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考研英语真题同源难句长难句精选解析考研英语真题文章一般选自国外的期刊或杂志,如经济学家、泰晤士报、自然、时代周刊等。为体现本书的实时性与真实性,本章摘选了来自这些期刊中最为热门的文章中的语句进行分析,希望帮助考生在复习过程中既掌握有效的理解长难句的方法,攻克考研英语长难句。一、定语从句【精选长难句】He is referring to the upsurge of interest in mobile television, a nascent industry at the intersection of telecoms and media which offers new opportunities to devicemakers, content producers and mobilenetwork operators. 【结构分析】本句结构清晰,是一个复合句。句首部分He is referring to the upsurge of interest in mobile television是主句,其后的a nascent industry at the intersection of telecoms and media作mobile television的同位语,句末的关系代词which引导定语从句which offers new opportunities to devicemakers, content producers and mobilenetwork operators来修饰先行词a nascent industry,关系代词which在从句中作主语。【参考译文】他谈到了众人对移动电视的巨大兴趣,这是一个在电信和媒体领域有交叉的新兴产业,它给设备制造商、电视内容制作者以及移动网络运营商提供了新的机遇。【精选长难句】Meanwhile, Apple Computer, which launched a videocapable version of its iPod portable musicplayer in October, is striking deals with television networks to expand the range of shows that can be purchased for viewing on the device, including “Lost”, “Desperate Housewives” and “Law & Order”. 【结构分析】本句使用了分隔结构,体现了非限制性定语从句分隔,从句which launched a videocapable version of its iPod portable musicplayer in October修饰主语Apple Computer(关系代词which在从句中作主语)分隔了主语和系动词。连接后得到Meanwhile, Apple Computer is striking deals with television networks to expand the range of shows其中that又引导定语从句that can be purchased for viewing on the device修饰先行词shows(关系代词that在从句作主语,从句中使用了被动语态),句末的分词结构including “Lost”, “Desperate Housewives” and “Law & Order”作伴随状语,表明range of shows的具体内容。【参考译文】与此同时,苹果电脑公司在10月发售了一款可以观看电视的便携式音乐播放器iPod,这个播放器大大帮助了电视网络扩大其可以供用户购买的、用于在移动终端的节目范围, 包括迷失、绝望的主妇以及法律与秩序。二、名词性从句【精选长难句】The console can determine how the controller is moving in space and what it is pointing at, and uses that information to control what is happening on screen. 【结构分析】以逗号后and为切入点,得到主句部分的并列平行结构The console can determine, and uses that information to control,uses与can determine一起作该句的谓语。其中determine的宾语也以and切入,得到how引导的名词性从句how the controller is moving in space和what引导的名词性从句what it is pointing at(how在从句中作状语,what在从句中作宾语);在use的宾语补足语to control中,control的宾语使用了what引导的名词性从句what is happening on screen充当,what在从句中作主语。【参考译文】游戏机能测出手柄的移动轨迹,识别手柄指着屏幕上的什么东西,然后根据得到的信息控制屏幕上的游戏。三、分隔结构【精选长难句】Adding a Bluetooth chip to a phone now costs very littlearound $2, down from $20 in 2001but allows the manufacturer to increase the price of the handset by far more, and opens up a new market for highmargin accessories. 【结构分析】本句是典型的破折号分隔。首先以连词为切入点,得到Adding a Bluetooth chip to a phone now costsbut allows, and opens up,介词短语around $2, down from $20 in 2001充当的分隔成分作上文costs very little的具体解释说明,分隔了前两个并列的谓语。【参考译文】在手机里添加一个蓝牙芯片的成本很低从2001年时的20美元下降到2美元左右但是可以允许制造者提高远远高出这个的价格,并且打开了一个高利润附件的市场。【精选长难句】It was refreshing, across the age groups of the children I met, to see how quickly they grasped the whole idea of human rights and how, with a little bit of prompting from their teachers and me, they saw how relevant they were to their daily lives. 【结构分析】本句使用了两处分隔,均由逗号表现。第一处分隔across the age groups of the children I met,分隔了主系表结构的一种特殊形式,即形容词+to do作表语。去掉分隔部分,我们得到It was refreshing to see how quickly they grasped the whole idea of human rights and how, with a little bit of prompting from their teachers and me, they saw how relevant they were to their daily lives。这里我们注意到see后面的宾语由两个how引导的从句充当:how quickly they grasped the whole idea of human rights and how清晰看到第二处分隔为介宾短语with a little bit of prompting from their teachers and me作的伴随状语。去掉分隔,得到It was refreshing to see how quickly they grasped the whole idea of human rights and how they saw how relevant they were to their daily lives,即由and并列的两个how引导的宾语从句。在第二个从句中,谓语say后仍然是由how引导的名词性从句how relevant they were to their daily lives充当宾语。在翻译时,我们可将两个分隔部分所作的状语提前。【参考译文】在我所见到的同年龄段的孩子们中,在我和他们的老师只给了一点儿提示的情况下,见证他们如何快速地领会人权的整体观念,如何认识到人权与他们的生活密切相关,这一点是非常让人兴奋的。四、比较结构【精选长难句】Keep in mind, though, its much more important to be able to show your manager how you contributed to the companys results (such as incremental revenue or reduced cost) than just a difference in pay between you and someone else. 【结构分析】本句使用了morethan的比较结构。以副词though所充当的分词结构切入,本句为祈使句,keep后的宾语由省略了that的名词性从句充当。在此从句中,使用了it作形式主语,不定式结构to be able to show your manager作真正主语的形式,show后是双宾语结构,than并列了比较的两端,为(show your manager) how you contributed to the companys results和just a difference in pay between you and someone else。【参考译文】尽管如此,要记住向你的上司展示你对公司业绩的贡献(比如,提高收入降低成本)要比仅仅展示你和其他人的工资差别更为重要。【精选长难句】Its much better for the manager to offer a pay increase, beaming with pride over his or her good judgment in hiring you, than for you to get the same pay increase by having to ask for it. (Business Week Feb. 5, 2007)【结构分析】本句的比较结构与例(40)同,主干为Its much better for the manager tothan for you to注意两个逗号之间的分词结构beaming with pride over his or her good judgment in hiring you作前文Its much better for the manager to offer a pay increase的目的状语。【参考译文】上司为你加薪为他或她录用你的判断而自豪高兴,要比自己为获得同样的加薪而要求更好。五、倒装语序【精选长难句】Not only does
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