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Unit 1,1.他拆开闹钟去找他父母认为很重要的东西。 He took the old clock apart _ something, which was _ by his parents. 2.人人都知道台湾属于中国的一部分 Everybody knows that Taiwan _ China. 3.那些处于交战状态国家的人民正遭受很多痛苦。 Those people whose countries _ are suffering a lot.,are in war,belongs to,in search of,thought highly of,4.很多老年人收到别人的礼物都会回赠以示礼貌。 Many old people having received others presents often give some gifts _ showing politeness. 5. 到那里至多需要一小时。 Itll take _ an hour to get there. 6.他学习如此刻苦,毫无疑问会通过考试的。 _ he can pass the exam because he studies so hard.,There is no doubt that,at least,in return,7.通常电子产品在修之前都要拆开. Electric products are always _ before being repaired 8.那位勇敢的男孩到高度赞扬的原因是在没有受伤的情况下用一种明智的方法挽救了正遭受抢劫的女孩。 The brave boy _ for he had save a girl being robbed in a clever way without being hurt. 9. 我们将怎样来报答他们所给予我们的种种帮助呢? What can we do for them _ all the help they have given us?,in return for,was highly thought of,taken apart,Unit 2,1. 寒假期间,青年人迫不及待的去参加各种各样的活动,因为他们已经学了很长一段时间而没有休息。 During the winter holiday, the teenagers couldnt wait to _ kinds of activities for they had been studying for a long time without any rest. 2. 老师让那同学承担这个月打扫教室的任务。 The teacher put the boys _ cleaning the classroom this month.,in charge of,take part in,3. 我经常打篮球,有时也打羽毛球。 I often play basketball, and I sometimes play badminton _. 4. WTO代表世贸组织。 WTO _ World Trade Organization. 5. 出口很窄,必须一个一个地通过。 The entrance is very narrow, which must be passed through _.,one after another,stands for,as well,Unit 3,1.他决定从现在开始努力学习。 He was determined to study hard _. 2.他平时不努力学习,结果考试失败了。 He didnt study hard in his spare time. _, he failed in the exam. 3. 他总是那么勤奋,以至于人人都羡慕他。 He kept on working _ hard _ everyone admired him very much.,so,as a result,from now on,that,4.他一生没什么成就,然而在某种程度上,他仍然值得我们尊敬,因为他把一生都奉献给了我们学校。 He didnt achieve a lot in his life, while he was still worth our respect _, for he had devoted all his life to our school. 5.在老师的帮助下,学生们在学习上取得了很大进步。 _, students have made great progress in studies.,With the help of teachers,in a way,6. 人类是否会受到完全灭绝的威胁呢? Is the _ threatened with complete extinction? 7. 你应该考虑怎样处理你造成的问题。 You need to think about how to _ the problems you caused. 8. 当我离开的时候,你能帮我照看我的行李吗? Would you please _ my luggage when I am away .,watch over,deal with,human race,Unit 4,1 随着全球气候的改变,很多物种将会灭绝。 With the change of the global weather, many species will _. 2 中国跟很多国家和平相处,有利于中国在世界上其重要作用。 China is getting along with many countries _ ,which helps China _ the world. 3.小心!这栋建筑物处于倒塌的危险中 Be careful! This building is _ falling down.,play an important role,in peace,die out,in danger of,4.他如释重负的回家了,以为从那时开始可以过更好的生活。 _ ,she went home, thinking she was able to live a better life _. 5.听到他被北京大学录取的消息,他突然大笑起来。 Hearing that he _ Peking University, he _. 6. 妈妈总是不惜任何代价保护自己的孩子免受伤害。 Mother always_ her children _ being hurt at any cost.,In relief,had been admitted into,burst into laughter,protects,from,from then on,7课堂上通常要求学生注意老师说的话。 The students in class are often asked to _ what the teacher said. 8为了过一个愉快的寒假,我门现在就要好好准备其末考试。 We are making good preparation for the final exam _ we will have a good holiday. 9.人类是在恐龙灭绝后形成的 Humans _ long after the dinosaurs _.,had died out,came into being,so that,pay attention to,10. 根据电视上的预报,明天会是晴天。 _ the TV, it will be fime tomorrow. 11.不用说,一个真正的运动员绝不会梦想在比赛时作弊。 It goes without saying that a real sportsman will never _ cheating in a game.,dream of,According to,Unit 5,1.老实说,我再也不会同意你的说法。 _, I wont agree with you _. 2.这所院校附属于北京大学。 This institute _ Beijing University. 3.如果你不能用现金购房,也可以分期付款。 If you cant pay for the house _, you can buy it on installment。,in cash,is attached to,any longer,To be honest,4.尽管他知道他们在对他开玩笑,但是他假装没注意。 Though he knew they _ him, he pretended not to notice it. 5.既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。 Now that you are grown up, you should not _ your parents. 6.他与政界的名人关系密切。 He _ famous people in the political world.,is familiar with,rely on,were playing jokes on,7. 目前为止,我书架上已经大约3有000本书了。 _,Ive kept three thousand books or so on my bookshelves. 8. 学校1月23号起放寒假。 School will _ on January 23th for the winter. 9.除了地震之外,还有洪灾。 There was an earthquake and, _, there were flood.,in addition,break up,So far,10.你橱柜里有成千上万种玩具,你能吧那些能扔的整理出来吗? There are thousands of toys in your cupboards, could you please _ those that can be thrown away? 11.我们可以以后讨论,但是重要的是你要告诉我你的电话和邮箱地址。 We can discuss it later, but _, let me have your te
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