有同伴可以练习英语。 Maybe you should join an English club. 或许,你应该参加一个英语俱乐部。 4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation ? 大声朗读来练习发音怎么样? Why dont you join an English language club ? 你为什么不参加一个英语俱乐部呢? 二:单词、词组的讲解: 1:aloud: 副词。“出声地、大声地”。为使人听见 而发声,声音不是很大。无比较级和最高级。例如: Please read aloud so that I can hear you. 请大声朗读,好让我听见。辨析: aloud副词。“出声地、大声地”。为世人听见而发声,声音不是很大。无比较级和最高级。 loud副词。“高声地、大声的”强调声音响亮。 loudly副词。“高声地、喧闹地”有时可以和loud互换,但是有喧闹的意思。 练习:请用loud, aloud, loudly的适当形式填空。 1:Li Lei, its your turn to read the words _ . 2:Dont talk so _ . The baby is asleep. 3:Please speak _ so that I can hear you clearly. 4:Lots of people spoke _ in the street. It was too noisy . 答案:1:aloud 2:loud/loudly 3:louder 4:loudly2: pronunciation.名词。“发音、发音法、 发音方法” 。例如:His pronunciation has improved. 他的发音已有所改进 Pronounce.动词。发音;正确清晰地吐字、音等。既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。例如:She knows a lot of French words but pronounces them incorrectly. 她认识很多法语单词,但发音不准确 He pronounces distinctly. 他发音清晰。练习:请用pronunciation和pronounce 填空。1:I dont know how to _this word.2:You should look up the right _of this word in the dictionary答案:1:pronounce 2:pronunciation3:辨析study 与learn 的异同点 learn指 “初学”或在老师指导下学习;侧重于学习成果,有掌握了的意思, 也指通过学习获得知识和技能. study指在导师的指导下自己从事学习和研究,侧重于学习过程.注意: learn与study都可接名词或代词作宾语,但learn可接不定式,study则不能.The baby is learning to speak while his father is studying the problem of math.4:practice doing sth练习做某事 They practice listening and writing English every day.5: mistake (名) 错误 eg: a spelling mistake (动) 弄错,误会 (mistook mistaken) eg:I mistook what she said 相关的短语: make a mistake make mistakes eg:He made a mistake. mistake for 把错认为 eg: They mistook him for his brother.6:deal(dealt dealt) 动词。处理、应付。 短语:deal with eg:We must learn to deal with all kinds of difficulties by ourselves.7: unless (如果不,除非) eg:Unless you start soon, you will be late.8: regardas 把看做, 把认为 eg: We regard him as our brother.9:辨析: Frustrating:形容词。“令人灰心的、令人沮丧的”修饰物或者是事件。eg:Watching movies to learn English is frustrating because the people speak too quickly. Frustrated.形容词。“灰心的、沮丧的”修饰人eg: I felt frustrated at that time.类似的词语还有:interesting-interested disappointing-disappointedexciting-excited boring-bored同步练习一 翻译下列单词或词组 1. 令人沮丧的_2. 背诵、记忆_ 3. 出声地、高声地_4. 发音(v.)_ 5. 解决方法_ 6. 根本不_ 7. 结束做某事_8. 犯错_ 9. 害怕做某事_10. 说本族语的人_ 11. 笑话某人_12. 做笔记_ 13. 喜欢、乐意做某事_14. 组成、构成_参考答案:一:1. frustrating2. memorize3. aloud 4. pronounce 5. solution6. not at all 7. end up doing sth 8. make mistakes 9. be afraid to 10. native speaker 11. laugh at sb 12. take notes13. enjoy doing sth 14. make up 二:完成下列句子: 1:Nick thinks I should _.(参加一个学习小组) 2. I talk to my friends a lot. Even though I_.(犯错误) 3. I cant_.使得发音正确) 4. What about_to practice pronunciation.(大声地读英语) 5. I cant understand_.(英语口语) 6. I dont know_.(如何运用逗号) 参考答案:二:1.join a study group 2.make mistakes 3.get the pronunciation right 4.reading English aloud 5.spoken English 6.how to use the commas 三: 限时阅读 Small children often laugh at the short ones or at someone who isnt dressed as well as they are . But as they grow up , they learn not t
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