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摆渡论文网(www.baydue.com)-专业留学生作业辅导中心美国paper写作-The international banking regulatory systemThe frequent financial crises since the 1980s have exposed many inconsistencies in the international financial system and its regulatory system. These incongruities are concentrated in two areas.Banks have been fully internationalized, but most regulatory activities are still concentrated in the scope of national sovereignty, and the rights of the regulatory subject are limited within the territory of a country, while the business of the object of regulation has already crossed the national boundary, and the bank allocates resources and develops business on a global scale. The result of this asymmetric system is the low regulatory efficiency and blind area, which creates the conditions for the occurrence and international transmission of the subprime crisis.The subject of supervision in various countries is the financial management authorities of each country. When formulating national financial supervision policies, it is necessary to take part in international supervision cooperation from the perspective of national interests. We can use the simple Nash equilibrium to analyze the participation enthusiasm of countries in the loose organization:In collective rationality, no matter country A or country B, from the perspective of individual rationality, Nash equilibrium is, that is, if there is no clear timetable to urge the participating countries to implement relevant policies in international regulatory cooperation, the participating countries will adopt A wait-and-see attitude to delay the implementation or not fully implement relevant cooperative regulatory policies.After the collapse of the bretton woods system, due to the lack of uniform international supervision system, the regulation policy is different, and the multinational Banks tend to choose relatively loosely regulated international and regional business, and the important position of the financial industry in main western countries economy make the government for the sake of their own interests to relax regulation in the past thirty years. Even after the regulatory cooperation agreement, some countries are still trying to delay the implementation of policies to seek additional benefits for their financial sector. The Basel new capital accord, which was enacted in 2004 and required group of 10 countries to implement it in 2006, was delayed in the United States, leading European Union Banks to express their strong dissatisfaction that the extra preparation time given to the United States is not conducive to fair competition and will undermine international cooperation in banking regulation. The impact of the us move on the eu has proved to be far more than worsening the competitive environment for the banking sector.After the disintegration of bretton woods system in the 1970s, financial innovation business emerged endlessly, and financial institutions became increasingly internationalized, leading to increased risks in the financial system. A series of bank failures, including herstatt bank of Germany, led to a serious banking crisis. To build new banking business environment, under the control of the banking internationalization leads to new risks, formulate unified international banking supervision principle, in February 1975, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Britain, Japan, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden and the United States held a meeting in Basel, Switzerland, the meeting decided, establish a supervision of international banking activities coordination commission, this is the Basel committee. The first Basel accord was introduced in September 1975. The core content of this agreement is: aiming at the problem of the absence of regulatory bodies after the internationalization of the bank, this agreement stipulates that no foreign institution of any bank can evade regulation, and the home country and the host country should share the responsibility of supervision. In 1983, the Basel committee revised the agreement to further clarify the regulatory responsibility of home and host countries, but the agreement only proposed the regulatory principles and the distribution of responsibilities, but still failed to propose specific and feasible regulatory standards.It was first proposed to use capital regulation for bank risk control in 1987. In 1988, the committee published the Basel capital accord, which had far-reaching effects and changed the world banking regulatory structure. The agreement has so far been adopted by more than 100 countries, and an 8 per cent core capital ratio has become a common standard for international Banks.The core of Basel capital accord is the minimum capital requirement, while asset securitization can make Banks achieve the goal of improving capital adequacy ratio through the denominator strategy, thus promoting the rapid development of asset securitization. To restrict
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