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Procedures and Time Allotment Stage 1: Greeting Stage2: Revision Step 1:Review what they have learned yesterday T: Do you remember what we learned yesterday? S: T: Yes, very good! What do you look like? The whole class answer me. S: T: What do you look like, Lily? S: T: The whole class, what does she look like? S: T: Yes, she is tall. What else we learned except tall? S: T: What do you look like, Amy? S: T: She has curly hair. How about you? S: Step 2: Group work Describe the persons in the pictures T: Group 1, 2, 3, 4 Use what we have learned to describe them. 1, 2, go. T: Group 1, what does the first person look like? S: T: who can help me spell it? S: T: Group 2 S: Stage3: Pre-speaking Step1: Explain the first material about Wang Lin. T: ok,class now do you want to know more about Wang Lin? Do you think he is handsome? Do you know handsome? Ss:. T: yes, we say a girl is beautiful or pretty, and the same, we say a boy is handsome. So do you know its Chinese meaning? Ss: . T: yes, clever. And also he is the captain of the basketball team. He is the leader of the basketball team. So what dose captain meaning? Ss. T: yes, it means “队长” . so we also can say that Tom is our monitor and also is our captain. Do you know 罗纳尔多? Ss:. T: yes, he is a footable player. And also he is the. yes the captain of the footable team. Do you think he is handsome? What does he look like? Ss:. T: He is what? He is . Ss: T: So most of you do like him, we say he is very popular. We also can say he is hot, because many people or many footable fans like him. Step2:Mary T: Look at the picture. What does she look like? S: T: What about this? S: 金色 T: Blonde blnd Who can read this for us? S: T: She has hair. S: She has blonde hair. T: We say she has short curly blonde hair. What does she look like? (PPT) S: T: What does he look like? S: T: Is she beautiful? S: Yes. T: She is good-looking. Every one say to yourselves Im very good-looking. S: T: But she is a little bit quiet. Do you the meaning? S: 她是文静的。 T: now, I m a little bit cold. 我有点冷。 T: a little bit funny A little bit sad How about you? S: Im a little bit Step3: &: Thank you for your attention, now let us come to Xu Qian. She is girl who likes to do make us laugh. Guess what I am doing now? Show the jokes: 男:我有车有房,年薪一百万,还是美金。女:哇,你是做什么的啊。男:我是做梦的。 What I was doing? S: 讲笑话 T: yes, how to say that in English. We can use joke to express 笑话。 S: say joke, talk joke T: yeah, tell joke? 一个笑话呢,tell a joke, tell jokes. Good. S: we can say Xu Qian loves to tell jokes. T: do you like to tell jokes? Anyone to tell a joke for us? Tom please. T: thank you very much. Look at the board. Tom doesnt stop _talking I dont stop writing Stop doing 停止做什么 We dont stop_laugh) T: can you make a sentence? Thank you, good! How to say 我停止说话,开始写 S: I stop talking and write. T:Good, we can also say I stop to write. How to say 我停止写,开始读。 S: I stop write and read. T: good, we can also say I stop to read. How to say 我停止读,开始想 S: I stop read and think. T: good, we can also say I stop to think. Stop talking I stop to write (I stop talking and write.) Stop writing stop diong I stop to read (I stop write and read.) stop to do Stop laughing I stop to think (I stop read and think.) T: do you know the difference? Stop dong we mean 停止做什么 then what about stop to do, look at the examples. 我停下说去写,停下写去读,停下读去想。 S: 停下来什么其他的事, great! Wonderful! Give yourself big hands. Now finish the work here: He was tired. He stopped _TV.(watch) Its too late. He stopped _ books. (read) They stop_ when I came. (talk) T: we have learned how to say 讲笑话, 停止做什么 怎么说我们从不停止讲笑话。 :We never stop telling jokes. Step4: T: Now, group four, please describe Mike. S: Hes very tall. He has curly brown hair and is of medium build. T: Good. For he is a newcomer, you dont know his hobbies. He likes reading and playing chess. Playing chess means “玩国际象棋”.Now Can you translate the whole sentence into Chinese?(Wait for a few seconds) Pay attention to this word “like”, its a little bit hard to guess its meaning, right? Ok, Ill give more examples. She likes listening to music. I like eating. They like playing basketball. We like telling jokes. Then can you guess the meaning of like and discover the use of like? In Chinese like means - T:喜欢。 T: And you can discover: he, she这样的单数第三人称后面接likes-Ok, can you translate the whole sentence, the whole class? Ss:他喜欢读书和玩国际象棋。 T: Great. T: Fill in the blanks with like or Likes. She _listening to music. I _ eating. They _ playing basketball. We _ telling jokes. Post-speaking: step1:Pariwork T: now lets go to the pair work. Turn to page one. Look at the picture in 3b. And there are many people in the picture. So you describe one of these people and let the rest group member to guess which one you described. Ok we may start like this: what does Li Jun look like? He is medium height and he has short straight black hair. And he is carr
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