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长春工程学院教案用纸教 学 内 容教 法 提 示Chapter TwoTranslation PrinciplesI. Teaching Contents:a. Principles of translationb. Factors of translationc. Process of translationII. Teaching Aims: To teach students the theory of translation. III. Teaching Focus: The principles of the translationIV. Teaching Methods: Discussion (group work, then class work).V. Teaching Approaches: Multi-media aided.VI. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Comments on the homework.1. Put the following into Chinese.A. Expressions1) white lie (善意的谎言) 2) white elephant (华而不实的东西) 3) electric pole (电极) 4) utility pole (电线杆) 5) 美人计 (Romeo approach (not beauty approach) 6) 步行街 (pedestrian mall) 7) 黄色书刊/影片 (blue book/press/film) 比较: yellow press (以耸人听闻的方式报道新闻)B. Sentences:1. Every life has its roses and thorns.每个人的生活都有甜酸苦辣。(句中通过引伸的方法将“玫瑰”和“刺”这两个 带有特征形象的词译成了该形象所代表的概念的词:“甜酸苦辣”。) 2. She has beauty still and if it is not in its heyday, it is not in the Autumn.她依然很美,虽不是风华正茂,但也未人老珠黄。(句中“heyday”和 “Autumn”的意思分别是“全盛时期、青春时期” 和“秋季”, 代表人生中两个阶段, 因此引伸为:“风华正茂” 和“人老珠黄”。)3. Every time I come back from a business trip the place makes a new man of me.我每到外面跑一趟生意回来, 这个地方都让我耳目一新, 精神焕发。(句中“makes a new man of me ” 是一种抽象的说法,译文作了具体化引伸,译作:“耳目一新”。)4. The joke served as an effective ice-breaker at the conference.这个笑话打破了会议的僵局。(ice-breaker: a ship that cuts a passage through floating ice 破冰的船 如译为“这个笑话是这次会议的破冰船”则无法理解。因此要采用引伸译法)。5. One of the most effective way to get promoted is to be loyal boot-licker of your seniors.提升的最好办法是巴结上司。(lick ones boot: 巴结, 阿諛奉承,拍马屁, 不能译为“舔某人的靴子”。)6. He was very clean. His mind was open.他为人单纯而坦率。(如译为“他很干净,他的脑袋是开的。”不达意。本句还将两个简单句译成一个简单句。句子结构改变了。)7. He was overpowered by the enemy. 他在敌人的面前屈服了。 He was overpowered with her beauty. 他为她的美貌所倾倒。(如直译为“他屈服于她的美貌。”中国人可能理解其意,但不合中文的表达习惯。)8. Yesterday Bill was egged and tomatoed by some Gulf War veterans in the street.昨天在大街上海湾战争的老兵们向比尔扔鸡蛋和西红柿对他拉选票表示反对。( 在美国大选时,公众常向他们不喜欢的巡回演讲拉选票的候选人扔鸡蛋或西红柿以表示反对。)9. He was slightly struck by the cashier, a young and giggling girl with ankles.他有点被那个年轻漂亮咯咯笑的收款员所打动。(英美文化中把脚踝的好看与否作为评价女性漂亮与否的标准之一。)10I am as poor as a church mouse. ( as brave as a lion, as strong as a horse, live a dogs life, a cat woman etc.) ( Figures of speech are different.)Step 2 Read the textbook and discuss the questions put forward by the teacher. Questions for discussion:1. What are the principles of translation?1) George Campbell, the English translators principle:The first thingis to give a just representation of the sense of the originalThe second thing is, to convey into his version, as much as possible, in a consistency with the genius of the language which he writes, the authors spirit and mannerThe third and last thing is, to take care, the version have at least, so far the quality of an original performance, as to appear natural and easy.(首先,准确地再现原作的意思;第二,在符合译作语言特征的前提下,尽可能地移植作者的精神和风格;第三,也是最后,使译作至少具有原创作品的特性,显得自然流畅。)2)Alexander F. Tylers principle:a. That the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. b. That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. c. That the translation should have all the ease of original composition. (一、译作应完全复写出原作的思想;二、译作的风格和手法应和原作属于同一性质;三、译作应具备原创作品的通顺。) 他们都以“忠实”为大前提,要求译文从三个方面中忠实于原作:一是忠实地传达原作的内容,二是忠实地展示原作的风格,三是忠实地体现原创作品的通顺。 3)Yan Fus principle on translation: The so-call principles and criteria of translation are actually the two sides of the same thing. The former lays emphasis on the translator, who should follow them while translating; while the latter on the reader or critic, who may use the criteria to evaluate translation works. Whenever principles or criteria of translation are under discussion in China, Yan Fus “three-character guide”, which was first proposed in 1898, would evoke controversy, namely the principle of “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance”.“信”:严复认为译文应该抓住全文要旨,对于词句可以有所颠倒增删,只要不失愿意,不必斤斤计较词句的对应和顺序。“达”:严复认为达很重要。只信而不达,译了等于没译。只有做到达,才能做到信。要做到达,译者必须首先认真通读全文,做到融会贯通,然后进行翻译。为了表达愿意,可以在词句方面作必要的调整改动。“雅”:严复认为译文要雅,否则没有人看。雅主要是指古雅,要采用汉代以前使用的古文。对此很多人有不同看法,不能脱离原文片面追求雅,如果原文不雅,译文怎么能雅?况且,严复主张的是古雅,即用顾问进行翻译,这是不可取的。目前我国通用的翻译标准就是准确(或叫忠实)和通顺(或叫流畅)。实际上就是信与达的翻版。因此我们说严复的翻译标还仍然适用。4) Fan Zhongyan (author of another translation textbook), Chinese translators principle:Translation is a bridge in communicating in different languages. Its task is to put the content and the style in the source language into the target language and keep the original meanings so that the readers can get the same feelings of the content as the natives. If their understanding and feeling are the same (the original readers and the target language readers), the translation is good. (从翻译效果, 也就是以译文读者得到的感受如何来衡量一篇译文的好坏, 这就是翻译标准。)He puts forward the highest and lowest criteria for translation, which are as follows:The highest standard: To m
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